Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 930: Heart of the Kirin

Zhuo Bufan used the final sword of victory.

He squandered all the divine power in his body and condensed it into infinite sword energy, which penetrated the nine heavens.

At the same time, he concentrated the remaining immortal power in his body on the Infinite Sword.

The infinite sword, the universe is infinite!

The sword energy soared into the sky, and even the barrier that Chu Zhongtian had personally arranged began to collapse.

Perhaps he felt the terror of the infinite sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

The King of Hell had a feeling of being cornered.

This feeling was just like the previous battle between him and the Heavenly Dragon Emperor, when he was torn into half of his body and fled.

"Damn it, how could this kid ever have such power?"

The King of Hell finally felt that he could not look at Zhuo Bufan the same way he looked at an ordinary little saint.

When Zhuo Bufan was in the Tongxuan realm, he was able to kill the great sage.

Now that he is a minor saint, who can guarantee whether he can kill a super saint?

Super Saint Daluo is already the most powerful existence in this world.

Being able to make the King of Hell, who is the Super Saint Daluo, feel a fatal threat, is evident of Zhuo's extraordinary strength.

Of course, the main reason why Zhuo Bufan was able to make Super Saint Lord Yama feel threatened was because of his immortal power.

Immortal power is a force higher than this world.

The spiritual energy and divine power are completely powerless in front of it.

There is not much immortal power left in Zhuo Bufan's body.

He stayed here specifically to deal with the King of Hell.

And the King of Hell is also his biggest enemy at the moment.

Sure enough, when Zhuo Bufan used his immortal power.

It was obvious that the King of Hell could no longer bear the powerful pressure.

He began to collapse a little, as if all his strength had been suppressed.

Seeing that the infinite sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand was about to be chopped off.

The King of Hell immediately tore open the space and prepared to escape.

call out!

He turned into a ray of light and got out of the space.

Obviously, he did not dare to face Zhuo Bufan's sword directly. The fatal threat made him reject it.

But, is it still too late to escape now?

Zhuo Bufan used all his strength to strike.

All his divine power was squandered just to kill the King of Hell and save hundreds of millions of people in the world.

"Want to escape? I told you, it's already too late."

Zhuo Bufan Sword King of Hell is preparing to escape, so naturally he will not let him go so easily.

The Infinite Sword stood directly in the void, penetrating the constraints of space.

The last sword pierced the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a black light appeared in the sky, and from that light, patches of blood flowed.

Soon there was blood, and then there was blood.

Until the black light split from the sky, the space was cut open, and a corpse fell out of it.

The corpse that fell out was none other than the King of Hell.

His entire divine body and soul were split into two halves.

He stared at Zhuo Bufan and the sky with his eyes widened.

"it's over!"

Zhuo Bufan's confident sword traveled through space and killed the King of Hell.

This scene shocked the Guiyi Sect Master and Tiancan Temple God who were present.

"Dead, dead?"

The God of Tiancan Temple couldn't believe that his father, who was invincible in his eyes, died like this.

He didn't even have time to say his last words.

As the lord of hell, the king of a world, he died so quietly.

"It's a very powerful sword, I'm afraid even I won't be able to catch it."

Chu Zhongtian gave a very high evaluation to Zhuo Bufan's sword.

He even bluntly said that even if he was struck by that sword, he would have no choice but to run away.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan's sword is a sword that cannot be copied.

For this sword, he squandered all his divine and immortal power.

Even if his divine power is squandered, he can still recover it, but if his magical power is gone, Zhuo Bufan really doesn't even have the life-saving skills to keep him at the bottom of the box.

This sword is also the strongest sword that Zhuo Bufan can currently use.

If this sword goes down, if you don't die, I will die.

It can be seen how decisive Zhuo Bufan was when he slashed the sword.

The King of Hell was dead, and Zhuo Bufan soon felt that the power of the curse seal between his eyebrows was slowly disappearing.

At the same time, the contract mark on the glazed green fairy lamp also began to dissipate.

On this side, the God of Tiancan Temple also soon discovered that his legs began to recover, and the power of rules on his organs began to disappear.

"He succeeded, he really succeeded."

The God of Tiancan Temple was a little excited.

He didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan could really kill the King of Hell.

As soon as the King of Hell died, his power of rules began to disappear crazily.

Finally, a gray ball of light the size of a fist condensed on his body.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the gray ball of light, his eyes lit up.

"Is this the Kirin Heart?"

He felt great space power on the gray ball of light.

Zhuo Bufan once again summoned the Abi Beast.

After seeing the Kirin Heart, Abimon let out a shrill scream.

"Mom, mom..."

The heart of Kirin, the heart of Abimon's mother, was once taken away by the King of Hell.

Now, Zhuo Bufan has defeated the King of Hell and regained the Kirin Heart.

In this way, the Kirin Heart should be returned to its original owner.

I saw the Qilin Heart slowly floating up, and then landed on Abi Beast's chest.

Then, he slowly blended in.

Immediately, an astonishing change occurred in Abimon.

It grew a pair of huge golden wings and two extremely spiritual horns.

Golden flames burned all over its body.

Its body also began to grow taller.

The Avici Beast became the new divine beast Qilin.

Seeing the Avici Beast become Qilin, Zhuo Bufan was sincerely happy for this little guy.

He reached out and touched the head of the Avici Beast, and the Avici Beast got into Zhuo Bufan's arms intimately.

"Hahaha, congratulations, nephew, you actually got the recognition of the divine beast Qilin."

At this time, Master Chu landed, looked at Zhuo Bufan and the divine beast Qilin, and laughed.

"Uncle, thank you for your help."

When Fu'an saw Chu Zhongtian land, he quickly reached out to express his gratitude.

"I didn't do anything, I just helped you put up the barrier."

"That's enough, it's because of your barrier that he couldn't escape."

"Otherwise, I might not be able to kill him with this sword."

Kill the King of Hell, take back the heart of the Qilin, and obtain the divine beast Qilin.

Zhuo Bufan's battle this time was worth it.

Although all the immortal power and divine power were instantly consumed.

But what he got was enough.

"Tian Can, now that the King of Hell is dead, what are your plans?"

Zhuo Bufan saw the only living Tian Can Temple God.

The other three temple gods had already been killed by the King of Hell.

Once the King of Hell died, they could not be resurrected.

Tian Can has always remained neutral, so he survived to the end.

"I'm tired, I want to go back, back to our world."

"I heard that there is a space gate above the West Sea that has not been destroyed."

"Is that so! That's good too."

Zhuo Bufan did not keep the Tian Can Temple God.

Perhaps letting him return to Wujie can also give an explanation to the creatures of Wujie.

"Thank you for saving us. Don't worry, I will let all the creatures in hell know that it was you who saved them."


Tian Can said, and turned away.

Zhuo Bufan didn't say anything more about this.

This unprecedented battle ended here.


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