Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 843 Crazy Clock Grabbing

Zhuo Bufan agreed to team up with Zhuge Lan and his sister.

They began to climb the Heavenly Sword Platform.

Along the way, many sword souls rushed over to attack Zhuo Bufan.

However, with Zhuo Bufan's Chaos Bell, all these sword souls were wiped out.

Interestingly, after the sword soul disappeared, a sword soul fire would be left behind.

Zhuge Lan told Zhuo Bufan that these sword soul fires could be collected and were important materials for refining qi and alchemy.

This sword soul fire was ranked on the Heavenly Fire List.

"Senior, you are so amazing."

"What kind of artifact is your magic bell? It is not afraid of these sword souls!"

The reason why Zhuge Lan chose to team up with Zhuo Bufan was because he saw the power of Zhuo Bufan's magic bell.

Only by following Zhuo Bufan can they safely reach where they want to go.

Zhuo Bufan smiled knowingly after hearing this.

"This is just my life-long divine weapon, not very powerful."

"Can this Sword Soul Fire really be collected?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Of course, you can see that many people here come for this Sword Soul Fire."

"Sword Soul Fire is the best fire for sword refining. Swords refined with this fire have divine power and sword energy."

Zhuge Lan explained.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he waved his sleeves and collected all the Sword Soul Fires around him into the Chaos Bell.

"In fact, I have wanted to ask you for a long time, why did you come to this Wuliang Sword Domain?"

"How about I share some of this Sword Soul Fire with you?"

Zhuo Bufan found that the brother and sister followed him and did not make any requests.

After hearing this, Zhuge Lan hurriedly said.

"Senior, to be honest, I brought my sister to participate in the trial of Wuliang Sword Domain today."

"There is another purpose, that is to find the sword-shaped grass! The sword-shaped grass is a kind of grass that grows in the sword garden of Wuliang Sword Domain, which can be used to refine the sword soul pill!"

"My sister has reached the age of opening up the sword soul, so I brought her to find the sword-shaped grass."

"However, the sword garden is located in the deep palace of Wuliang Sword Domain. With the power of my sister and I, it is difficult to enter the sword garden."

"That's why we found you to form a team, and hope that you can take us to the sword garden."

After listening, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly.

He knew why the brother and sister came to him.

"Little Immortal? Not bad, not bad!"

Zhuo Bufan took a look and found that Zhuge Jin's cultivation had reached the realm of Little Immortal.

Little Immortal is already a very powerful existence in the world of cultivation.

After all, in the cultivation of cultivation, if you reach the level of Little Immortal, you are already a well-known figure in the world of cultivation.

But in this world, Little Immortal is just the beginning.

Zhuge Lan's realm is at the level of Great Immortal.

It is indeed not easy for these two siblings to dare to venture into this boundless sword domain with only the cultivation of the Immortal Realm.

"Okay, I will take you to the Sword Garden. But at the same time, you must remember your promise and take me to find the Sword Yuan Soul."

Zhuge Lan bowed his head when he heard it.

"Don't worry, senior, I will definitely take you to find the Sword Yuan Soul."

"In fact, according to my calculations, the Sword Yuan Soul should be in the sword tomb behind the Sword Garden."

"In that case, let's go!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly waved his sleeves, and a divine power lifted up the Zhuge brothers and sisters, and then the three of them flew quickly towards the Heavenly Sword Platform.


"They escaped!"

At this time, a group of people behind Zhuo Bufan suddenly chased after him.

"Did they find us?"

"Who cares, take his bell. That bell is more precious than the Sword Yuan Soul."

It turned out that these people were interested in the Chaos Bell in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

So they all attacked Zhuo Bufan.

"Senior, be careful, someone is coming to kill us."

Zhuge Lan, who was accompanying him, shouted to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing this.

"Are you finally taking action? But, can you smash them?"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he waved his right hand, and a vortex of death swept across.

Everyone was swallowed by the vortex of death in an instant, and the next second, they all turned into a pile of dry bones.

With a wave of his hand, he killed dozens of real masters.

Zhuo Bufan's methods obviously exceeded everyone's imagination.

"Is this guy really in the Tongxuan realm?"

Zhuo Bufan's current cultivation level is only Tongxuan, but his combat power has soared to the Hedao realm, equivalent to the combat power of the Great Sage level.

"Good, so powerful!"

Zhuge Jin, who had not spoken all the time, was dumbfounded when he saw Zhuo Bufan waving his hand to destroy the enemies.

His eyes were full of bad admiration for Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly.

Then, he took Zhuge brother and sister to the Tianjiantai.

Then, Zhuo Bufan turned around, looked down at everyone under the stairs, and shouted.

"Want my clock? Come on if you are not afraid of death!"

"I will personally see you off!"

Zhuo Bufan's death shocked the whole audience.

At that moment, he was the king of this world. Everyone was afraid and retreated, never daring to take a step forward.

"No one is coming up? Then I won't stay."

Seeing that no one rushed up, Zhuo Bufan took Zhuge brother and sister and turned to leave the Tianjiantai.

Headed towards the Sword Palace in the Tianjiantai.

It took a long time for the people behind him to recover from Zhuo Bufan's residual power.

"Quickly, inform the elders in the Sword Palace that a boy with a divine bell hanging on his head has entered."

"That divine bell is absolutely extraordinary. I'm afraid it's an innate artifact, so I must snatch it away."

"That kid is just a Tongxuan after all. He relies on the Divine Bell to have strength that is not weaker than that of the Little Saint."

"That's right, Elder Xuan Tu is a little saint, and he will definitely be able to suppress him."

These people began to pass the news about Zhuo Bufan to the Sword Palace.

Soon, some masters in the Sword Palace received the message.

"Oh? Here comes a young man with a divine clock hanging on his head?"

"I heard that this divine clock is an innate artifact, and I must seize it."

"It's just a way of understanding the mysteries, nothing to fear. You can snatch it."

After getting the news, the people in the Sword Palace began to wait for Zhuo Bufan to come to their door.

When Zhuo Bufan brought the Zhuge brothers and sisters to the square outside the Sword Palace Hall, suddenly two destructive energies rushed towards his face from the front.

"No, brother, be careful!"

Zhuge Jin on the side immediately thought of her brother Zhuge Lan and couldn't help shouting.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he was calm and composed.

"I see, have you informed these guys inside?"

Seeing those two divine powers coming.

The divine light of chaos came down from the Donghuang Bell above Zhuo Bufan, blocking him in front of him.


For a moment, the sound of chaos shocked the entire audience, and those with lower cultivation levels were shocked to the point of bleeding from their orifices.

Under the protection of Zhuo Bufan, the Zhuge brothers and sisters did not suffer much impact.

Just this one blow would knock down all the weak ones.

Those still standing are all beings with strong cultivation.

"Wonderful, wonderful, it is indeed a divine bell!"

"This divine bell definitely has innate power."

"What nonsense, whoever grabs it first belongs to him."

Suddenly, eight Little Saints fell from the sky at the same time and came towards Zhuo Bufan.

These people, with their eyes glowing red, were frantically trying to snatch the Chaos Clock in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan took the Zhuge brothers and sisters into the mysterious bone ring.

In the next battle, Zhuo Bufan will go on a killing spree...

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