Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 992 The Third Divine Body

Li Miaoyin, a female genius that Taixuanzong rarely encounters in thousands of years.

She and her brother Li Changsheng became the Twin Saints of Taixuan.

A saint, a saint.

The Holy Son Li Changsheng, one of the Ten Little Saints, has the strength to aspire to the top.

Its rule "Eternal Life Experience" is even known as the most powerful death rule.

As for Li Changsheng's sister, Li Miaoyin, she became a great sage at a young age.

In Taixuanzong, everyone knew that Li Miaoyin's strength was extremely terrifying.

And her rules, the experience of immortality, are the most powerful torture experience along with her brother's rules. .

"Experience immortality!"

Li Miaoyin immediately activated the power of rules, and she used the immortal experience against the demon Ni Cangqiong.

It is different from Li Changsheng's "eternal life experience".

The so-called immortality experience is a masochistic experience.

By connecting yourself to the target, the damage you receive will be borne tenfold by the other party.

And Li Miaoyin's experience of immortality was even more terrifying.

The moment Demon Ni Qiong experienced the immortality, he froze in place.

First, his eyes suddenly went dark.

He couldn't see anything and was completely blind.

Being blind, he can only use his hearing to feel the snow of time in Bai Su Qianqiu Snow Realm.

He cannot be touched by the Snow of Time, otherwise the wine will freeze immediately.

Relying on his hearing, he was still able to barely avoid Bai Su's Snow of Time.

After all, the snow of time drifts away slowly, very slowly. This can be regarded as a weakness and loophole in the rules of Qianqiu Snow World.

However, just when the Demon thought he could use his hearing to avoid the Snow of Time.

The next second, his hearing was completely lost.

"Xiao Xiao, can you juggle like this?"

Ni Cangqiong said so. In fact, Li Miaoyin's experience of immortality had a considerable impact on him.

He regarded Li Miaoyin's rules as a juggling act, but he was deeply fooled by the juggling act.

As soon as he finished speaking, the next second, Ni Qianqiong found that he could not speak.

Blindness, deafness, aphasia, what is the next thing to lose?

If it were another person, he might have fallen into fear long ago, but his opponent was the devil, and the devil was unafraid in the face of all this.

The demon has understood the power of Li Miaoyin's rules.

At this time, Li Miaoyin shouted towards Zhuo Bufan.

"The next step is to lose the sense of pain, and the next step is to lose the sense of soul. When he loses the sense of soul, you destroy his soul."

Li Miaoyin performed the final power blockade on the Demon Sutra.

Once the devil loses his soul consciousness, he loses everything and feels nothing.

At that time, he will be just a target for others to slaughter.

Above the sky, after the demon lost three consciousnesses of pain, he stood there as dumbfounded as a chicken.

Above the sky, the snow of time kept piling up on him and began to seal it.

On the other side, Xuanyuan Hao's Gui Yi Finger continued to degrade the demon's power.

"Do it!"

As soon as Li Miaoyin finished speaking, the demon finally lost his last sense of soul.

Without the sense of soul, he is no different from a stone.

This is Li Miaoyin’s experience of immortality.

When a person loses all feeling, he even loses thinking.

This is no different from death, but this is not death either, but a state of never dying or living.

This is Li Miaoyin's experience of immortality. Those who are caught lose all feelings.

When Zhuo Bufan and Chu Mubai saw this, they finally found a chance.


As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the infinite sword in his hand burst out with endless divine light.

Chu Mubai on the other side also exerted the power of Qianxie Sword to its extreme.

A sword from both sides that shattered the sky and shattered the earth fell from the sky.

It penetrated towards Ni Qiong's head with horror.


At the moment when the divine swords of both sides were about to pour into Ni Qianqiong's head.

A huge black hole was born above the head of the counter sky.

Zhuo Bufan and Chu Mubai's swords penetrated directly through the black hole.

The two of them were stunned, and then, a person walked out of the black hole again.

This person is Ni Qiong.


Everyone present watched in disbelief as Ni Cang Qiong was born from the black hole.

Immediately, the other body under the black hole began to dissolve into black mud at this time.

"You guys are really powerful! You can actually force my third divine body out."

"The third divine body?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, feeling baffled.

Before they could react, Ni Qingqiong stretched out his hand and shook it in the air.

A round black ball of light appeared in his hand.

"You bastards, this is your power, give it back to you."

Ni Qiong threw out the black ball of light in his hand.

The next second, the black ball split into five rays of light and flew towards Zhuo Bufan and the others.

The speed of the black light was surprisingly fast, and everyone felt the powerful power in it.

Almost all five people took defensive measures at the same time.

However, the next second, five black lights still hit their Five Saints.

However, at the last moment, Zhuo Bufan used the Wuliang Sword's Erase Energy Link to cut off the black light.

But the other four were not so lucky. The black light completely hit them and integrated into their bodies.

The next second, the four of them froze on the spot.


Zhuo Bufan immediately looked at Bai Su, but at this moment, Bai Su was also fixed in place.

And they were all frozen.

Not only that, Zhuo Bufan found that the four of Bai Su were slowly getting smaller.

From beautiful fairies, they became young girls, and finally even became a group of children.

"Damn, were they attacked by the power of rules?"

Zhuo Bufan immediately understood that the black ball of Tianmo contained the power of rules of Bai Su, Xuanyuan Hao, and Li Miaoyin.

The four of them were all affected by the power of rules and turned into frozen children.

"Heh, you bastard, how come you are okay?"

Tianmo looked at Zhuo Bufan in surprise.

The other four were beaten back to their original forms by their power of rules, but Zhuo Bufan was safe and sound.

"I see, it's the sword in your hand, right?"

"You bastard, you are a bit interesting."

As soon as Tianmo Ni Cangqiong finished speaking, he stretched out his hand again and clenched it in the air, and a ball of strange light condensed.

"Your sister? Is she the woman who calls herself the Holy Lord?"

"Do you want to feel her power now?"

Zhuo Bufan said he wanted to avenge his sister Linglong right away.

Ni Cangqiong thought about it and immediately guessed the woman he killed two years ago.

That woman was indeed very powerful and beat out Ni Cangqiong's second divine body.

So what Ni Cangqiong was forced out of now was not the second divine body, but the third divine body.

And in fact, this was also Ni Cangqiong's last divine body.

Watching Ni Cangqiong hit Linglong's rule power towards him.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan was just about to raise the Wuliang Sword in his hand to cut it down.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan found that the Wuliang Sword in his hand had disappeared.

"What's going on?"

Zhuo Bufan used his soul to sense the existence of the Wuliang Sword at the first time.

Soon, he widened his eyes and found that the Wuliang Sword had completely disappeared and had completely lost contact with him.

"How is it possible? Could it be that this is Linglong's rule?"

Zhuo Bufan immediately understood that he might have been hit by Linglong's rule power.

The demon not far away, with his hands behind his back, looked at Zhuo Bufan calmly and said with a wry smile.

"Since she is your sister, you should know how to break this rule, right?"

"Boy, you are very interesting. Break this unsolvable rule for me to see."

The demon did not step forward, because that piece of heaven and earth had been covered by Linglong's rule power.

Linglong used this rule field to beat out the demon's second divine body.

So the demon was afraid of Linglong's rule power.

And now, he wanted to see how Zhuo Bufan dealt with his sister's rule power.


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