Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 815 Before the expedition (Part 2)

In the next month, the world began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

All the temple gods began to build momentum and prepare for the expedition.

And Zhuo Bufan had to rush back to the South Country, because his Kuangmen’s base camp was in the South Country.

As for the North Country, the development of Kuangmen was not as smooth as Zhuo Bufan imagined.

Obviously, the rule of the major temple gods made people lose the will to resist.

In addition, Zhuo Bufan’s current identity has been exposed. As the god of the Absolute Sword Temple, he obviously cannot get the trust of others.

Time is tight, and Zhuo Bufan cannot make Kuangmen develop in the North Country within a month.

So, he simply returned to the South Country.

In the South Country, he will be loved by all the people.

"Master, you are back!"

As soon as he returned to the South Country, Xu Huang brought Zhuo Bufan and others to the new base of Kuangmen.

Now Kuangmen has become a powerful force in the South Country, and even the other eight temple gods dare not provoke it casually.

The eight great temple gods originally wanted to take advantage of Zhuo Bufan's absence to secretly disintegrate the Kuang Sect.

However, Zhuo Bufan's affairs in the North Kingdom soon reached their ears.

When the eight great temple gods of the South Kingdom heard that Zhuo Bufan had become the God of the Absolute Sword Temple, they immediately became honest.

"Xu Huang, gather all the senior cadres of the sect immediately. I have important things to tell you."

The expedition is imminent, and the whole world is mobilizing.

Zhuo Bufan must make his Kuang Sect completely loyal to him before then.

This meeting is obviously of high standard, and the people who come are the most important cadres of the Kuang Sect.

At the meeting, Zhuo Bufan began to speak--

"I'm sure you have guessed the content of this meeting."

"It's about the expedition, so I must talk to you all."

"This expedition, disciples below the fifth level do not need to participate."

Zhuo Bufan must take the elites of the Kuang Sect with him.

"Xu Huang, count the people for me in two days. I want to see how many disciples are above the fifth level in the sect now."

The purpose of the legion led by Zhuo Bufan is to fight against the King of Hell.

So he only wants elites, no need for unnecessary sacrifices.

"Understood, Sect Master!"

"Okay, the second thing, all actions in this expedition must be under my command. No one is allowed to act rashly without my order."

"I will follow the order flag. If you don't see the order flag, no matter who you are, you must not act, let alone kill people easily. Do you understand?"

The second thing is that Zhuo Bufan must guarantee his ruling power.

He is the leader of the Crazy Sect, and he has the highest ruling power of the Crazy Sect.


The cadres below shouted in unison.

"The last thing, stay alive. I don't want anything to happen to you, try to survive!"

Zhuo Bufan did not brainwash endlessly.

He just mobilized briefly.

But this is exactly why his disciples followed him wholeheartedly.

After the conference, the Kuangmen began to act quickly.

Xu Huang followed Zhuo Bufan's instructions and counted the disciples of the Kuangmen who were above the fifth level.

The final result was that there were 400,000 disciples who were above the fifth level in the Kuangmen.

"Fifty-four? That's enough. This is already a very powerful force."

"Xu Huang, you are responsible for organizing these 400,000 disciples with Yi Meng."

"I have handed over the organization system to Yi Meng. Just follow the cadre system I established for the Kuangmen at the beginning."

"It is divided into four major legions: Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, and Black Tortoise."

"Under each legion, there are five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth."

Yi Meng did not follow Chu Mubai back to the Temple of the Heavenly Eye.

Instead, she stayed with Lin Xi and followed Zhuo Bufan back to the Kuangmen to be her deputy leader.

Of course, Yi Meng, who had recovered her memory, was no longer so ambiguous with Zhuo Bufan.

Instead, every time they met, it was a bit awkward.


Time passed day by day, and the time for the Gate of Infernal Affairs to be opened was getting closer and closer.

Just after Zhuo Bufan's Kuangmen had just completed the compilation.

Early the next morning, there was a loud bang in the sky, which startled the whole world.

Then, thunderclouds covered the sky, and dark vortexes were born one after another.

At that moment, it seemed as if the sky was pierced with holes.

With the formation of black holes, huge mountains began to break away from the earth and then floated up.

The whole world began to undergo earth-shaking changes.


Thunderstorms, volcanic eruptions, earth tearing, and various disasters began to befall this world.

The endless explosions were terrifying.

At this moment, suddenly, a boundless and majestic voice came from the sky.

Then, from the only sun in the sky, a series of human-like light and shadows were projected, projected to every corner of the world.

In the light and shadow, there was an old man in white clothes with holy light on his body.

He opened his hands, closed his eyes, and announced to the world with a smile.

"My people! I am your father god."

This light and shadow is the King of Hell.

The King of Hell, the world god of this world, finally showed up.

This was also the first time Zhuo Bufan saw the King of Hell.

The King of Hell stretched out his hand and drew a circle in the air.

Then he drew an S in the circle.

It was the Tai Chi diagram without the Yin-Yang eyes.

The King of Hell pointed to the Yang pole on the left and said.

"My people, what you see is the heaven and earth, the Yin-Yang world."

"The one on my left hand is the Yang world. The one on my right hand is the Yin world."

"Perhaps you will think about what world we are in?"

After the King of Hell finished speaking, he pointed to the S line in the middle and said.

"This is the world we are in."

"The world in the gap between the two worlds."

The words of the King of Hell made the natives of this world exclaim.

They actually never knew what their world was like.

But after the King of Hell's explanation, they realized that they were living in the world in the gap between two huge worlds.

"My people, do you know what we are called in the other two worlds? We are called marginal people, forgotten people, exiles, ghosts, and wronged souls."

"We were born in this narrow world."

"We are in this narrow gap, like seeds in the cracks of rocks, trying to grow."

"But the people in the underworld and the world of the living still regard us as heretics and want to uproot us."

"Now, the underworld and the world of the living are constantly expanding. This world in the gap will soon be squeezed out by these two worlds."

"By then, our only home will be gone."

This King of Hell began to incite the emotions of everyone in the world.

Zhuo Bufan naturally knew his purpose. He was making the last mobilization before the expedition.

"Children, do you want to be wiped out by the two worlds?"

"Children, although we are humble lives in the cracks, we also have the right to survive."

"Children, pick up your weapons and follow your father to fight!"

"Your father has opened up the passage to the Yang world. Your father will open up a beautiful future and a more perfect world for my lovely people."

The King of Hell was roaring and shouting.

For a while, people all over the world began to shout with him.

Even the people in Zhuo Bufan's crazy sect began to waver in their determination and faith.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"It's not good!"


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