Deyi Palace, the supreme sect of the Great Xu Dynasty.

The Emperor Tianlong of the Great Xu Dynasty also studied in Deyi Palace.

This supreme sect is located on the Tiandao Mountain in the middle of the Great Xu Dynasty.

Within a radius of ten thousand miles of Tiandao Mountain, there are eight hundred secret realms and thousands of Taoist realms.

This is a paradise for cultivators.

Every year, I don’t know how many people dream of coming to this holy place for pilgrimage.

And on Tiandao Mountain, there are thousands of brilliant lights and all kinds of magic cannot be invaded. Three thousand Taoist great saints sit here, which is the most majestic and inviolable place in the world.

Three thousand great saints, what is this concept!

It is equivalent to that there are three thousand beings like the evil emperor Chu Mubai on Tiandao Mountain.

You must know that Chu Mubai is one of the four great saints in the world of cultivation, a supreme existence.

In this world, he is just one of the countless living beings.

Among the three supreme sects, there are three thousand great saints in Taoism, three thousand great saints in Dharma, and three thousand great saints in Xuanmen.

In this world, there are nearly ten thousand people with Saint-level cultivation.


At this moment, in the main hall of Deyi Palace in Tiandao Mountain, the old drunkard suddenly appeared from an altar, then drank a pot of old wine and looked at the white-haired Taoist on the main hall.

The white-haired Taoist had nine black fist-sized balls of light floating around him.

This is the Taoist jade born when the Taoist reached the Super Saint Daluo realm.

This kind of Taoist jade is known as the artifact with the strongest defense and the strongest attack.

This Taoist is the current head of Deyi Palace, Taiyi Daozun.

He is also the person closest to the Great Saint Fengtian in this world.

The three people with the highest cultivation in this world are the head of Deyi Palace, Jiang Taiyi.

The current leader of Famen Guiyi Sect, Chu Zhongtian.

The current leader of Xuanmen Taixuan Sect, Ju Tianji.

As the number one in the world today, Jiang Taiyi is moderate and kind.

After seeing the drunkard Taoist appear, he smiled.

"Twelve Junior Brother, what do you want to tell me by suddenly sending a message with our sect's No. 2 Order?"

Jiang Taiyi received the notification of the No. 2 Order before meeting the old drunkard.

The old drunkard hurriedly said when he heard it.

"Brother, do you remember the Da Dao Mo left by the previous head?"

The old drunkard's words reminded Jiang Taiyi of the past.

"I remember that the Da Dao Mo left by my father was specially used to select talented disciples."

"Later you asked for it from me, saying that you wanted to select useful disciples for the sect."

"But so far, Twelve Junior Brother has not selected a genius for our sect! Hahahaha."

Jiang Taiyi laughed, his kind face was like the sun in the sky, warming people's hearts.

"Haha, you're joking, brother."

"Brother, I came here today because I have something important to tell you. It's about the secret of the Dao Mill."

"The secret of the Dao Mill?"

"That's right, brother. Back then, our master hid the "Dao De Bu Er Zhen Jing" in the Dao Mill."

After hearing this, Jiang Taiyi's expression did not fluctuate at all, but he still smiled with his eyes narrowed.

"So it's this matter, I know."

"You know?"

The old drunkard was surprised.

"Yes, I knew that my father hid the "Dao De Bu Er Zhen Jing" in the Dao Mill. Only those who are destined to understand the true meaning of the Dao Mill can obtain the true scripture."

It turned out that the head of the sect, Jiang Taiyi, had always known the secret of the "Dao De Bu Er Zhen Jing".

"Why, has someone comprehended the true scripture?"

Jiang Taiyi smiled slightly, and he understood the old drunkard's intention.

"That's right, senior brother. There is a boy named Zhuo Bufan who comprehended the "Tao De Bu Er Zhen Jing" from the Dao Mo."

"Zhuo Bufan?"

After Jiang Taiyi finished speaking, he counted with his fingers, and then his slightly narrowed eyes suddenly opened.

"Interesting, he is not in the fate."

"Six paths of reincarnation, the unique method, none of them have his fate."

After Jiang Taiyi calculated, he found out Zhuo Bufan's extraordinaryness.

"What do you mean, senior brother?"

The old drunkard asked, he knew how powerful his senior brother, the head of the sect, was.

He was the eldest disciple who had received the true teachings of the master, and was praised as the last person to break through the air after the Holy Emperor Luo Tian.

The Holy Emperor Luo Tian was the founder of the method.

At this time, Jiang Taiyi said slowly.

"The last existence that was not in destiny was Saint Emperor Luo Tian."

"Saint Emperor Luo Tian, ​​reincarnated nine times, and finally comprehended the Great Way to Heaven and went to that world."

"Usually, people who reincarnate are no longer in destiny."

Jiang Taiyi's words were already very clear, Zhuo Bufan was the same as Saint Emperor Luo Tian.

"Brother, are you saying that he is a reincarnated person?"

Jiang Taiyi closed his eyes slightly again, and then shook his head slowly.

"Yes, or not, who knows?"

The old drunkard stopped drinking, but said very seriously.

"Then, brother, what should we do next?"

The old drunkard felt that this matter was of great importance.

If it is really as his brother calculated, then Zhuo Bufan is likely to be the next Saint Emperor Luo Tian.

"If that's the case, we don't need to do anything."

"The reincarnated have their own destiny and destination. They conceal the secrets of heaven and circumvent the laws of heaven so that they can reincarnate in order to complete the tasks that they failed to complete in their destiny."

Jiang Taiyi's words made the old drunkard suddenly realize.

"I understand, Senior Brother, do you think he is the reincarnation of Master?"

The old drunkard suddenly mentioned their Master.

Jiang Taiyi did not answer after hearing this.

"Senior Brother, Master said that not being able to break through the air was his biggest regret. Do you think he would also deceive the secrets of heaven, reincarnate and re-enter the world?"

The old drunkard's guess was very bold, so bold that Jiang Taiyi did not dare to imagine it.

After hearing this, Jiang Taiyi was silent for a long time, and finally shook his head slowly.

"Whether it is true or not, it is not something we can control. Go back, Junior Brother, and then you and I will just wait and see."

Jiang Taiyi did not deny the old drunkard's guess, that is, he also suspected that Zhuo Bufan might be the reincarnation of his father.

Those who can reincarnate are all beings who can deceive the secrets of heaven and avoid the punishment of heaven.

His father does have such ability.

After hearing this, the old drunkard nodded and said.

"Okay, then I'll take my leave first."

"Brother, don't worry, I will pay close attention to him. If he is really the reincarnation of the master, that would be the best. If not..."

"If not, then haven't I found the best successor?"

Jiang Taiyi smiled slightly.

He has been the head of Deyi Palace for too long.

It's time to retire!

Now that Zhuo Bufan has obtained the "Tao De Bu Er Zhen Jing", he has been spared the trouble of choosing a successor.

In other words, the moment Zhuo Bufan obtained the "Tao De Bu Er Zhen Jing", he was already the next head of Deyi Palace.


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