Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 846: Battle of Sword Tomb

Zhuo Bufan sent Zhuge Jin away, and then went to the sword tomb of Wuliang Sword Domain alone.

Zhuge Lan said that the sword soul is likely to appear in the sword tomb.

Obtaining the sword soul, Zhuo Bufan will have the opportunity to comprehend his own sword.

Walking out of the sword garden and stepping into the sword tomb.

A desolate hillside appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

On the hillside, broken swords were inserted diagonally everywhere.

There were tens of thousands of these broken swords, and each sword was different.

It was as if this place had experienced a world-shaking war, and everyone died.

This is the cemetery of the gods, full of desolation, tragedy, and magnificence.

Zhuo Bufan took a step and prepared to step into the sword tomb.

Seeing this, the person next to him hurriedly said.

"Boy, do you want to die? The sword energy in this sword tomb is crisscrossed. Anyone who rushes there will definitely be strangled by countless sword energy."

Zhuo Bufan looked up and saw that there were many corpses on the hillside, filling the hillside.

These people obviously trespassed into the sword tomb and were killed by the sword energy in the sword tomb.

However, since Zhuo Bufan had come, he could not retreat.

He did not listen to the dissuasion of others, but took a step and stepped into the sword tomb.

For a time, the swords in the entire cemetery began to tremble.

The sword bodies of all the broken swords began to condense sword souls.

Zhuo Bufan felt the hostility of these sword souls.

These sword souls were the power left by the masters of the swords.

"Where is the sword soul?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted in a low voice, and his voice echoed with divine power in the eight wildernesses.

As Zhuo Bufan's voice spread, the energy of the sword souls around him became stronger.

"Are you not coming out yet?"

Zhuo Bufan said no more, summoned the Chaos Bell, and knocked on the mountains and shook the forests.


The sound of chaos suppressed the entire sword tomb.

All the trembling swords calmed down in an instant.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan flew into the center of the sword tomb.

He closed his eyes and began to sense the existence of the sword soul.

However, the sword soul can hide in all these broken swords, and it is not easy to find it.

And at this moment, the broken sword souls around suddenly floated out again.

Swish, swish, swish, swish...

Before Zhuo Bufan could react, all the swords around him flew towards him.

Each sword has a completely different energy.

All swords have one purpose, which is to kill the invader.

Zhuo Bufan sacrificed the Chaos Bell.

However, facing more and more sword souls, Zhuo Bufan felt a certain pressure.

Although his Chaos Bell is indestructible, if it continues, Zhuo Bufan can only shrink in the Chaos Bell and dare not fight back.

Not to mention looking for the sword soul.

"Boy, the attack of these broken swords is getting more and more fierce, what should I do?"

At this time, the Chaos Bell also began to shout.

Outside the Chaos Bell, a huge sword blade tornado has been formed with three layers inside and outside.

Tens of thousands of swords hit the Chaos Bell with a clanging sound.

As the voice became heavier, Zhuo Bufan realized that if he didn't fight back, he would probably be trapped here.


Zhuo Bufan, who hadn't saved for a long time, finally opened the save space again.

He overwrote the most recent "Maelstrom" save, and then took back the Chaos Bell with the determination to die.

"Boy, what are you going to do?"

"Nothing, hiding is not the best strategy. I want to fight them head-on."

Zhuo Bufan took back the Chaos Bell, and then his body suddenly released surging life and death energy, bombarding everything around him.

This time, Zhuo Bufan didn't hide.

He was in the storm of sword blades, feeling the flow of every flying sword around him.


A sword flew rapidly behind him, and Zhuo Bufan clenched his hand with his backhand, and the Hand of Death annihilated it into slag.


Two more swords flew from the left, each with a strong murderous aura.

Zhuo Bufan clenched his hand in the air, and the Hand of Life grabbed one of the swords.

Suddenly, the broken sword began to rust, and began to sharpen, looking brand new.

Then he held the sharp sword and slashed in the air, chopping off another sword.

Zhuo Bufan rarely used the sword, but when he held the sword, he suddenly felt a momentum that belonged to a swordsman, lingering all over his body.


Zhuo Bufan shouted, and the sword in his hand shook poetically.

Every time a fierce sword flew over, he would be repelled by his fierce attack.

Zhuo Bufan's heart moved at will, and the sword moved with his heart. Where the heart goes, the sword goes.

Layers of sword momentum, swords swept the world.

He recalled the Taichu swordsmanship used by Zhuge Lan in the previous battle with the sword-shaped grass.

Taichu swordsmanship is an extremely simple, yet extremely powerful swordsmanship.

There is no sword move routine, relying on the understanding of the true meaning of the sword at the beginning.

Every sword, there is no extra movement.

Clean and neat, every sword kills.

Every time the sword went down, it was as if thousands of swords were falling at the same time, killing people.

Unconsciously, the sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand had been split into thousands.

The sword shadow was unparalleled, and it actually triggered the sword power of heaven and earth.

As Zhuo Bufan's sword danced faster and faster, the sword storm swirling around him slowly stopped attacking.

Instead, it began to move with Zhuo Bufan's sword intent.

Wherever Zhuo Bufan's sword went, these sword spirits followed.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

At this moment, he saw that in the storm of swords, the shadows of swords condensed into the image of a huge human figure.

In the center of the giant's chest, there was a ball of white energy floating.

The giant's eyes glowed golden, like a huge ancient god.

He held a large sword in his hand that was made up of thousands of flying swords, and struck Zhuo Bufan at the slightest disagreement.

"I found it, this is the soul of the sword!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the white energy on the giant's chest and immediately understood that it was the sword soul he was looking for.

"It seems that I can only defeat you."

Without saying a word, Zhuo Bufan raised the blade in his hand, and the flying swords spinning around him rushed towards the sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

Then it quickly condensed into a hundred-meter-long sword.


The moment the two big swords collided, all the flying swords exploded and then flew in all directions.

"Come again!"

Zhuo Bufan raised his sword again, and thousands of flying swords followed the momentum of his raising the sword, fitting the sword in his hand, and quickly formed a big sword.


Another sword hit the giant, directly punching a hole in his body.

All the flying swords were smashed open.

The speed at which the giant condensed the flying sword could not keep up with Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly raised his sword and flew up.

The sword in his hand condensed crazily again.

"Break it for me!"

Zhuo Bufan raised the hundred-meter-high giant sword in his hand high, and then slashed it down from the giant's head in the air.

With one strike of the sword, the giant's body was split into two halves.

All the flying swords turned into scrap metal and fell to the ground with a rumble.

Zhuo Bufan rushed directly towards the hole in the giant's chest, and then grabbed the white ball of light.

At that moment, the white light ball released infinite light, illuminating the entire Infinite Sword Domain.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes widened and he felt like he was going blind.

The next second, there was only a vast expanse of white in front of his eyes.

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