Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 855 Ten Divine Artifacts

Beiming Xuanji was obviously no ordinary person.

He had a mysterious origin, landed in a palace, and became the deputy head.

The most important thing is that he is holding an even more extraordinary mysterious bronze mirror.

Although Zhuo Bufan has not yet found out the origin of the mysterious mirror, Zhuo Bufan feels that there must be a huge conspiracy and hidden danger behind it.

"By the way, ask Wuliangjian if it knows."

Zhuo Bufan is now the master of Wuliang Sword and can get the information he wants from Wuliang Sword.

"Wuliang, do you know all the artifacts on the list of innate artifacts?"

Zhuo Bufan asked Chaos Clock, but Chaos Clock didn't seem to know.

It was obvious that the Chaos Clock, after being frustrated, could not provide Zhuo Bufan with much information.

After hearing this, Wuliangjian replied.

"The innate artifact, as the name suggests, was born before innateness."

"I was born before I was born, but I was born as a god. This is the title of our innate artifact."

"Innate artifacts, each type of artifact, have the power of absolute rules."

"As for the list of innate artifacts, there are a total of ten artifacts."

"Top ten artifacts? Which top ten are they?" Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

After hearing this, Wuliangjian replied.

"The top ten artifacts, in order of order, are -

First: The long river of time represents time

Second: Jade Certificate of Good Fortune, representing creation

Third: Tree of Truth, representing truth

Fourth: Xuanhuang Divine Cauldron, representing destruction

Fifth: Chaos Divine Bell, representing space

Sixth: Mirror of mountains and seas, representing evolution

Seventh: Infinite Divine Sword, representing return to zero

Eighth: The non-double seal represents order.

Ninth: Holy Lock of Heaven and Earth, representing the seal

Tenth: Ten major merits, representing merits

Zhuo Bufan was shocked after hearing what Wuliangjian said about the top ten artifacts.

It turns out that each of the ten artifacts represents a magical power.

The Chaos Clock represents space and can travel through any world. This is the ultimate power of the Chaos Clock.

The Infinite Sword represents returning to zero, that is, erasing, erasing.

It is an artifact that belongs to the scavenger category and specializes in cleaning up the garbage in the world.

Among the top ten artifacts, except for the long river of time, which is ranked first, and the Chaos Clock and Infinite Sword in his own hand, none of the others have been heard of.

"I thought the Creation Pearl was also an innate artifact."

Zhuo Bufan heard from Chaos Bell that the Creation Pearl was also an innate artifact.

"The Pearl of Creation? That should be the fragment of the Creation Jade Butterfly. It can also be regarded as an innate artifact."

"The Good Fortune Pearl is a fragment of the Good Fortune Jade Certificate?"

"Yes, the status of the Jade Certificate of Creation is the same as that of the river of time, regardless of high or low."

"The Jade Certificate of Creation can create all things, but it cannot create time. Only with time can we have infinite creation."

"When the Jade Certificate of Creation was evolving and creating the world, it was broken into countless fragments. The beads of creation you are talking about should be just the fragments."

Wuliangjian's answer can be regarded as answering Zhuo Bufan's doubts.

"Tree of Truth? Could it be the two trees in my body?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"But, of the two trees, which one is the tree of truth?"

The Tree of Truth is the third-ranked artifact. It is the embodiment of all rules. It created all rules, spells, providence, and truth.

Zhuo Bufan suspected that the two trees deep in his soul were probably the Tree of Truth.

"What is the fourth-ranked Xuanhuang Divine Cauldron?"

Zhuo Bufan had never heard of it, and neither did Chaos Clock.

"The Xuanhuang Cauldron represents destruction. Just the opposite of the Jade Order of Creation, it possesses the power of unlimited destruction."

"The cauldron contains energy that can destroy the world."

"The Xuanhuang Cauldron is missing now. I heard it was sealed by the Qiankun Sacred Lock."

"So, what is the Mountain and Sea Mysterious Mirror?"

What caught Zhuo Bufan's attention the most was this mysterious mirror of mountains and seas.

Zhuo Bufan suspected that the deputy leader was holding the Shanhai Xuanjing.

But, how come there are so many mysterious mirrors of mountains and seas?

"The Mysterious Mirror of Mountains and Seas, also known as the Small Jade Certificate of Good Fortune."

"It can actually create a world on its own, called the Mountain and Sea Realm. It can also formulate the rules within it."

After hearing Wuliangjian's words, Zhuo Bufan twisted his eyebrows.

"Create your own world? Wuliang, is the world of mirror sea we went to today the mirror of mountains and seas?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

The artifacts should be able to sense each other.

But Wuliangjian shook his head after hearing this.

"I'm not sure about this. I didn't feel the aura of Shanhai Jing."

"Besides, the Jinghai world we went to today is too weak compared to Shanhai Jingxiang."

"The most powerful ability of Shanhaijing is that it can copy any world, even its rules."

"Being ranked sixth is definitely a deserved reputation."

The Mountain and Sea Mirror ranks sixth among the top ten artifacts, one level higher than the Infinite Sword.

It can be seen that Shanhaijing is not as simple as Zhuo Bufan imagined.

"Although it's not the Mirror of Mountains and Seas, it must have some connection with the Mirror of Mountains and Seas."

Zhuo Bufan thought to himself.

"Then what are the top ten merits ranked tenth?"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to understand the ten artifacts one by one.

"The Ten Great Merits, as the name suggests, it consists of ten artifacts in total."

"No one knows exactly where it is."

"That's all I know."

After all, Wuliang Sword has been buried for such a long time, and many things are not completely clear to it.

However, for Zhuo Bufan, the harvest is not small.

"By the way, Wuliang, I want to ask you, do you know some man-made artifacts?"

"Although they are not innate, they are also very powerful."

The reason why Zhuo Bufan asked this was actually to inquire about the origin of his file reading gate.

From Wuliangjian, he learned that there is no file reading gate among the ten innate artifacts.

But in Zhuo Bufan's opinion, the ability of the file reading gate is definitely not weaker than the ten artifacts.

Wuliangjian replied after hearing this.

"Yes, and there are many."

"There are many powerful people who have created many artifacts that defy the heavens. The ability of some artifacts is even stronger than that of innate artifacts."

"In fact, our innate artifacts are said to be born innate. But we are still created."

"Of course, it is not humans who created us."

"Not humans? What is it?"

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

He felt that his file reading gate must have been created by a powerful person who defied the heavens.

"I don't know who it is. However, it has already surpassed the concept of life."

"Boy, you have a bright future. You are not able to exert the power of me and Chaos now. Now you hold the power of our two great artifacts alone. In the future, the world will change because of you."

The words of Wuliangjian did not touch Zhuo Bufan too much.

Zhuo Bufan did not think about changing the world. He only had one goal now, which was to return to the world of cultivation and rescue Bai Su.

The reunion of the family was his biggest goal.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan also knew that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Some things were not something he could escape just because he wanted to.


Two days later, the preliminary round of the Deyigong Martial Arts Conference ended.

In the end, less than 300 people passed the preliminary test.

That is to say, out of 500,000 people, only less than 300 people passed the test and found the silver needle.

No one knew whether the rest were dead or alive.

Two days later, the ring ranking competition started.

The era of Zhuo Bufan's fame has arrived...

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