Reading Is Holy! Exposed By My Junior Sister!

Chapter 103: Hell Suppressing Divine Elephant Force!

Chapter 103: The Divine Elephant Force in the Mortal World, Hell Suppressing Divine Elephant Force!

To be honest, if Mao Ruxue didn't deeply know that this was Hidden Dao Mountain, a place where Senior Brother Chen Chang'an, a very familiar person, was present, she would have doubted whether the mountain she had come to was really the Immortal World.

After all, only a place like the Immortal World would have such a perennially spring-like climate.

"Please have a seat."

Chen Chang'an came to the stone table and gestured for Mao Ruxue to sit down.

"Oh, okay, Senior Brother." Mao Ruxue nodded and then placed the food she had in her hands on the stone table.

Then, the two of them began to eat breakfast as usual.

However, just as they started eating, Mao Ruxue pointed to the crystal-clear dish made from immortal whale meat on the table and asked Chen Chang'an, "Senior Brother, what is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

"And why does it look so delicious?"

"Could it be that the elders from below the mountain sent it again?"

"Oh, this?" Upon hearing Mao Ruxue's words, Chen Chang'an immediately pondered for a moment.

But it was only a moment, and the next moment he said, "I accidentally hunted this when I went down the mountain. I don't know what it is, but it tastes great when grilled, so I kept it."

"But I came back too late last night, so I left it with you."

"I just didn't expect that you would come back from your worldly experience tonight and turn it into a dish."

"I see, Senior Brother, I understand." Mao Ruxue nodded as if she understood.

However, although she nodded on the surface, her heart was filled with extreme doubt at this moment.

Because this doesn't make sense!

There was one thing she didn't tell Senior Brother Chen Chang'an, which was that when she was handling the meat in the morning, a recipe suddenly fell out.

Moreover, what was even more exaggerated was that the recipe not only recorded how to perfectly handle this unfamiliar meat, but also several ways to prepare it.

Mao Ruxue tried every method on the recipe, and each one handled the meat perfectly, bringing out its exquisite flavor.

At first, she thought Senior Brother Chen Chang'an had put the note there, but now it seemed that he didn't.

Since Senior Brother said he had never handled this kind of meat before, he shouldn't be lying to her, because she had nothing to gain from him lying to her.

So, if that's the case, there is only one truth:

When someone picks up this kind of Spirit Beast, it comes with a recipe?!!

This is too absurd.

Just thinking about this absurd possibility, Mao Ruxue shook her head and forcibly forgot about it.

This is too far-fetched.

It's even more far-fetched than the possibility of Senior Brother being Emperor Song!

Fortunately, Chen Chang'an didn't know what Mao Ruxue was thinking at this moment, otherwise he would definitely tell her seriously.

Both of her guesses are actually not far-fetched.

The first one is a bit far-fetched, but Junior Sister, you probably haven't experienced picking up a 'Heywu' in the Great Desert and finding a complete instruction manual on it.

As for the second one, Junior Sister, don't make baseless accusations. Your Senior Brother is a legitimate Daoist. How could he look like a Great Demon?

Back to the topic.

While Mao Ruxue was still puzzled, Chen Chang'an had already put down his chopsticks.

As someone who had been eating immortal whale meat for three months, Chen Chang'an naturally picked up a piece of immortal whale meat with his first chopsticks.

He was already tired of the immortal whale meat he cooked himself, so now he wanted to try what Mao Ruxue had made, and it was pretty good.

Mao Ruxue sliced the meat very thinly, and when Chen Chang'an picked up a piece, he dipped it in the sauce Mao Ruxue had prepared and swallowed it in one bite.

Not bad, not bad.

As soon as the meat entered his mouth, Chen Chang'an's eyes lit up.

Although he had been eating immortal whale meat for over three months and was already familiar with the taste, he found that the dish Mao Ruxue made was different.

Compared to what he made himself, Mao Ruxue's dish had a unique delicate fragrance.

This kind of fragrance could only be achieved by a careful woman cooking. If a man tried, he would never be able to achieve it.

Indeed, it was the right decision to leave this immortal whale meat for Mao Ruxue to cook when she returned.

Then, Chen Chang'an picked up another piece and praised Mao Ruxue incoherently, "Hmm, not bad, not bad."

"Junior Sister, I think it would be better if you cooked all the meals on the mountain from now on."

"The same dish, the one you make is really more delicious than the one I make."

Is it really that delicious?

Upon seeing her senior brother Chen Chang'an enjoying his meal so much, Mao Ruxue immediately became suspicious.

She admitted that when this unfamiliar meat was just cooked, she could already smell a delicious aroma, a scent she had never smelled before.

However, even if it was delicious, it was just a meal. Wasn't her senior brother's reaction a bit too exaggerated?

Mao Ruxue didn't understand.

"Junior sister, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and eat."

"Otherwise, if I finish eating and you're hungry, don't blame me."

At this moment, Chen Chang'an across from her spoke.

"Oh, okay, senior brother."

Mao Ruxue nodded quickly.

But in fact, at this moment, she really wanted to tell her senior brother Chen Chang'an that she was already a true king of cultivation, having achieved the state of "closing the valley" in the mortal world. Even if she didn't eat or drink for ten years, a hundred years, or even a thousand years, she wouldn't feel hungry.

However, Mao Ruxue didn't say anything. After all, this was her high-level alternate identity. How could she reveal such a thing?

It was a bit regrettable though. Originally, she wanted to use her divine ability to drive away the sword master who had been occupying the Immortal Sword City. But unexpectedly, the opponent had reinforcements, and two sword masters appeared all of a sudden. She could only retreat helplessly.

It was truly a great regret.

Uh, I've gone off track. What should I do now?

Oh, right, eat!

Mao Ruxue snapped back to reality in an instant, then picked up her chopsticks and picked up a piece of meat from the table.

First, she picked up a thin slice of meat, then following her senior brother Chen Chang'an's example, she dipped it in the sauce a few times.

Finally, she put it all in her mouth and chewed.

This way of eating was really novel. If she hadn't seen her senior brother eat like this, Mao Ruxue wouldn't have known how to eat it.

At the same time, Mao Ruxue had already made up her mind. When she put the piece of meat in her mouth, regardless of whether it was delicious or not, she would definitely pretend to enjoy it.

After all, she couldn't embarrass her senior brother.


However, this thought was only fleeting. When she put the meat in her mouth, Mao Ruxue was shocked.

In that instant, she felt her mind go blank. It was the taste of that piece of meat, penetrating her heart and soul.

Then, following her instincts, she took a bite of the meat and chewed.


At the moment when Mao Ruxue began to refuse, a crisp and fragrant taste exploded in her mouth. The smooth and tender sensation made Mao Ruxue instantly feel like she was in a heavenly realm, ascending to a thousand miles high in the sky, and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

Even after she came back to her senses, her mouth was still filled with freshness and deliciousness.

What's even more terrifying is that after swallowing a bite, the taste lingers in her mouth, leaving an endless aftertaste!

"What is this?!"

"Oh my god! Senior brother, what kind of meat is this? How can it be so delicious?"

"Is this really the meat I cooked?"

At this moment, Mao Ruxue directly threw away her reserve and couldn't help but ask Chen Chang'an in astonishment.

Mao Ruxue didn't know what "dragon liver and phoenix marrow" was, but the only thing she could be sure of was that the meat in front of her was a true delicacy.

"Junior sister, it's..."

Before Chen Chang'an could speak, Mao Ruxue interrupted him. She acted as if she already knew what he was going to say.

"I understand, I understand."

However, before Chen Chang'an could finish speaking, Mao Ruxue interrupted him. She acted as if she already knew what he was going to say.

To be honest, she had been on the mountain for so long that she was already immune to all kinds of tricks from this senior brother of hers.

Take this meat that was so delicious to the extreme, Mao Ruxue would never believe that it didn't come from a cherished spirit beast of some elder or the mountain master.

It might even be produced by the sect master Li Daoran!

But so what? Mao Ruxue wasn't interested in the insider information. All she wanted to do now was to eat.


Seeing Mao Ruxue's appearance, Chen Chang'an smiled slightly and didn't bother with her. He focused on being a "rice bucket" and ate the food on the table.

An hour later, the two sat on stone stools, feeling satisfied with their full stomachs. At this moment, their faces were filled with contentment, glowing with a rosy complexion, savoring the wonderful meal they just had.

However, it is worth knowing that in their current state, anyone who didn't know would think that they had just fought a big battle.

After being full and satisfied, the two cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks. Chen Chang'an then sat back on the recliner, while Mao Ruxue stood by and didn't leave.

"Junior sister, do you have something else to do?"

Seeing this scene, Chen Chang'an immediately became puzzled. Usually, after finishing a meal, this little junior sister would immediately go back to cultivate. Why is she acting so differently today?


Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Mao Ruxue was suddenly startled. Then she asked incredulously:

"Senior brother, isn't it customary for disciples who return from their worldly experiences to report the general process to the senior members of the sect?"

"What? Is this true??" Mao Ruxue's words immediately left Chen Chang'an dumbfounded.

He quickly searched through his memories and suddenly realized something.

That is, it seems that there is indeed such a rule in the regulations of the Heavenly Water Sect.

Well, this is really embarrassing.

But it seems like there's no need to ask. If others don't know, Chen Chang'an doesn't know either. His junior sister didn't go for some so-called worldly experience, she went to cultivate.

Even if he asked, the answer would definitely be a fabricated experience.

Who knows, there might even be some ups and downs in it.

So, in order to avoid both of them feeling awkward, Chen Chang'an thought it would be better not to ask.

"Junior sister, how about we just don't ask?" Chen Chang'an subconsciously asked Mao Ruxue.

"Huh? Don't ask?" Mao Ruxue was stunned by Chen Chang'an's words, as she was not prepared to be questioned and was afraid of being exposed.

"Senior brother, why not ask?" She looked at Chen Chang'an with confusion.

Although Mao Ruxue has spent very little time in the cultivation world, she still knows quite a lot about certain things, such as the worldly experience.

Worldly experience is a very important step that every cultivator must go through in their cultivation process. The quality of the results directly affects the future achievements of the cultivator.

Therefore, no matter which sect, as long as a disciple goes out for experience, the elders and masters will inquire about their process upon their return.

Then they will review it in detail, striving to find any flaws and help fill them in.

They will also organize these records for later disciples to learn from.

Knowing about these complicated rules, Mao Ruxue had prepared a very detailed forged record of her worldly experience before returning to the sect.

She could have returned to the sect two or three days earlier, but she spent the past two days reviewing this record at the foot of the mountain.

Even now, she was still silently reciting it in her mind, afraid that there might be any mistakes or errors.

But now, her senior brother actually said he wouldn't check it?

This... Mao Ruxue's mood was extremely terrible at this moment.

It was just like in Chen Chang'an's previous life, a few days before school started, students worked diligently, staying up late to finish their summer homework. But in the end, when they registered, they found out that the teacher hadn't even checked it. The feeling was exactly the same.

What the f*ck!

Seeing Mao Ruxue's appearance, Chen Chang'an understood what had happened.

But he didn't reveal it.

Instead, he nodded and said, "Junior sister, I actually think there's no need to ask about these things. If you are confident in the results of your experience, that's enough."

"As for the record of the sect's required worldly experience, you can copy it yourself and submit it without consulting me."

"Oh, I see, senior brother."

At this moment, Mao Ruxue really felt like a defeated rooster.

She pouted, wanting to say something, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

Seeing that Mao Ruxue had nothing to say, Chen Chang'an continued, "Well, that's it. Junior sister, if there's nothing else, you can go back."

He waved his hand, indicating that Mao Ruxue could go back if she had nothing else to do.

"Oh, okay, senior brother."

Mao Ruxue finally reacted at this moment and nodded at Chen Chang'an.

Her mood wasn't as bad as before.

After all, without being questioned, there would be more room for maneuver, right?

"By the way, senior brother, you seem to like reading, right?"

"When I went out for worldly experience this time, I happened to come across a few good books."

"I don't know which books you like, so I brought them all for you."

"Take a look."

Just as she was about to leave, Mao Ruxue suddenly remembered something. She turned around and took out hundreds of books from her storage ring and placed them in front of Chen Chang'an.

These books were all thick, and some of them were even made of sheepskin scrolls, ancient and extraordinary.

And when Chen Chang'an took a glance, he found that although there weren't many books, they were basically ones that were not in the Sutra Pavilion of Hidden Dao Mountain.

Seeing this, Chen Chang'an couldn't help but give Mao Ruxue, his cheap junior sister, a glance.

Immediately, he knew that this junior sister of his must have observed his bookshelf and knew what books he usually read.

Moreover, with the vast number of books in the Hidden Dao Mountain Sutra Pavilion, it would not be easy to find over a hundred books that were different from the types of books in there.

Having a heart, not bad, not bad.

Chen Chang'an immediately nodded with relief.

It seems that this girl is not as carefree as usual, she is quite caring.

If I had someone who cared about me like this in my previous life, I'm afraid even if I died, I would go to the afterlife with a smile.

Wait a minute?

Why did I suddenly think of death and going to the afterlife with a smile?

Oh my, could this girl be thinking the same thing?

Thinking of this, and looking at Mao Ruxue's expectant face, Chen Chang'an suddenly felt that this speculation might not be unfounded.


So, this girl, is she really aiming for me to go to the afterlife with a smile?

So should I be happy or unhappy?

Chen Chang'an suddenly didn't want to speak anymore, and the whale meat he had just eaten suddenly didn't taste good.

But, it seems like it's his own fault.

Feeling mentally exhausted.


Chen Chang'an didn't want to speak anymore, he accepted the book, and said to Mao Ruxue, "Junior Sister, I understand, you can go back first."

Mao Ruxue didn't know Chen Chang'an's thoughts. When she heard Chen Chang'an's words, she thought that Chen Chang'an liked it very much, so she happily nodded and said, "Okay, Senior Brother, then I'll go first."

In the end, Mao Ruxue still left.

"Ah, this girl."

After Mao Ruxue left, Chen Chang'an looked at the books in the courtyard and didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a while.

What Mao Ruxue didn't know was that although the books she brought back were not in the Hidden Dao Mountain's library, it didn't mean that Chen Chang'an hadn't read them.

Over the years, although Chen Chang'an was confined to the Sutra Pavilion, he had read more than just the books in the Sutra Pavilion.

Why did he go out and mix in the Demon World, become the Emperor Song? It was just to have power and find more books.

As a result, over the years, he had read almost all the books in the entire Central Continent and even farther away.

And most of the books in this world are repetitive, so now he can hardly find any books that he hasn't read.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Chen Chang'an swept his divine sense and found that he had basically read the books Mao Ruxue had found.

However, what was rare was that most of the books Mao Ruxue found were originals, which could be collected.

Seeing this result, Chen Chang'an immediately nodded in satisfaction. Although they were just collectibles and had no substantial use, it was still better than having no gains at all, right?

Using his divine sense to distinguish these books, Chen Chang'an immediately wanted to pack one pile and take it away.

"Huh? What's this?"

However, just as he was about to leave, he suddenly discovered that among those books that were not originals, there was a yellowed sheepskin scroll.

This sheepskin scroll looked very ancient, with a sense of vicissitudes and an ancient aura. It was obviously a very old thing.

However, at first glance, Chen Chang'an didn't find any Dao Rhyme preserved on the outside, which ruled out the possibility of it being a cultivation technique.

But Chen Chang'an still picked it up and examined it carefully.

"The Divine Elephant that Fell into the Mortal World"?

After picking up this sheepskin scroll, Chen Chang'an suddenly discovered that there was a hidden Grotto-Heaven inside.

This was not a simple piece of paper, it contained a space similar to a small world.

However, what existed in this small space was not anything extraordinary, but just single characters, densely packed characters.

The arrangement of these characters was chaotic, but if you wanted to read them carefully, you would find that they quickly combined to form orderly words.

Above the small characters were seven golden characters that read "The Divine Elephant that Fell into the Mortal World", shining brilliantly.

There was no doubt that this was a book, and the so-called "The Divine Elephant that Fell into the Mortal World" was the title of this book.

"There's a book like this too?"

Seeing this miraculous scene, Chen Chang'an was suddenly filled with astonishment.

Then, after reading it for a while, a clear sound appeared in Chen Chang'an's mind.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for finishing reading "The Divine Elephant that Fell into the Mortal World" and gaining the first level of the Divine Ability "Hell Suppressing Divine Elephant Force".]

[Of course, you have already learned the zero level of the Divine Ability, do you want to learn it immediately?]

ps1: Adding more chapters for the leader [I Am Just a Salted Fish Seven], thank you for the leader's support.

ps2: Thank you to all the readers for the support, those who have given gifts will be thanked individually, thank you all.

Finally, it's a new month, please vote for the monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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