Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 813: Old Friends Like Dreams (Part 2)

Chu Mubai, who had been offline for a long time, finally came online again.

"Old profiteer?"

"Evil Emperor!"


Zhuo Bufan, Xuanyuan Hao, and Bai Zifan shouted at the same time.

They didn't expect that Chu Mubai would appear again at this time.

Seeing Chu Mubai again, everyone found that his temperament had changed a lot.

There was actually a golden eye on Chu Mubai's forehead, which was how he came to this world.

"Everyone, we finally meet again."

Chu Mubai looked at Zhuo Bufan and the three of them, and did not show too much surprise.

In fact, he had already met Zhuo Bufan, and he also witnessed Zhuo Bufan's rise in Yunshang Palace.

"Godfather, you are finally back."

Bai Zifan calls Chu Mubai his godfather. This is because Chu Mubai saved him and his sister Bai Zinian from Wang Xing's domineering hands.

"Godson, my godfather is very happy to see you again."

Chu Mubai looked at Zhuo Bufan and the others and showed a faint smile.

Then, he turned to look at Lin Xi next to Bai Zifan, and then walked straight towards Lin Xi.

"Girl, we finally meet."

Chu Mubai put his hand on Lin Xi's head, and then squatted down.

"Old profiteer, what's going on? Do you know this little girl?"

Zhuo Bufan asked. He didn't want to ask more about what Chu Mubai had been doing recently.

However, Chu Mubai running out at this time obviously had something to do with Yi Meng and the others.

"We know each other, of course we know each other."

"Because her real name is Chu Meng. She is my daughter, Chu Mubai."

As soon as Chu Mubai finished speaking, everyone present was suddenly shocked.

Chu Mubai turned out to be Lin Xi’s father!

In other words, he is Yi Meng's man?

After Chu Mubai finished speaking, he stood up from the ground, then turned around and looked at Yi Meng who had the same incredulous look on his face.

"Two people love each other, and old friends are like a dream. Meng'er, I'm back."

Chu Mubai looked at Yi Meng intently. He was going back to hell basically just for Yi Meng.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was obviously as shocked as Yi Meng.

This old profiteer would cause a big deal every time he appeared.

"Chu Mubai, are you serious?"

Zhuo Bufan questioned Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai looked at Yi Meng intently and nodded.

There was not a single lie in what he said.

"Back then, I accidentally fell into this world during a battle with the demon."

"After entering this world, all the power I had disappeared. I became the weakest person in this world."

"It was at that time that I met the strongest woman in the world."

Chu Mubai kept saying.

The strongest woman in his mouth was Yi Meng.

"That woman not only conquered my body, but also conquered my heart."

Chu Mubai said such shameless words without blushing.

It turned out that he was raped by Yi Meng.

"Later, the King of Hell knew that I came from the True World, so he wanted to turn me into his transformation, and wanted to conquer the True World by controlling me."

"After the woman found out, she disobeyed her superior father God's order."

"She tried her best to help me return to the real world."

"And she herself is left to deal with the wrath of her father."

From Chu Mubai's mouth, Zhuo Bufan roughly knew what happened.

It turns out that the former Valkyrie Yi Meng became what she is now because of Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai didn't know what happened next.

But what happened next was clear to everyone.

Yi Meng let go of the most important chess piece of the King of Hell, so the King of Hell Yi canceled her divine status in anger.

However, the King of Hell did not completely kill Yi Meng, but let her die again and again, knowing that she had completely lost her memory of Chu Mubai.

Before being punished, Yi Meng sent the newly born Chu Meng to Hulu Village.

Then she came back alone and took her punishment.

In the end, like the King of Hell, she forgot all her memories and became the lowest slave.

This is the story between Yi Meng and Chu Mubai.

It sounds incredible.

But all of this is true.

"Meng, remember this eye?"

"It's you who gave me the betrothal gift."

Chu Mubai walked towards Yi Meng, pointed at the golden eye on his forehead and said.

"You are the strongest woman in the world, the so-called undefeated Holy Eye God. This eye is the beacon that guides me back to the true world."

Yi Meng watched Chu Mubai walking towards her step by step.

But she held her head and retreated step by step.

She couldn't remember. She had no memory of everything Chu Mubai said.

"Brother Zhuo, use your divine power to help her regain her memory."

Chu Mubai quickly shouted to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"Divine power? Is divine power possible?"

"It's feasible. Do you still remember how Zifan's memory was restored? It was your shouting with divine power that awakened his memory."

"I have studied that after the death of this world, the memory does not disappear, but is sealed. The most important part of the memory will be sealed with death."

"But your divine power may help open the door of memory."

"Zi Fan should be experienced, right?"

Chu Mubai looked at Bai Zifan and said.

Bai Zifan nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, father, I did regain my memory after hearing your call."

Hearing his son's affirmative answer, Zhuo Bufan immediately reacted.

"That's it. Well, I'll make it happen for you."

"Old profiteer, you owe me another favor."

"Okay, as long as you help me recover the memory of my dream, I will work as a horse for you from now on."

Chu Mubai is serious. Perhaps his biggest wish in this life is to be with Yi Meng.

Zhuo Bufan could feel this urgent mood.

Because Zhuo Bufan also doesn't want to see Bai Su again all the time.

If he could, he would pay any price.

However, Zhuo Bufan also hopes that Yi Meng can recover his memory as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if he continues to have an affair with Yi Meng, the relationship will become more and more complicated.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan no longer hesitated, used his divine power, and entered Yi Meng's head.

For a moment, Yi Meng shouted in pain.


Seeing Yi Meng screaming in pain, Chu Mubai felt very distressed.

"Meng, think about our past. Think about it quickly!"

"Don't you like torturing me the most? Don't you like me the most as a male slave?"

"You will definitely remember it, definitely."

Chu Mubai rushed over and hugged Yi Meng tightly into his arms.


Yi Meng kept struggling and in great pain.

"Hey, Lao Chu, the divine power can't last too long. This is a double-edged sword and will hurt her soul."

Zhuo Bufan used his divine power very carefully.

However, divine power is a powerful energy after all. If it is not controlled even a little bit, it may cause unimaginable harm to Yi Mengzhao.


Lin Xi on the side finally called out the title she had always wanted to call.

At this moment, Yi Meng suddenly moved.

She raised her right leg and kicked hard, hitting Chu Mubai's block.


Chu Mubai was kicked out by this kick.

"Idiot, who asked you to come back?"

Looking at Yi Meng again, there was a strong aura condensed around her body, and her hair was flying wildly.

Between his brows and eyes, there is a heroic spirit.

His sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, eyes that were more manly than men, scanned the whole place.

Even Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

This was a dream he had never seen before.

The former Valkyrie is back.

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