Zhuo Bufan was surrounded by a group of bird people.

These bird people actually look like humans, but they have a pair of wings on their backs.

And he has a beak mask on his face, which looks a bit weird.

Obviously, they are the guards of the Canglan Territory's airspace and do not allow any creature to pass through the Canglan Territory.

Originally, Zhuo Bufan planned to fly directly over the Canglan Territory and ignore these bird people.

However, Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of someone, Xi Gong Haoyue.

Xigong Haoyue, the successor of the Moon God, is now the most famous God of War in the virtual world, and is called the Faceless Killer God by the Yang World.

Now, Xi Gong Haoyue's popularity in the virtual world can be said to be one of the best.

The people of the virtual world are preparing to elect him as the new supreme god.

Because he has practiced faith and Shintoism, he can obtain divine power from the faith of all people in the world.

I believe that given time, Xigong Haoyue will definitely become the most powerful god under the sky.

Sun, moon and stars!

The three supreme gods all have successors, and as the successor of the Sun God, Zhuo Bufan felt that he needed to pay a visit to Xi Gong Haoyue.

"I would like to ask, is there a faceless killing god in your Canglan Region?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't mince words and directly stated the purpose of his coming.

The expressions of the birdman guards in front of them immediately changed as soon as they heard that the other party was looking for their leader.

"Who are you? Our leader, you can't meet him just when you say you want to."

"How about you take me back? Then inform your leader that Xi Gong Haoyue has come to ask for an audience."

Zhuo Bufan believes that Xi Gong Haoyue has never told anyone about her true identity, otherwise there would not be only the legend of the faceless killing god outside, and no one would even mention who Xi Gong Haoyue is.

Therefore, if Xi Gong Haoyue heard about his name, he would definitely come to see Zhuo Bufan.

"Your name is Xi Gong Haoyue?"

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's self-report, the other party was really surprised.

"Do you know our leader?"

"That's right! Just take me to see your leader and we'll find out."

These bird people were relatively friendly, maybe because they were afraid of neglecting Zhuo Bufan, so they didn't think much about it and decided to take Zhuo Bufan back first.

Zhuo Bufan did not resist and allowed these people to take him back to Zaoji Mountain in the Canglan Region.

Zaoji Mountain is the sacred mountain in the Canglan Region. Legend has it that anyone who climbs to the top of Zaoji Mountain has the qualifications to reach the top.

This is also a rare pure land in the virtual world.

Following several guards to Zaoji Mountain, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

He had seen this Zaoji Mountain in Yunmeng Realm before, and he even set up an altar on the top of Yunmeng Mountain.

“I really don’t know what Yunmeng Realm is like now.”

Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of Yunmengjie.

He had once used the ability to read files to see that Yunmengjie was actually an inherited artifact left to Nian Nian by the White Emperor.

"What? Someone named Xi Gong Haoyue wants to see me? Did you hear that right?"

In the Zhiji Hall, a man wearing a bird's beak mask seemed a little shocked after hearing the report from his subordinates.

This person is Xi Gong Haoyue, the faceless killing god who has become famous recently.

"You heard me right. This man named Xi Gong Haoyue said he is your friend. I dare not neglect him under the tree, so I took the time to come and report."

When Xi Gong Haoyue heard this, he frowned.

"Could it be that Master is here?"

Xi Gong Haoyue's master is naturally the Moon God.

"please come in."

Xigong Haoyue passed the order, and soon his men brought Zhuo Bufan into the main hall.

When Xi Gong Haoyue saw Zhuo Bufan, her brows knitted together.

"You guys go down first."

After he informed his left and right, he immediately looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Obviously, the man in front of him was not his master.

However, he came here under his own name, so he was obviously not a simple person.

"Are you Xi Gong Haoyue?"

Xigong Haoyue asked Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan smiled playfully after hearing this.

"I can be Xi Gong Haoyue."


"Be bold!"

Xi Gong Haoyue became furious and smashed the table beside him.

"You know, what are you talking about?"

Xi Gong Haoyue was obviously angry. Of course he was angry when an impostor so confidently pretended to be him.

"Okay, Mingren, please don't tell me any secrets. I just came from Moon God Palace."

Zhuo Bufan's words made Xi Gong Haoyue breathe a sigh of relief.

"Are you sent by Master?"

"That's right! Xi Gong Haoyue, very good, very good."

Zhuo Bufan felt the powerful divine power of Xi Gong Haoyue, which could be said to be on par with his own. No wonder the Moon God was so fond of him.

"Master sent you here with what instructions?"

Xigong Haoyue has never gone back since she left Moon God Palace.

Because the Moon God said that he didn't want to have any more relationship between them.

The Moon God is already the God of Sin in the virtual world, and no one believes in him.

But Xi Gong Haoyue is the popular God of War, the hope of everyone.

Moreover, the relationship between them cannot be known to people in the Yang Realm.

Therefore, Xi Gong Haoyue never contacted the Moon God again, but seriously completed the last task assigned to him by his master, which was to defend the virtual world and the Canglan Territory.

"The Moon Goddess asked me to come and see you and bring you something."

Zhuo Bufan started talking nonsense.

Because Luna had nothing to convey to him.

But Zhuo Bufan had to use the name of the Moon Goddess so that Xigong Haoyue would believe it.

After saying that, Zhuo Bufan turned his palm and a jade token appeared in his hand.

"Xigong Haoyue, take the order!"

Zhuo Bufan said pretentiously.

Xigong Haoyue naturally saw the order as seeing the Moon Goddess herself, and immediately knelt on one knee in front of Zhuo Bufan.

"Xigong Haoyue, one day, if you really can't defend this Canglan Domain. Take this thing and go to the world where the alien demons are, and find a sect called Deyi Palace. Give this thing to their leader Jiang Taiyi. Canglan Domain will be saved."

It turned out that Zhuo Bufan came specifically to give Xigong Haoyue a chance to save the virtual world.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know how long it would take for him to return to the virtual world after returning to the cultivation world this time.

But he promised the Moon Goddess and Fairy Su Yao that he would definitely help the virtual world survive the catastrophe.

So, Zhuo Bufan left this.

As long as Xigong Haoyue takes this jade token to Deyi Palace to find Jiang Taiyi, Jiang Taiyi will know the distress message that Zhuo Bufan wants to convey.

As one of the three saints of Yang Realm, Jiang Taiyi will obviously not stand idly by.

After all, he is also his junior brother, and I believe Jiang Taiyi will give him this face.

After hearing this, Xigong Haoyue quickly took it.

"Thank you, Master, I will obey your orders."

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan continued.

"If there is such a day, after you go to that world, you must be cautious and careful. Don't easily reveal your power. Lest you encounter obstacles."

After all, Xigong Haoyue is a person from the virtual world. Going to Yang Realm, according to the law of hostility, he is like a sheep among a group of tigers.

It can be said that this road is not simple, and it may even cost his life.

Zhuo Bufan can be said to be helping him, but also harming him.

As for whether it is helping him or harming him, it depends on his own luck.

"Okay, I still have to go to Paradise Island. You should keep this item well!"

"Xigong Haoyue, I have high hopes for you. We will meet again."

Zhuo Bufan came here specially just to take a look at Xigong Haoyue.

Now that he has seen her, Zhuo Bufan has nothing to remember, so he turned around and left.

He is now eager to return to the world of cultivation.

There are still many right and wrong, grievances and grudges in the world of cultivation waiting for him to go back and solve.


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