Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 883 Renhao Cocktail Party

Zhuo Bufan, like Emperor Xuan, practiced the Way of Samsara.

The Way of Samsara is originally against the will of heaven, so the rules comprehended through the Way of Samsara have the ability to defy heaven.

Whether it is Zhuo Bufan's reversal or Emperor Xuan's death.

These rules are too powerful and against heaven.

"I don't know what the rules of senior brother are?"

Zhuo Bufan wants to go further in the field of rules, so he needs to know more rules.

After hearing this, Jiang Taiyi replied.

"My rules are not as good as my junior brother's. My rules are called Death Eyes."

"Like Master, I practice the Way of Life and Death. Unfortunately, I have not comprehended reincarnation, so I cannot practice the deeper Way of Life and Death of Reincarnation."

"Death Eyes? What is this rule?"

Zhuo Bufan also knew the rules of his senior brother for the first time.

After hearing this, Jiang Taiyi laughed.

"The rule of Death Eyes is that everyone within the rules will expose their fatal weaknesses. And as long as I touch these weaknesses, the other party will die!"


Zhuo Bufan almost sprayed it out.

Isn't the rule ability of this "Death Eye" the same as the "Death" of Emperor Xuan?

However, Emperor Xuan's Death is more perverted, and it will kill you if you touch it.

And the "Death Eye" needs to actively touch the opponent's death point to kill him.

"Brother, it seems that you are really the master's favorite disciple, and even the rules are similar to the master's."

"Hehe, it's okay! But compared with the master, I am still far behind."

It can only be said that if you are not from the same family, you will not enter the same door.

"By the way, brother, this is the invitation sent by Yu Baifei, the chief disciple of Guiyi Sect. Invite you to attend some kind of outstanding cocktail party!"

"Outstanding cocktail party?"

Zhuo Bufan took the invitation handed over by his brother.

"Do you know Yu Baifei?"

Jiang Taiyi asked.

"Oh, we met once before. We had a great chat and felt sorry for not meeting each other earlier. He said he would invite me to Daoguiyi Sect for a drink if he had the chance."

"Haha, then go! Say hello to Master Chu for me. Speaking of which, our Master Chu is our uncle, so you must not neglect the etiquette when you go there this time."

"Uncle?" Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise.

"That's right, our master has received guidance and inheritance from Lord Luo Tian, ​​and is considered half a disciple of Lord Luo Tian."

"And Master Chu is the only closed disciple of Lord Luo Tian."

"So Master Chu's seniority is higher than ours."

The master of the two, Jiang Taixuan, had received guidance from the legendary man. Even his immortal power was given by Luo Tian.

This relationship is like that between Zhuo Bufan and Emperor Xuan.

And the relationship between Emperor Xuan and Chu Zhongtian is like that between Zhuo Bufan and Jiang Taiyi.

So strictly speaking, Luo Tian is Zhuo Bufan's master.

"I understand."

"I will never embarrass Deyigong."

"Then go ahead. When you come back, I have something important to tell you."

Jiang Taiyi didn't say anything, but turned around and disappeared in Xiandao Peak.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan looked at the invitation carefully.

"The birthday of the god, the Feitian Festival. The beautiful scenery, invite you to chat!"

"I have set up a cocktail party at Feitian Peak of Guiyi Sect, inviting the world's heroes to chat. I would like to invite Deyigong Bufan to attend. - Yu Baifei"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the signature, it was really Yu Baifei himself.

"Haha, a cocktail party for heroes? Interesting. Then I'll go and take a look."

Zhuo Bufan had long wanted to go to Guiyi Sect to see the most famous sect in the world.

The foundation of Guiyi Sect may not be as strong as Deyi Palace, but it is indeed the most famous.

Because Guiyi Sect gave birth to a god, an immortal, a legend, and a legend.

Lord Luo Tian, ​​this is a person that people in Yang Realm know since they were born.

It can be said that no one in Yang Realm knows Luo Tian.

After all, he is the only man who has successfully ascended to the sky since ancient times.

His existence is a miracle.

So everyone in the world yearns for Guiyi Sect, and Zhuo Bufan also yearns for it.

Since Yu Baifei invited him, he will definitely go.

"It's just right, I can go and see Xuanyuan."

Zhuo Bufan will naturally not forget his good friend Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao is now a figure in Guiyi Sect. Although he can't compare to Zhuo Bufan's sensation in Deyi Palace, he has become as famous as the chief disciple Yu Baifei and is called "Guiyi Shuangjie"

"Let's talk in Guiyi Sect!"

Zhuo Bufan took the invitation letter and went to Guiyi Sect.


The day of the birth of the gods, the day of ascension!

In fact, it is the same day.

On this day, Luo Tian was born. On the same day, Luo Tian ascended.

So this day is also called the day of ascension.

This is a very important day in the Yang World, equivalent to the New Year's Day on Earth.

On this day, the whole world will hold various festivals.

And Yu Baifei's Renjie Cocktail Party was also chosen on this day.

There are still three days before the Ascension Day, and the heroes who have received invitations have come to Guiyi Sect one after another.

Outside the gate of Guiyi Sect, the inner disciples Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi actually served as greeters to receive the heroes who came to attend the Renjie Conference.

Although it is just a greeter, this position was selected by the inner disciples through mutual competition.

The only benefit is that they can attend the Renjie Cocktail Party.

Originally, they were not qualified to attend this cocktail party with their qualifications and strength, so they are lucky.

At the reception, they will meet various geniuses and broaden their horizons, which will be of great benefit to their cultivation.

"Brother Ye, I heard that the extraordinary saint from Deyi Palace is coming. We are lucky to meet such a person this time."

"Yes, I feel very lucky too. I heard that the extraordinary saint defeated the invincible saint from the great saint realm with the cultivation of Tongxuan realm."

"The invincible saint is as famous as our master. Isn't this extraordinary saint too powerful?"

Some people say that he may be the second Lord Luo Tian. Our ancestor has a successor.

"That's really worth looking forward to. I must see the true face of this extraordinary saint."

"Look, it seems to be the spaceship of Deyi Palace. The people from Deyi Palace are here."

Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi looked up and saw a cloud horse flying ship coming from a distance in the sky.

The nine-headed cloud horse that can fly in the sky pulled a flying ship that shuttled through the clouds. The scene was extremely spectacular.

When the Yunma flying ship landed, three disciples wearing blue and white robes of Deyi Palace walked down from the spaceship.

These three people are the chief disciple of Deyi Palace, Jiang Shaohan. The second disciple, Feng Yexiu. The third disciple, Lu Zhou.

The three of them are the three most famous disciples of Deyi Palace. And they are also among the ten great saints.

Since Yu Baifei wants to invite the world's heroes, they will naturally not be missing.

"Here they come!"

Seeing the arrival of the three heroes, Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi did not dare to neglect and rushed out.

Begin to welcome the arrival of the three heroes.

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