Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 894 The cocktail party begins

Although Zhuo Bufan is famous, few people really know him.

After all, everyone only knows that there is an extraordinary saint in Deyi Palace, but only a few people have seen Zhuo Bufan.

Therefore, even if Zhuo Bufan stands in the crowd, few people know him.

It was the arrival of Yu Baifei and others that attracted the attention of many people.

"Look, it's Yu Baifei and others."

"The aura of the disciples of Guiyi Sect is really strong."

Seeing the arrival of Yu Baifei and others, everyone in the audience stood up and looked solemnly.

Yu Baifei brought several of his junior brothers and sisters to Zhuo Bufan and Yaya.

"Brother Zhuo should have met my master, right?"

"Indeed, I have. By the way, why don't I see Xuanyuan?"

Zhuo Bufan did not see Xuanyuan Hao among Yu Baifei and others.

"Oh, Xuanyuan is in retreat, but he should be able to come out at noon."

"He has already comprehended the rules of the minor saints, and he is at a critical juncture."

"Has Xuanyuan become a saint? As expected of Xuanyuan Hao, the rules of the minor saints he comprehended must be very powerful."

"It is indeed a very interesting rule of the minor saints. Junior Brother Xuanyuan will definitely have a seat at today's cocktail party for outstanding people."

Yu Baifei has a high opinion of Xuanyuan Hao.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan knows this without saying anything.

Xuanyuan Hao is a genius, and he is the most dazzling one no matter where he is.

"Okay, Brother Zhuo, please sit here first, and I will take my junior brothers and sisters up to hold the opening ceremony."

After Yu Baifei finished speaking, he took his junior brothers and sisters to the Feitian Terrace not far away.

The Feitian Terrace is a huge Bagua-shaped altar.

It is rumored that Luo Tian ascended here.

When Yu Baifei stood on the Bagua Terrace, everyone stood up solemnly.

"Everyone, welcome to Guiyi Sect to attend this year's cocktail reception for outstanding people."

"I am honored to be the host of this cocktail reception."

"As you can see, this is the most legendary place in Guiyi Sect - Feitian Peak."

"Lord Luo Tian, ​​the founder of Guiyi Sect, ascended here and became the masterpiece of all ages."

"Since then, this place has been the holy land of Guiyi Sect, worshipped by all races."

"So, before the cocktail reception starts today, let us follow the tradition and worship Lord Luo Tian to bestow blessings on the world."

As Yu Baifei finished speaking, a huge statue rose from the Bagua platform.

The statue was made of colorful divine stones, shining with thousands of rays and infinitely sacred.

The most important thing is that the statue is densely covered with various mysterious energies.

What Zhuo Bufan sensed the most was the immortal power.

That was the statue of Luo Tian, ​​which Guiyi Sect had built for tens of thousands of years and still looks brand new.

When the statue appeared, the light of the gods broke through the sky, forming an infinite radiance, illuminating the whole world.

Everyone stood in awe, as if there was a power from the depths of their souls, prompting them to revere.

That was an innate power of reverence, and no one dared to blaspheme.


As soon as Yu Baifei finished speaking, everyone present put their right hands on their chests, then silently closed their eyes, began to pray silently, and silently revere.

For a moment, the whole audience was silent.

It is hard to imagine that the people in this world have a unified belief, that is Luo Tian.

"I wonder how powerful Luo Tian would be if he practiced the faith and cultivation of the gods!"

Zhuo Bufan was deeply shocked when he saw this scene.

The faith and cultivation of the gods can transform everyone's faith into power.

The more believers there are, the stronger the cultivation is. In theory, it is possible to surpass the immortals.

And Luo Tian, ​​he has the faith of the entire Yang world.

This power is definitely not what Zhuo Bufan can imagine.

"It's amazing. The people in this world have unified their beliefs since birth and become believers of Luo Tian."

"How can someone have faith at birth?"

Of course, Zhuo Bufan can't feel this feeling. Only people in this world can feel it.

So, Zhuo Bufan can only stand aside and stare at this eye-catching scene.

Just as he looked around, Zhuo Bufan's eyes suddenly lit up and he found a familiar figure.

In the crowd, there was a guy with a gray face, eating and drinking there, completely disregarding his image.

Zhuo Bufan walked over quickly and knocked on the table.

The man who was lying on the table eating and drinking like a pig slowly raised his head and looked at Zhuo Bufan.

"Hey, Lao Zhuo, are you really here?"

The guy in front of Zhuo Bufan was none other than Chu Mubai, who had just sneaked into the Renjie cocktail party two days ago.

And Chu Mubai came just for Zhuo Bufan.

"Old swindler, how come I can always meet you wherever I go?"

"You are such a haunted fellow!"

Since coming to this world, Zhuo Bufan and Chu Mubai have been separated and have not met each other yet.

Chu Mubai finally found him.

"Hahaha, what are you talking about, my wife and children are in your hands."

"By the way, are Meng and the others okay?"

Chu Mubai's main purpose in looking for Zhuo Bufan was for Yi Meng and the others.

"Don't worry, Yi Meng and Lin Xi are doing well now. Let me ask you, how is the King of Hell doing?"

"You just escaped like this, aren't you afraid of the wrath of the King of Hell?"

Chu Mubai followed the King of Hell, so Zhuo Bufan thought that Chu Mubai would never leave the King of Hell.

But now it seems that Chu Mubai is very free!

"King of Hell? That guy should be in trouble!"

"This guy hit the wrong channel. The world he came to is not the world of cultivation, but this mysterious world that is a hundred times more powerful than the world of cultivation. His ambition to unify the world of cultivation has been stranded."

"Now the King of Hell's army has basically been wiped out. The masters of the major halls are nowhere to be found. This is a completely failed journey. I feel sorry for the King of Hell!"

Chu Mubai laughed.

The King of Hell was too smart, but he hurt others and himself.

Now the space gate back to hell has collapsed, and it is obviously not so easy to go back.

And the King of Hell was severely injured by the Emperor Tianlong of the Great Xu Dynasty, and escaped into space and fled. There has been no news so far.

This so-called hell expedition is like a group of bandits who wanted to rob a village, but they rushed into a heavily guarded empire.

In short, this is a failed expedition.

"Where are my wife and my good daughter?"

"In my Meicheng, do you want to go and see?"

"Not now, I finally got into this great man's cocktail party, of course I have to have fun."

"Stupid, you are really awesome in the cultivation world, but here, forget it!"

Zhuo Bufan is not attacking Chu Mubai, Chu Mubai's realm is just a little saint.

Although he is much stronger than the average little saint, he is definitely not a big shot in this world.

"Haha, kid, just watch, brother, I will give you the title of the Ten Little Saints later."

Chu Mubai, want to be the Ten Little Saints.

Obviously, in the Yang Realm, Chu Mubai has grown up, and his horizons have become broader.

"Oh, by the way, I've been wanting to ask you, what is that thing on your head?"

Chu Mubai finally saw Yaya, and then stretched out his finger and tapped Yaya's head.

Zhuo Bufan was about to introduce.

At this moment, Yaya suddenly spoke.

"What's going on? Why two dads?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"Yaya, what did you say just now?"

Chu Mubai on the other side was also surprised.

"Two dads?"


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