Bai Zifan has already gone to Taixuan Sect.

Xuanyuan Hao will also go to Guiyi Sect tomorrow.

Now, only Zhuo Bufan is left in Heijia City.

However, after the last battle with Xuanyuan Hao, Zhuo Bufan has become a celebrity in Heijia City.

Within a thousand miles, everyone knows that Xuanyuan Hao is a powerful fighter.

Even the mayor of Heijia City has repeatedly come to invite Zhuo Bufan to dinner.

However, when you are famous, you will have more troubles. Moreover, after Zhuo Bufan saved the He family, he has now become a wanted person by the court.

The He Yuan whose soul escaped immediately reported to the court after learning that Zhuo Bufan was in Heijia City.

As a result, on the third day after Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao fought, the army surrounded the Buer Martial Arts Hall.

The one who came was the Royal Silver Cavalry. As a royal army, the Silver Cavalry enjoyed high power.

"What are you doing so early in the morning?"

The door of the martial arts hall opened, and the old drunkard came out drinking his old wine.

At this time, a silver knight stood up, took out a wanted order, and said to the old drunkard.

"Silver Cavalry, search for the wanted criminals of the court, get out of the way."

Unexpectedly, the old drunkard blocked the door and had no intention of getting out of the way.

"Search for the wanted criminals of the court? Sir, don't scare us honest people. There are no wanted criminals in my martial arts hall!"

"Stop talking nonsense, go in and search!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, he led a large group of people and wanted to rush into the Bu Er Martial Arts Hall.

As a result, these people were shaken out before they rushed in.

"Old thing, you dare to resist the law? Do you believe I can take you down?"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone raised the silver guns in their hands and prepared to fight.

Seeing this, the old drunkard laughed.

"Little things, I'm saving your lives, but you're not grateful and want to fight me?"

"Since you've already found out that the person is here, don't you want to find out about his strength?"

"Go back, you scumbags! Call your general, maybe he can still fight."

"And I advise you to hurry up, if it's too late, he may be the young master of our Deyi Palace. By then, let alone you, even if your emperor comes, he can't touch him."

The old drunkard is also fearless, because the backer behind him is the famous Deyi Palace.

In this world, the three supreme sects are above the country.

Even if Emperor Tianlong arrives at Deyi Palace, he has to sit still.

Now that Zhuo Bufan has practiced the "Tao De Bu Er Zhen Jing", it is obvious that Jiang Taiyi, the head of Deyi Palace, has trained him as the next head.

Once Zhuo Bufan joins Deyi Palace, he will become the young master of Deyi Palace in a legitimate way.

At that time, the Great Xu Dynasty really couldn't do anything to him.

The old drunkard did have some suspicion of bullying others by taking advantage of his power, but he did nothing wrong.

His current task is to escort Zhuo Bufan all the way to Deyi Palace.

"He is an accomplice who harbors the imperial criminal. If you dare to harbor him, you are also an accomplice. At that time, not to mention your small martial arts hall, even Deyi Palace behind you will be guilty."

The other party was still a little unconvinced, and said angrily to the old drunkard.

The old drunkard laughed when he heard it.

"Hahahaha, what a joke! You kid is very interesting, or you can join the Buer Martial Arts Hall tomorrow. The Buer Martial Arts Hall needs idiots like you."

"Who gave you the courage to dare to blame my Deyi Palace?"

"Go and call your emperor, is it him?"

The old drunkard was very imposing, and the cavalryman saw this and obviously weakened.

He just wanted to be aggressive and force the old drunkard to hand over Zhuo Bufan.

However, he obviously went to the wrong place.

"Get lost!"

The old drunkard shouted loudly, roaring like a lion, and shook the group of silver cavalrymen away.

For a moment, people and horses fell to the ground, and they were all dizzy.

"Hey, that's enough!"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan came out of the martial arts hall.

"Let me go with you!"

Zhuo Bufan had no intention of causing trouble.

Some things are better to be solved now to avoid more trouble.

The old drunkard leaned against the door, looked at Zhuo Bufan, then took a sip of old wine and said.

"Boy, are you sure you want to go?"

"Sure, I will solve the problems I caused. I don't want to be talked about by others in the future."

Zhuo Bufan's current mentality and realm are no longer the impetuous boy he used to be.

He now strives for perfection in everything he does.

After hearing this, the old drunkard nodded and said.


After getting the consent of the old drunkard, Zhuo Bufan put his hands behind his back, then looked at the group of silver knights and said.

"Let's go, everyone. Lead the way."

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan was led by the Silver Cavalry and left Black Armor City.

Through the teleportation array of Black Armor City, Zhuo Bufan was taken to the Shenwu Marquis' Mansion in Shenwu City.

Shenwu Marquis is a god of war of the Great Xu Dynasty. He has been fighting against foreign races in the forbidden wall for many years.

In recent years, he returned to the empire and was granted the title of Marquis.

Now, he is responsible for investigating the rebellion of the He family.

However, this Shenwu Marquis Gao Zhan obviously doesn't like to get involved in the mess of the court.

He didn't even want to see Zhuo Bufan who was finally captured.

"Send him to the prison, find out the whereabouts of the He family, and then deal with it!"

Gao Zhan is a war god, but now he has become a local prince, taking care of trivial matters that he doesn't want to take care of.

So he is very annoying.

However, the knight in charge of reporting said.

"My Lord, why don't you meet him!"

"This kid is not an ordinary person. If he doesn't want to go to the dungeon, we really can't do anything about him."

The knight also investigated and found that Zhuo Bufan now has a combat power that is not weaker than the Saint level.

In other words, he is as powerful as their Shenwu Hou.

Such a person, if he doesn't come voluntarily, they can't invite him at all.

After hearing this, Shenwu Hou Gao Zhan was stunned.

"Oh? Interesting, this person is very powerful?"

"More than powerful, my Lord, you don't know, when we were catching him, the director of the martial arts hall said that he might be the next head of the palace."

When Gao Zhan heard this, his eyebrows were frowned.

"Haha, just kidding. Isn't the next head of Deyi Palace Jiang Shaohan?"

The Jiang Shaohan mentioned by Gao Zhan is the current chief disciple of Deyi Palace and the adopted son of head Jiang Taiyi.

"I don't know about this. But he is indeed not an ordinary person. How about meeting him, Lord?"

Gao Zhan saw the guard said so and was obviously interested in Zhuo Bufan.

He was silent for a moment, then sneered.

"Okay, bring him in."

"I'll go right away!"

The guard turned and walked away.

"Wait a minute, I'll go in person."

Gao Zhan thought about it and decided to go and greet Zhuo Bufan in person.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Zhan suddenly turned into a dragon shadow and rushed out of the hall.


At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was waiting for the Shenwu Marquis to meet him outside the Shenwu Marquis's mansion.

But at this moment, a strong murderous aura suddenly rushed out from the mansion.

A huge dragon shadow came with the murderous aura.


The dragon roared and Zhuo Bufan saw it and suddenly blasted it with his palm.


For a moment, the dragon shadow flew towards the sky and exploded directly in the sky. With a loud bang, it startled the entire Shenwu City.

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