Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 837: Within the Forbidden Wall

"Brother Zhuo, how does this unified wine taste?"

After three rounds of drinking, Gao Zhan was already slightly drunk.

In order to entertain Zhuo Bufan, he took out the Taoist wine he stole from his master.

One sip of this kind of wine can help you realize the great truth.

It makes people fascinated, even if they are in a powerful spirit, after two sips, the world will spin.

Zhuo Bufan just drank two cups and felt that he had reached a new level in his understanding of the reincarnation of life and death.

"Haha, good wine, good wine!"

"Of course it's good wine! My master only brewed one pot of this Taoist wine every hundred years. It was passed down from my master."

"Oh, I wonder where Brother Gao learned from him?"

Zhuo Bufan asked slightly drunkenly.

After hearing this, Gao Zhan replied.

"My master is the current head of the Guiyi Sect. Let me tell you secretly, I stole this wine from him."

"I don't know about this yet, but Brother Zhuo, you are in great luck."

From Gao Zhan's words, Zhuo Bufan knew that he was actually a disciple of Chu Zhongtian, the leader of Gui Yi Sect.

"It turns out that he is the head disciple of Guiyi Sect. How disrespectful and disrespectful!"

"It seems that I am really lucky to be praised by Brother Gao today."

Gao Zhan shook his head and waved his hands.

"Brother Zhuo, don't be ridiculous. I heard that you are the next head of Deyi Palace."

"I didn't believe it before, but after seeing Brother Zhuo's ability."

"I admire you, I admire you! Brother Zhuo can definitely serve as the new head of the First Palace."

As for Gao Zhan, Zhuo Bufan had heard the old drunkard say this before.

Zhuo Bufan just laughed at this.

"Brother Gao is joking. As the head of the first palace, it will never be my turn."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. By the way, Brother Gao, I heard that you have been fighting alien species in the Forbidden Wall before. I have never been to the Forbidden Wall. I wonder what kind of world it is there?"

Zhuo Bufan learned from Xuanyuan Hao that in this world, there is a forbidden wall world similar to the Yunmeng Realm.

Zhuo Bufan heard that Gao Zhan was the leader of the Forbidden Wall and had been fighting against alien species for many years, so he wanted to ask Gao Zhan to know what kind of world this Forbidden Wall world was like.

Gao Zhan looked at Zhuo Bufan in a state of drunkenness. He did not answer immediately. Instead, he was silent for a moment, and then asked seriously with a cold look.

"Why are you asking this?"

Gao Zhan obviously did not want to confess frankly. After all, all countries maintain a highly confidential attitude towards the world regarding the forbidden wall.

In the world of forbidden walls, things are very important, and many secrets cannot be leaked.

Seeing Gao Zhan's suspicious look, Zhuo Bufan chuckled and said.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just curious. If Brother Gao doesn't want to say it, you don't have to say it."

After hearing this, Gao Zhan looked at Zhuo Bufan, then raised his glass and said.

"After drinking this drink, I will tell you what the Forbidden Wall is."

Looking at Gao Zhan, who was already a little drunk, Zhuo Bufan raised his glass and smiled slightly.

"Got it, do it!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he clinked glasses with Gao Zhan again and drank heavily.


Afterwards, Gao Zhan put down his wine glass and said.

"Brother Zhuo, do you really want to hear it? The Forbidden Wall is not as beautiful as you think. It is a hell there."

When Gao Zhan said these words, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

He could feel that what Gao Zhan was going to say next was very heavy.

Some words can only be said by being drunk.

"Hahaha, everyone in the world thought that I, Gao Zhan, was demoted back to Shenwu City by Emperor Tianlong. In fact, I was the one who was afraid!"

Gao Zhan's words stunned Zhuo Bufan.

The dignified Marquis Shenwu could actually say the word fear.


Zhuo Bufan would never have imagined that the extremely arrogant Gao Zhan would be afraid.

"Yes, I'm scared. You don't even know where that place is!"

"They, they just want to live!"

"But, just because they are aliens, they must die, they must die!"

While Gao Zhan was talking, he drank two more drinks.

"Brother Zhuo, let me ask you a question!"

"What would you do if one day a beggar came to your door and begged you for a drink of water?"

Faced with Gao Zhan's sudden inquiry, Zhuo Bufan answered without thinking too much.

"I'll give him water!"

"But you don't even know whether he is a good guy or a bad guy."

"We still have to give him water. After all, he has no other requirements."

Gao Zhan answered immediately after hearing this.

"I see!"

"Brother Zhuo, let me ask you again, if one day a group of homeless people come to your village, as the village chief, will you be willing to accept them?"

Gao Zhan asked another strange question.

This time, Zhuo Bufan answered without hesitation.

"Yes, of course I do."

Zhuo Bufan is not a bad person, nor is he just saying it. In fact, he has always been doing this.

His Meicheng City has always accepted all kinds of people in distress, such as the He family who just recently accepted them.

"Hehehe, hahahaha! Brother Zhuo, I understand, you are a good person, you are a normal person."

"I'm not a good person, but I'm a normal person."

Zhuo Bufan replied with a smile.

He never claims to be a good person, he is just a not bad person.

"Do you know what's inside the forbidden wall?"

"They are just a group of people who want to live a peaceful life."

"When they were first discovered, the alliance of countries was worried that they would plot against the world as alien species, so they built a forbidden wall."

"Later, people found that the creatures in the forbidden wall were harmless. They were like people living in a paradise, and their peaceful life was suddenly broken."

"Now, the coalition forces are not protecting this world at all, but invading their world."

"Massacre, it's a complete massacre there!"

"Everyone's hands are covered with blood."

"I saw with my own eyes that a baby was dug out of her mother's belly and eaten alive. The beast who ate her said that their blood is very nourishing and can prolong life."

"I also saw a woman being dismembered, cut into pieces, and then eaten alive!"


Gao Zhan suddenly vomited violently to the side.

After listening to what he said, Zhuo Bufan also felt his internal organs rolling.

Zhuo Bufan saw that Gao Zhan shed two lines of tears, which was the true feelings of a man.

"This is what you want to know about the forbidden wall. Inside, it is a living slaughterhouse!"

"Someone told me that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself."

"But, they are not enemies at all, bastards!"

"I can't stand it, I'm a coward, I'm scared, I ran away!"

When Gao Zhan finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan slowly poured him a glass of wine, then raised the glass and said.

"Brother Gao, toast to you!"

Zhuo Bufan once again looked at Gao Zhan with new eyes.

This man is not a coward, but a hero.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to know more about the forbidden wall.

Because he was afraid that after he understood it in depth, he would be like Gao Zhan.

He couldn't stand seeing the injustice of the world the most, and he couldn't stand seeing people being oppressed the most.

After drinking this glass of wine, the two finally fell down.

After getting drunk, Zhuo Bufan had a dream.

In the dream, he once again came to the reincarnation world and came to the long river of time...

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