Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 848 Climbing Jianshan Mountain

Zhuo Bufan has a dream, that is to become a swordsman.

Now this dream is right in front of him. He has to master the legendary sword, the Infinite Sword.

"You only have one chance to reach the top of Sword Mountain!"

"What I value immeasurably is not your talent or strength. What I value is your tenacity, persistence, hard work, passion, and luck."

"Even if you are a useless person, I am willing to polish you into the most powerful swordsman in the world."

"I still remember Nie Fei. Before his rise, he was just a small fisherman on the seashore. With his persistence and hard work, he showed me that anyone can succeed as long as he is determined."

"So, my test of you only depends on your personal character, not your talents."

Wuliangjian's words surprised Zhuo Bufan.

He didn't expect that the way Wuliang Sword chose its master was so special.

Others look at talent and strength.

But what he saw was a person's hard work and courage.

It seems that the previous master Nie Fei had a great influence on him.

"I see!"

Zhuo Bufan said he understood, but in fact he didn't understand at all.

Unlike Nie Fei, Zhuo Bufan is a genius and has extraordinary talent in cultivation.

He couldn't feel the persistence and effort required for ordinary people to practice.

Therefore, facing the mysterious and unknown test of Wuliang Sword, he was actually quite nervous.

"Perhaps I should have such a challenge."

"Even Xuanyuan, the being who is more talented than me, has experienced two great tribulations. I should also feel this kind of pain."

Zhuo Bufan thought of Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao is a genius whose cultivation is as simple as eating and drinking. There is no such thing as hard work in his life.

He only needs to put in a little effort, which is equivalent to others going through countless hardships.

However, after Xuanyuan Hao experienced two major catastrophes in his life, his whole person completely transformed.

The first disaster was when Wang Xing was domineering, Xuanyuan Hao was skinned and cramped, and finally awakened and entered the Tao realm.

The second calamity was that of the Demon Snake Temple God. Xuanyuan Hao also suffered a lot and once again realized how difficult it is to practice.

Xuanyuan Hao is changing, so Zhuo Bufan needs to change too.

He needed to feel how difficult the cultivation experience for a mortal like Nie Fei was.

"I will open a door! Inside is your trial."

"But I have to make it clear that this is the Sword Spirit Courtyard and it belongs to my world. All the rules in it are made by me."

"After entering, all your cultivation and abilities will be cut off, and you will be tested like an ordinary person."

"Whether you can pass or not depends on your own luck."

"As long as you can pass the test, I will recognize you as my master."

Wuliangjian made it very clear, and it could be heard from his tone that he was still full of confidence in Zhuo Bufan.

In fact, he also hopes to recognize Zhuo Bufan as his master.

He has stayed in this world for too long.

After Nie Fei, he never saw the destined person again.

So far, everyone who has accepted his test has died. Therefore, he extremely hoped that Zhuo Bufan could accept the test.

Zhuo Bufan stood in front of the door and hesitated for a moment.

The Chaos Clock on the side quickly shouted: "You brat, don't be fooled by him, this guy is a liar."

After hearing this, Wuliangjian said: "I know you have many doubts and questions. As long as you pass the test, I will answer all your questions for you."

Wuliangjian said to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately responded.

"I understand, let's start your trial!"

Zhuo Bufan made up his mind and let Wuliang Sword start the trial.

After Wuliangjian heard this, the sword rotated in the air, and then a black hole appeared in the air.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan stepped forward.

When he walked into the black hole, he found invisible swords falling from the sky and slashing at him.

Zhuo Bufan had no way to avoid it, but these swords did not hurt him.

However, every time the sword is struck, one of Zhuo Bufan's abilities or a magic weapon will be cut off.

Mysterious energy of life and death, divine power, divine soul, chaos clock, power of slave seal, avenue of reincarnation, various artifacts, and even clothes. …

Until Zhuo Bufan walked out of that door, all his abilities were cut off.

Finally, he stood naked on the ground, leaving only his mortal body.

"Sure enough, there is nothing left?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at his hands.

He had thought about what he would look like one day when everything returned to zero.

He was originally a mortal, but through various opportunities, he got to where he is now step by step.

Now that I'm back to the way I was at the beginning, this feeling is quite uncomfortable.

I am used to flying into the sky and escaping from the earth, used to covering the sky with one hand, used to thinking about mountains and rivers, used to controlling the universe.

Now that he has become a mortal, Zhuo Bufan feels empty in his heart.

"Is the next step the test of the Infinite Sword?"

Zhuo Bufan looked up and saw a bare sword mountain in front of him.

There are countless swords stuck on the sword mountain.

On the top of the Sword Mountain, a black sword printed with light was projected in front of Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

"Come on, climb this mountain, I'll wait for you at the top."

The Infinite Sword is waiting for Zhuo Bufan at the top of the mountain.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his feet and prepared to climb up.

However, when he lifted his feet, he found that he had nowhere to stay.

There are sharp sword blades under his feet.

"What? Are you afraid? Don't you dare to climb without your ability?"

Wuliangjian shouted towards Zhuo Bufan from the top of the mountain.

Hearing what the other party said, Zhuo Bufan was inspired to fight.

He stepped on it without thinking, and the sole of his foot stepped directly on a sword blade.

The blade instantly cut the sole of his foot, and blood began to seep out.


Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and let out a low drink.

He took another step forward...

Time waits for no one. Now that you have decided to take the first step, you cannot back down.

"Very well, now that you have taken the first step, there is no retreat for you."

"Show me your will!"

"Let me know that even though you have nothing, you still have the strongest faith and fighting spirit."

The Infinite Sword continued to stimulate Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was repeatedly stimulated by Wuliangjian's words, and his fighting spirit soared.

Indeed, if Zhuo Bufan had nothing, could he still fight?

The answer is yes, he can still fight.

Even though he has nothing, he still won't retreat.

One step after another, wherever Zhuo Bufan walked, there was blood.

Sword mountain, sword forest, sword sea, sword after sword, comparable to Ling Chi.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

Pain, Zhuo Bufan hadn't felt this way for a long time.

The stronger the soul is, the less it can feel the pain that only mortals can feel.

But now, Zhuo Bufan has lost everything and he is just a mortal.

He was suffering pain that no mortal could bear.

"Don't let me underestimate you. You are a genius after all. Are you not even as good as that good-for-nothing Nie Fei?"

"Nie Fei can climb up, so can you."

The person Wuliang Sword will never forget is the Sword God Nie Fei.

Nie Fei and Zhuo Bufan are different.

Nie Fei is very stupid. He became the Sword God entirely due to his unremitting efforts.

It turns out that no one can succeed. Only through continuous efforts can we get closer to success.

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