Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 877 God's Damage (Part 2)

Rules: Divine Damage

Able to amplify the pain of any harm caused by oneself ten thousand times.

The pain of a mosquito bite can be amplified to the pain of a thousand arrows piercing the heart and bone cramping.

This is the rule of the Great Sage, and the power of the rule has been fully formed.

As the saying goes, for every teacher, there must be a disciple.

Yu Nian's rule "Trillion Shooting" is the same as his master's, which belongs to the damage system.

Of course, Yu Nian's "Trillion Shooting" is incomparable to his master's "God's Damage".

The weakness of the "Trillion Shooting" rule is that as long as the body does not move, the soul can be used to attack.

Moreover, the pain of "Trillion Shooting" is only limited to the body, and the soul will not suffer much damage.

It is a passive rule.

The invincible "God's Damage" is active.

Any damage caused by Invincible will be magnified ten thousand times.

And this kind of pain is not only physical pain, but also touches the soul.

Let the soul and body suffer the same pain.

Therefore, the invincible "God's Damage" is also called the strongest damage system rule.

He was able to become one of the ten chief saints of the First Palace, and his fame was not in vain.

It is precisely because of this that everyone present is not optimistic about Zhuo Bufan.

"Boy, take the move!"

In the Daoyu World, the corners of Wudi's mouth slightly curved, revealing a hint of a sinister smile.

Then, he rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan did not move. He was observing and observing what the opponent's rule power was.

However, the opponent was coming fiercely and very fast, so it was not easy for Zhuo Bufan to observe him.

"Great flames subdue the devil's palm!"

I saw the opponent's palm attack.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan did not dare to resist. After all, it is the palm of the Great Sage, and its power is unimaginable.

Although Daoyu World has weakened the strength of both of them to less than 10%, Zhuo Bufan still dare not take it lightly.

Three moves, if you can survive three moves, Zhuo Bufan will win.

So, he chose to dodge.

Divine power was blessed on his feet, giving him the ability to move magically.

The whole person was floating in the air, with only human figures following him.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan start to dodge, Wu Di smiled slightly.

"Want to hide? Divine Injury Thunder Realm, take it back!"

Invincible snapped his fingers, and suddenly, the world of rules he had laid out began to shrink.

A visible blue cube began to squeeze toward the middle.

From the size of a mountain, it quickly became the size of a house.


Zhuo Bufan, who was running away, suddenly screamed.

He touched the blue border and was struck by a bolt of lightning.

With his physique, he was not afraid of the thunder and lightning at all.

However, unexpectedly, these thunder and lightning hit the body, causing extreme pain, and even the soul trembled.

Zhuo Bufan felt that his soul had suffered a severe blow.

"Damn, are these his rules?"

Zhuo Bufan crossed his arms and looked at Wudi across from him with gritted teeth.

Seeing that this divine wounding thunder world began to shrink continuously, it wouldn't take long for Zhuo Bufan to have nowhere to escape.

"In that case, come out! Wuliang."

Zhuo Bufan has determined that the other party's rules will not affect his artifact.

Therefore, he unscrupulously summoned the Infinite Sword, preparing to destroy the opponent's power of rules.

However, at the same time Zhuo Bufan drew his sword. Invincible suddenly broke out, and at a speed that Zhuo Bufan could not react at all, he punched Zhuo Bufan in the face.


For a moment, heart-rending screams came from the sky.

Pain, endless pain came like a scourge.

This was the first time Zhuo Bufan suffered such intense pain.

The most terrifying thing is that this kind of pain is not just physical pain, but his soul is in pain and is directly on the verge of death.

Opening his eyes again, Zhuo Bufan suddenly saw that he was back in the archive space.

"No way, it hurts so much?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

He didn't expect that he would be hurt to death.

He tried his best to die in countless ways, but this was the first time he died painfully.

Zhuo Bufan already knows that there is only one way to enter the archive space, and that is if the soul is dying.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan did not come to this world after his death.

But his soul, at the moment of death, he will come to the archive space.

It is equivalent to saying that Zhuo Bufan has never died in a real sense so far.

However, if there was no save space, he would have died countless times.

But this time, because he suffered the invincible damage from God, his soul was in pain to death.

"I understand. That guy, his rule must be to amplify pain."

"No wonder, no wonder that guy's Divine Injury Thunder Realm can cause such powerful damage."

"Just one punch would kill me."

"I see, it's really an interesting power of rules. It amplifies the pain. Not to mention punching me, even touching me will be extremely painful."

Zhuo Bufan finally understood the rules of invincibility.

"No wonder this guy is called Invincible. With such awesome rules, anyone can be invincible."

Zhuo Bufan is currently in the Tongxuan realm and will soon enter the Hedao Little Sage. At that time, he will also understand his own rules.

So far, Zhuo Bufan has seen many rules, such as Wang Xingbadao's "Absolute Destiny", and "Returning to the Fields" and "Self-mutilation by Magic" seen in Wuliang Sword Domain.

And Yu Nian's "Trillion Gun Executions", and now the invincible "God's Damage".

It can be said that among the many rules that Zhuo Bufan has seen, the invincible "God's Damage" is the most awesome.

"I don't know what kind of rules I should comprehend!"

"I am practicing the way of reincarnation and life and death, and the rules must naturally be related to life and death."

"Then what kind of rules should be right?"

"Master life and death, master reincarnation. My rules should master everything."

"In my rules, all life and death are determined by me, and reincarnation is dominated by me. I am God!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at his hands, constantly comprehending his own rules.

He seemed to understand a little bit.

It seems that he has found a little inspiration.

"Complete this challenge first, and then go to the reincarnation world to ask Mr. Zhou for advice."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stood up and came to the archive door.

"Did so much white sand fall?"

Zhuo Bufan has been using the save door frequently recently, and the white sand of time has fallen more.

"No, I must find a way to dig more white sand!"

"First use the white sand I dug before to make up for it!"

Zhuo Bufan said, and took out the white sand of time that he had prepared long ago from the depths of his soul.

Zhuo Bufan guessed correctly that in this world, only the white sand of time could enter except him.

He applied the two cans of white sand of time on the damaged wall.

However, two cans of white sand are completely a drop in the bucket.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan could only push open the door and reload the file! I just hope that I can bring more white sand of time next time.

Pushing the door out, Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes and returned to the time before his battle with Wudi.

The rules of Wudi have been opened, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan decisively summoned the Wuliang Sword.

As Zhuo Bufan slashed down with his sword, the invincible God's damage rule began to tear apart.


He slashed down with dozens of swords until the God's damage rule was completely shattered.

Seeing this scene, Wudi was completely stunned.

"The rule is broken?"

His invincible "God's damage" was reduced to nothingness by the Wuliang Sword.


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