Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 941: Within the Forbidden Wall

"Can't get in touch, what's going on?"

On the chariot, Zhuo Bufan tried to get Xiaolin to sense the scales he gave to Xuanyuan Hao, but Xiaolin couldn't sense the existence of the scales at all.

If the scales can't be sensed, then it can't be transmitted to Xuanyuan.

"What can't be contacted?"

Gao Zhan asked on the side.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan told Gao Zhan the reason for the matter.

After listening, Gao Zhan analyzed.

"They should have entered the virtual world."

The virtual world and the Yang world are separated by the forbidden robbery, so it is normal that your precious beast can't sense it.

Maybe when you enter the virtual world, you will naturally be able to feel it.

After listening to Gao Zhan's analysis, Zhuo Bufan nodded in understanding.

"Then I'll trouble you to take us to the forbidden wall."

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan didn't know where the forbidden wall was. He needed a guide.

And Gao Zhan was undoubtedly the best choice.

On the way to the forbidden wall, Gao Zhan also kept introducing the situation of the forbidden wall to Zhuo Bufan.

"That's right, Brother Zhuo. Now the forbidden wall is completely controlled by the seven countries. Ordinary people certainly can't enter and exit at will."

"But don't worry, I'm here to make sure you can go in and out without any obstacles."

"In addition, there is an important thing."

"After you enter the virtual world, you are likely to encounter the army of the seven countries. Remember, don't conflict."

"There are many great saints in the army of the seven countries on the battlefield. Once you attract their attention, you may be in trouble."

"Also! Although the people in the virtual world have been killed by the army of the seven countries, there are still many strong people they are pointing at. You must be careful."

"Remember what I told you! People in the Yang world and the virtual world are born enemies."

"Once you meet, it will be a life-and-death battle."

Facing Gao Zhan's kind reminder, Zhuo Bufan was still very grateful in his heart.

Zhuo Bufan went there not for fighting.

He wanted to avoid conflicts as much as possible. As long as he got to Paradise Island, passed through the space gate, and returned to the world of cultivation, it would be enough.

One day later, Gao Zhan's chariot arrived at the forbidden wall.

"We're here. The forbidden wall is in front of us."

Gao Zhan suddenly stopped the chariot, and then Zhuo Bufan came out with Zifan and Yaya.

I saw a light curtain connecting heaven and earth standing in the clouds in front of me.

The light curtain emitted colorful light, and the two ends continued to extend, and the lens could not be seen at a glance.

At a glance, it seemed that the whole world was separated by this light curtain.

At this end of the light curtain, the scene on the other side could not be seen.

"This is the forbidden wall!"

Zhuo Bufan was a little shocked.

The forbidden wall separates the virtual world from the Yang world.

He is the boundary between the positive pole and the negative eye in the Tai Chi diagram.

This boundary prevents the negative eye from being assimilated by the positive pole.

It is also this boundary that allows the negative eye to be independent in the positive pole and reconcile the whole world.

"How should we get in?"

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and placed it on the light curtain.

The light curtain kept changing its brilliance in his hand, but it was indestructible and impossible to break.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan brought Gao Zhan with him.

Gao Zhan flipped his palm and a purple-gold token appeared in his hand.

"At that time, the seven great countries gathered a thousand great saints and the heads of the three supreme sects and opened a door on the forbidden wall."

"Only those who hold this cross-world token can enter the forbidden wall freely."

After Gao Zhan finished speaking, he grabbed the purple-gold token in his hand and pointed it at the light curtain in front of him.

For a moment, the light curtain began to change constantly, and then a vortex hole was slowly born.

As the vortex hole continued to extend inward, a ray of light was finally seen in the dark hole.

"This forbidden wall is a bit thick, let's go!"

Then, Gao Zhan continued to drive and went into the forbidden wall.

The thickness of this forbidden wall alone is tens of thousands of meters thick.

They shuttled in the cave for a long time before finally reaching the other end of the forbidden wall.

After they passed through the forbidden wall, the hole began to close rapidly.

Then, Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes and saw the world in front of him, all clear!

Above his head, the sky was full of clouds of fire, and under his feet, there was an endless grassland.

The grass here was as red as blood, and there was a pungent smell of blood.

"Is this the virtual world?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised.

Gao Zhan replied after hearing this.

"No, this is still the forbidden wall, we just entered the inside of the forbidden wall."

"What? Just the inside of the forbidden wall?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little shocked.

They had just passed through a passage of tens of thousands of meters, and he thought that the wall was the so-called forbidden wall.

Unexpectedly, they were still in the forbidden wall. What they just passed through was just the surface of the forbidden wall.

"We are now in the forbidden wall space. Once upon a time, there were blue sky and white clouds here, and green grass."

"But later a war broke out, and blood flowed like a river here, and blood stained every inch of land."

After listening to Gao Zhan's words, Zhuo Bufan looked at the land under his feet again.

It turned out that these blood-red grasses were actually stained with blood.

"From here, we still have to walk 10,000 miles to reach the other side of the forbidden wall."

"After passing through the forbidden wall on the other side, you can enter the virtual world."

"And I can only take you there. As for the virtual world, I will never go there again."

Gao Zhan has sworn that he will never enter the battlefield of the virtual world again.

In the virtual world, the cruel battles made him a little unbearable.

The killing was too heavy, the bloody smell was too strong, and he was about to get lost.

So, he would not enter that battlefield again.

"Let's go, 800 miles ahead of here, there is the camp of my Shenwu Army."

"Let's go there to rest for a night, and continue on the road tomorrow."

Then, Gao Zhan took Zhuo Bufan and the others to the camp of the Shenwu Army.

Along the way, Zhuo Bufan asked Xiao Lin to try to contact the dragon scale in Xuanyuan Hao's hand.

However, Xiao Lin still didn't sense it.

"Forget it, Xiao Lin, it may be because we are still in the forbidden wall. When we reach the virtual world, we should be able to find Xuanyuan."

In front of them, there was still a forbidden wall blocking, so it was normal that Xiao Lin could not contact the scale.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan brought two children and followed Gao Zhan to the camp of the Shenwu Army.

"Look, we're here."

Gao Zhan's chariot was very fast, and they arrived at the camp of the Shenwu Army in less than an hour.

"Men, your general is back."

When Gao Zhan arrived above the camp, he shouted loudly.

The Pegasus under his feet also roared.

Then, the soldiers in the camp began to cheer.

"It's the Marquis, the Marquis is back."

"The Marquis is here, please invite the Marquis into the camp."

The soldiers of the Shenwu Marquis did not forget their general.

When Gao Zhan drove the Pegasus chariot into the camp, everyone gathered around.

"Men, prepare two good tents for the Marquis, prepare good wine, food and beautiful women, the Marquis wants to get drunk with you today."

Gao Zhan hadn't seen his brothers for a long time, and was obviously a little excited.

And Zhuo Bufan didn't keep them, but took Yaya and Zifan into Meicheng.

Now, they have set out on the way home.

The closer they got to home, the more difficult it was for them to suppress their inner tension and excitement.


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