Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 870 Yin and Yang Universe

Zhuo Bufan finally understood the world view of the world from the mouth of Jiang Tai, the head of the first palace.

In fact, the entire world belongs to a big world similar to Tai Chi.

But this big world is divided into five world planes: the Yin world, the Yang world, the true world, the virtual world, and the unbounded (hell).

Among them, the underworld and the virtual world belong to the same world.

The Yang Realm and the True Realm also belong to the same world.

It is worth mentioning that the virtual world is in the Yang world, but the real world is in the Yin world.

The King of Hell originally wanted to teleport to the real world through the plane passage, but he didn't know that the plane tunnel he dug was so weak that he could only barely reach the Yang Realm next to it.

"Interesting, I didn't expect this to be the pattern of the entire world."

"It turns out that in the world of cultivation, one exists in the underworld. It is wrapped in the power of the underworld."

"No wonder the world of cultivation has so many connections with this world."

Zhuo Bufan finally understood.

After understanding the structure of this world, many problems have been solved.

For example, Emperor Xuan is obviously from this world, so why does he appear in the world of cultivation.

Another example is why creatures from the virtual world appear in the world of cultivation.

Zhuo Bufan even guessed why Emperor Xuan wanted to seal the entire world of cultivation.

The situation in the world of cultivation is the same as that in the virtual world.

As for the virtual world, the world called the Forbidden Wall is the so-called virtual world.

It exists in the Yang Realm and is persecuted by the Yang Realm.

Gao Zhan told Zhuo Bufan that inside the forbidden wall was a slaughterhouse. The warriors from the Yang Realm rushed into the slaughterhouse and caused inhumane killings one after another.

And what they killed were not heretics, but people from the virtual world.

When he thought of this, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt a sympathy for him.

The real world they are in is also wrapped in the underworld.

A long time ago, we also suffered great persecution.

Creatures from the underworld invaded, and countless underworld beasts destroyed that homeland.

Until later, Emperor Xuan appeared, and he sealed the True World, not to persecute the True World, but to protect the True World.

With this thought, Zhuo Bufan understood everything and figured it all out.

Why Emperor Xuan sealed the true world was obviously intentional.

Emperor Xuan is a great monk. It is impossible for him to cut off the ten thousand years of opportunities for cultivation in the world of cultivation for his own selfish purposes.

This was the only possibility that Zhuo Bufan thought of.

Unfortunately, there is no figure like Emperor Xuan appearing in the virtual world now.

This world is being eroded by the Yang Realm. Maybe it won't be long before this world is completely destroyed.

When the time comes, no one will be able to save.

"Master, you have known this for a long time, right? You know that the forbidden wall is the so-called virtual world!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Jiang Taiyi in front of him, who nodded slightly.

"Yes, this is what my father told me. Knight, I have long known that the forbidden wall world is the so-called virtual world."

"Then why didn't you stop this intrusion?"

Zhuo Bufan said in confusion.

But Jiang Taiyi replied.

"Some things are beyond my control, such as the rules of this world."


"That's right, the absolute rule of this big world. That is, as a creature from the real world and the Yang world, seeing the creatures from the virtual world and the Yin world will trigger a hatred originating from the depths of the soul."

"Once they meet, both parties will start killing each other and regard each other as sworn enemies."

"This is an absolute rule that overrides all small world rules."

When Zhuo Bufan got this answer from Jiang Tai, he was dumbfounded.

He did not expect that the real world and the virtual world, the Yin world and the Yang world, were actually bound by the great rules of heaven and earth.

They are natural enemies.

Once the two sides meet, there will be no friendship and they will go to war directly.

Since they were born, the wine glass sets the rules for this sworn enemy.

"A sworn enemy who will never stop fighting to the death?"

Zhuo Bufan had never seen such a situation. Obviously, this world is very strange, or it seems to be controlled by some kind of force.

"Is there no solution?"

Zhuo Bufan tried to ask.

The leader shook his head and said.

"My father also searched hard to no avail. He received a distress signal from the real world and rushed to the real world. So far, it has never been returned."

"Going to the true world? How did Emperor Xuan go to the true world?"

"The true world is probably in the underworld. It will definitely not be easy to go directly from the yang world to the true world, unless you use the plane gate of the Chaos Clock."

Zhuo Bufan knew that it was very difficult to break through the world wall.

You must know that the King of Hell spent thousands of years digging space passages bit by bit.

In the end, only a thin layer of the world wall leading directly to the Yang Realm was dug through.

It can be seen from the Kongtaiji diagram that the Yin and Yang lines are closest to both the Yin and Yang realms.

If you want to go from the Yang Realm to the True Realm, you must first pass through Hell, then pass through the Yin Realm, and finally reach the True Realm.

Not only is this troublesome, but the world wall is difficult to open.

Unless the Chaos Bell is used, the Chaos Bell belongs to Emperor Qing, not Emperor Xuan.

So how did Emperor Xuan travel from the Yang Realm to the True Realm?

"In fact, there is an unstable passage between the real world and the virtual world. You can go directly from the virtual world to the real world.

You can also freely travel from the real world to the virtual world. "

The leader Jiang Taiyi said.

"You mean, there is a passage to the real world in the forbidden wall world?"

"Yes, that is the nearest passage. There is no other way. Unless you follow what you said, first enter the boundless world, then enter the underworld, and finally enter the real world. And in this process, you need to break through three world walls. Not to mention that the underworld is full of crises."

"I see, thank you for your guidance, I am much clearer."

Zhuo Bufan has been looking for a way to return to the world of cultivation.

Now, the solution has been found, but it may be a bit troublesome to implement it.

It seems that sooner or later I will have to go to the forbidden wall.

"You don't have to call me the master. You are the disciple of my father, so you are also my junior brother."

"From now on, you will be brothers with me in Deyi Palace."

"Your title is, the extraordinary holy seat!!"

"The extraordinary holy seat? It sounds very powerful."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he didn't become Jiang Taiyi's disciple, but his junior brother.

"Junior Brother Bu Er has told me about your situation. You are holding two great artifacts, and you will be missed in the future. So please, Junior Brother Bu Fan, don't leave Deyi Palace casually."

"In addition, if Junior Brother needs anything, please inform me at any time."

"You are really destined to be with Master, and you have learned the Dao De Bu Er Zhen Jing that he left in the Dao Mo."

"This Zhen Jing can make you no longer confused in the cultivation of the Dao."

"I believe that Junior Brother will be able to reach the pinnacle in time."

The head of the sect Jiang Taiyi was very polite.

However, his words touched Zhuo Bu Fan.

It seems that he and Emperor Xuan are really destined to be together, and he can actually comprehend the Dao De Bu Er Zhen Jing from the Dao Mo.

You know, that Dao Mo has baptized countless candidates, and no one can comprehend it, only Zhuo Bu Fan can comprehend it.

And coincidentally, he is the successor of Emperor Xuan.

Perhaps, all the fate has been connected since Zhuo Bu Fan came to the cultivation world!


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