Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 900: The Two Greatest Heroes

Nangong Yue suddenly activated her own Taoist rules - Mirror Flowers and Water Moon.

For a time, the entire Sun Dome was filled with light.

Everyone was pierced by the golden light, and no one could see what was happening in the dome of the sun.

No wonder Ye Jianfei said that Nangong Yue's rules were the most mysterious.

Because no one can see what Nangong Yue's rules are.

After only a moment, the light receded, and earth-shaking changes had taken place in the dome of the sun.

Everyone looked up and saw Nangong Yue, dressed in blue, majestic and independent in the realm of the sun.

Another person on the battlefield, Feng Yexiu, stood blankly on the spot, looking at his hands dully.

"What's going on? I clearly hit her with that punch just now. How did she escape?"

"In other words, how did he withstand that blow?"

The punch after Feng Yexiu gathered his energy was so powerful that he could be called One Punch Man.

But the punch he just hit clearly hit Nangong Yue, but Nangong Yue was not only unscathed.

"I don't believe it, what on earth did you do?"

Feng Yexiu was so angry that he punched Nangong Yue again.

This second punch is far less powerful than the first punch.

But then, a surprising scene happened, and Nangong Yue pushed it out with a light palm.

The next second, Feng Yexiu felt an overwhelming force pushing towards him.

The entire space was squeezed until it exploded.

Finally, that palm directly opened a hole in the wall of the Great Sun Dome.

And Feng Yexiu even lost his soul.

"Nangong Yue, plundered Feng Yexiu's power?"

Everyone looked at this scene with shock.

The palm Nangong Yue just dealt was definitely not her power.

But it comes from Feng Yexiu.

Such domineering and unparalleled power can only be achieved by Feng Yexiu.

However, now, it is Nangong Yue who exerts this power.

"In other words, the rule of Mirror Flower, Water Moon is probably to exchange the power of two people?"

Chu Mubai guessed.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was secretly shocked. Isn't this the same as his rule of reversing reincarnation?

Zhuo Bufan's reversal of reincarnation is able to reverse all the forces within the rules.

If Nangong Yue's Jing Hua Shui Yue also has such power, then the rules for the two of them will be repeated.

And rules cannot be repeated. So Nangong Yue's Jinghua Shuiyue obviously has other powers.

Everyone is speculating on Nangong Yue's power of rules.

This undefeated woman has clearly caught everyone's attention once again.

However, Feng Yexiu also declared failure because of his reckless challenge.

Nangong Yue's strength has already exceeded his imagination.

Later, Nangong Yue took Feng Yexiu, who was completely confused, out of the Great Sun Realm.

When everyone saw Nangong Yue again, they all admired this woman even more.

She is the only woman among the Ten Little Saints, she is mysterious and noble.

But now, Nangong Yue has shown superior strength, and everyone is impressed by her.

"Senior Sister Nangong is so amazing."

"It is indeed a big world where we can unite as one."

Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi had already been conquered by the charm of their senior sister Nangong.

"I lost!"

Until the end, Feng Yexiu had to admit defeat.

He just felt that he lost inexplicably.

In this battle, Feng Yexiu lost almost in a daze.

He still hasn't understood how Nangong Yue stole his power and then defeated him.

"Then I declare that Nangong Yue will face Feng Yexiu, and Nangong Yue will win."

Just as Yu Baifei announced the end, someone stood up.

"Yu Baifei, Nangong Yue and Feng Yexiu have finished fighting. Now it's your turn and Jiang Shaohan's turn!"

"That's right, Yu Baifei, who can be regarded as the number one among the younger generation, you or Jiang Shaohan?"

"Yu Baifei and Jiang Shaohan's records in the ten sessions so far are Yu Baifei's six wins and Jiang Shaohan's four wins respectively. Logically speaking, Yu Baifei is still superior in skills."

"Wrong. Yu Baifei is more than two hundred years older than Jiang Shaohan. The most important thing is that Jiang Shaohan has obtained the true biography of Jiang Taiyi, the head of the first palace. I am more optimistic about Jiang Shaohan."

"Which one is strong and which one is weak? Can't we just come out and have a test?"

"Jiang Shaohan, you also want to have a fight with Yu Baifei!"

"Hahaha, this time I made a special trip to attend the reception just to watch Jiang Shaohan fight Yu Baifei."

"This must be a battle between the two prides of the young generation."

As others booed, Jiang Shaohan, who had originally planned to wait until the reception was over before taking action, finally couldn't sit still.

Jiang Shaohan has been in seclusion for ten years just to wait for today's battle.

In this battle, he wanted to prove to the world that he had the honor and strength as the chief disciple of the First Palace.

Finally, under the encouragement of everyone, Jiang Shaohan stood up.

When he showed off his white robe, he looked awe-inspiring.

Then he walked up to Yu Baifei, cupped his fists and said.

"Senior Brother Yu, please give me some advice."

Everyone became excited when they saw Jiang Shaohan asking Yu Baifei for a fight.

This is the battle everyone is looking forward to.

This battle is definitely an unprecedented one.

"Is the decisive battle between Senior Brother Jiang and Senior Brother Yu finally coming?"

"This battle is so worth looking forward to."

Ye Jianfei was so excited that his whole body was shaking.

"Is it so worth looking forward to?"

Chu Mubai didn't care at all.

Ye Jianfei said quickly.

"Of course, our Senior Brother Yu is recognized as the strongest Little Saint. In our Guiyi Sect, many Saints are not his opponents."

"It is said that Senior Brother Yu was qualified to enter the realm of Great Saint a hundred years ago, but Senior Brother Yu forcibly suppressed his cultivation. So far, he has reached the peak of Little Saint."

"And Senior Brother Jiang Shaohan of Deyi Palace is also extremely powerful."

"He entered Deyi Palace at the age of ten and became the eldest disciple of Deyi Palace at the age of twenty. In the next hundred years, he led the younger generation of Deyi Palace to rise again."

"For him, our Senior Brother Yu is the last mountain he needs to climb. Once he surpasses Senior Brother Yu, he will become a Great Saint on the spot. It can be imagined how important this battle is to Senior Brother Yu and Senior Brother Jiang."

Ye Jianfei's words made Chu Mubai re-recognize Yu Baifei and Jiang Shaohan.

Rather than saying that the two of them are opponents, it is better to say that Yu Baifei is Jiang Shaohan's guide and inner demon.

"You and I will eventually be unable to avoid this battle."

"I can no longer suppress the realm of the Little Saint. Therefore, this battle will also be my last battle with you in the Little Saint."

Yu Baifei stepped forward and walked out.

His words made everyone in the audience speechless.

Yu Baifei finally couldn't suppress his cultivation in the Little Saint realm, and he would step into the Great Saint realm at any time.

The reason why he has been suppressing his cultivation is to be able to complete this last stop with Jiang Shaohan.

After hearing this, Jiang Shaohan bowed and said.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Yu, for your help. Then, let's fight!"

The two stopped talking nonsense, and the next second they turned into two streams of light and drilled into the Great Sun Dome Realm.


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