Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 906: Fighting against Gao Zhan Again

Yu Baifei, Jiang Shaohan, Chu Mubai. The three of them were sanctified and ascended at the same time.

This scene will obviously be recorded in history and passed down as a good name forever.

"The three saints fly together, it's amazing!"

"This is simply a once-in-a-lifetime event."

"But who is the third one? This needs to be investigated."

"Then what should we do now? Yu Baifei, who hosted the reception, left as a saint. Will the reception continue?"

Yu Baifei became a saint and left, and for a while there was no one in charge at the reception.

At this moment, Gao Zhan suddenly stood up.

"Everyone, senior brother has left as a saint, but the reception will still continue."

"I am not very talented. I am willing to take over my senior brother's hosting duties and continue to host the reception."

Gao Zhan is one of the Ten Little Saints and a disciple of the Guiyi Sect. He is qualified to take over Yu Baifei's position as host.

When everyone saw this, they did not object and all expressed their agreement.

"Then, which two will discuss the Tao next?"

"Yu Baifei and Jiang Shaohan became saints at the same time. In this way, Li Changsheng of Taixuan Sect became the first among the Ten Little Saints."

"Li Changsheng is younger than Jiang Shaohan, but he is relatively low-key and is a happy-go-lucky type of person."

"Although Li Changsheng was once the third, his talent is definitely not weaker than Jiang Shaohan and the others."

"If no one challenges Li Changsheng, then he will be the number one among the Ten Little Saints in this session!"

Everyone was talking a lot because Yu Baifei and Jiang Shaohan suddenly became saints. Therefore, the Ten Little Saints List will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Seeing that no one came forward to challenge, Gao Zhan seemed a bit boring as the host.

"What? No one challenges me? You can challenge me. After all, I was the last one of the Ten Little Saints. If you defeat me, you can be promoted to the Ten Little Saints."

In order to continue the reception, Gao Zhan went all out and even asked others to challenge him.

"Ao Ying, Lu Jing, weren't you two from the twelfth and thirteenth ranks last year? Come and challenge me! If you challenge me, you will be promoted to the top ten."

Gao Zhan looked at Ao Ying and Lu Jing not far away.

However, after hearing this, the two people shook their heads.

"Brother Gao is joking. Not everyone dares to challenge you, the tenth."

Unlike others, although Gao Zhan is ranked tenth, his combat effectiveness can definitely be ranked in the top five.

Because Gao Zhan is Lord Shenwu, he has been killing and fighting within the forbidden wall for so many years, and he is called the God of War.

His rules are even more powerful.

Ao Ying and Lu Jing knew that they were no match for him, so they did not dare to challenge him.

How can we continue if no one challenges us?

At this time, Gao Zhan suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhuo Bufan.

"Brother Zhuo, why don't you come and give it a try? With your ability, you can easily join the ranks of our Ten Little Saints."

Gao Zhan thought of Zhuo Bufan.

As a result, everyone's eyes suddenly focused on Zhuo Bufan.

"Who is this? Why have I never seen him before?"

"To be favored by Gao Zhan, I guess you are not just an ordinary person!"

Unexpectedly, he was called out by Gao Zhan, so Zhuo Bufan shrugged helplessly.

"Brother Gao, are you sure you want to fight me?"

"Haha, of course. What, are you willing to accept my challenge?"

Gao Zhan actually didn't care much about the ranking of this Ten Little Saints. He was free and easy, acted openly and did as he pleased.

In his heart, he actually wanted to have a good fight with Zhuo Bufan.

"In that case, fine, I'll have a fight with you."

When Zhuo Bufan walked out of the crowd, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

"Senior Brother Feng, look, it's the Extraordinary Holy Seat, he's really here."

Lu Zhou, who was not far away, helped Feng Yexiu up, who had just recovered from his injuries, and looked at Zhuo Bufan who came out of the crowd.

"It's really him. I didn't expect him to come."

"Should we come up and say hello?"

Lu Zhou asked Xiang Feng Yexiu.

However, Feng Yexiu shook his head and said.

"No, just pretend you didn't see it! Master told me that it's best to stay away from him."

"That's right, this young uncle doesn't even pay attention to the Invincible Holy See, and he almost gave up Yu Nian. He is moody, so it's better not to get too close to him."

Zhuo Bufan's reputation in Deyigong is not that good.

After all, he is an airborne Holy See, and many people are dissatisfied with him.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan does not need other people's approval.

If he really wanted to be recognized, the challenge would not be Gao Zhan, who was ranked tenth, but Li Changsheng, who was ranked first.

"Let me introduce to you, the person in front of me is the newest Holy Seat of the First Palace, the Extraordinary Holy Seat, Zhuo Bufan."

As the host, Gao Zhan, of course, had to grandly introduce Zhuo Bufan's origins.

When everyone heard this, they were in an uproar.

"The Extraordinary Holy Seat? Is he the Extraordinary Holy Seat?"

"No way? This is the legendary extraordinary saint who defeated the great saint with the realm of Tongxuan?"

"It's interesting! The Extraordinary Holy See is here too."

"Is this the Extraordinary Holy See? I didn't expect that today would really be an eye-opener."

"The name of the Extraordinary Holy Seat has now spread throughout the world. Who doesn't know that the Extraordinary Holy Seat in the first palace is born to be extraordinary!"

"The battle between the Extraordinary Holy Seat and Lord Shenwu is really exciting!"

Zhuo Bufan fights Gao Zhan. This is not the first time they have fought.

The last time it ended, the winner will be determined this time.

Because of Zhuo Bufan's sudden appearance, the originally boring cocktail party once again reached a climax.

These people have heard of Xu Ziling's name, but they have never seen Xu Ziling fight with their own eyes.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan's battle with Gao Zhan immediately attracted a lot of attention.

"Please, Brother Zhuo!"


Zhuo Bufan and Gao Zhan looked at each other for a moment, and then the two turned into a beam of light and entered the Great Sun Dome Realm.

Zhuo Bufan came to the Great Sun Dome Realm for the first time, and he felt that everything in front of him was dim, as if he had come to the end of the world.

The Great Sun Dome Realm recovered very quickly, and there was no damage at the moment.

Everyone was paying attention to Zhuo Bufan in the Great Sun Dome Realm.

They really wanted to see how this legendary extraordinary saint defeated the strong with the weak.

The Tongxuan Realm defeated the Great Saint Realm, but there was a difference of two great realms in between. How did he do it?

"Brother Zhuo, today's discussion is no longer about just touching upon the subject. Please wait a moment, Brother Zhuo, and don't show mercy."

"I understand. Brother Gao and I didn't feel satisfied in the last battle. Please give us your all in this one."

"Since Brother Zhuo has said so, I'm sorry!"

As soon as Gao Zhan finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand and shook it in the air.

"In my name, I will control the world and establish the rules of the world. Shura Sword Domain!"

As soon as Gao Zhan finished speaking, the whole world changed dramatically.

Blood-red swords fell from the sky.

It was like a huge sword, pouring down.

The rain of swords formed a domain field. In this world, Gao Zhan was the master of Shura Sword.

"It appears, Gao Zhan's Shura Sword Domain."

"This Gao Zhan practices the way of war, and his Shura Sword Domain is even called Shura Prison."

"The Shura Sword Domain is called the rule of the God of War. In the sword domain, all swords will obey Gao Zhan's orders."

"The most important thing is the rules of the Shura Sword Domain. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the Holy See to deal with it!"

Seeing Gao Zhan use his rules, Zhuo Bufan no longer took it lightly.

This was also the first time he saw Gao Zhan use the rules.

Before this, Zhuo Bufan had no idea about Gao Zhan's rules.

This was also the first time he saw such a powerful rule that changed the entire battlefield.

For a moment, the blood-colored flying swords in the sky made his eyes solemn.

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