Reading Is Holy! Exposed By My Junior Sister!

113. Chapter 113 The Immortal Lord Of Seven Demon Town Comes To The Holy World! (Please Vote For The

Chapter 113: Seven Demon Town, Immortal Lord, Arrives in the Holy Realm! (Big chapter, seeking monthly votes!)

Kidney Deficiency Master?

Hmm, what a unique name!

"Thank you, Senior Kidney Deficiency," Chen Chang'an said, cupping his hands in salute.

Afterwards, under the indulgence of Kidney Deficiency Master, Chen Chang'an spent two days searching and collecting all the Great Dao flowers in the space.

He also took away those Holy Medicines mentioned by Kidney Deficiency Master.

Holy Medicines are extremely powerful medicines that can only be used by cultivators above the Eight Realms.

They are quite expensive. If sold outside, one plant could easily fetch over a hundred thousand Dao Source Stones.

A batch of expensive goods.

And there are many Holy Medicines here, with over a hundred plants.

If sold, he could get over ten million Dao Source Stones!

Such a great harvest made Chen Chang'an ecstatic.

During these two days, Chen Chang'an also learned about the kind of person Kidney Deficiency Master was.

In simple terms, he was a hermit!

He was born in this place, and then, due to a chaotic logging incident, he had been trapped in this space for a very long time.

And he was constrained by an invisible rule, unable to leave.

How long exactly had this period of time been?

It was so long that Kidney Deficiency Master himself couldn't remember.

He only remembered that the Great Dao flowers he brought in back then had grown generation after generation.

Now, they had grown into a large medicinal garden.

Five colors, seven colors, competing for brilliance.

One color, three colors, competing for growth.

And the seeds of the Venerable Level Divine Medicines that followed him back then had grown into mature Ten Realms Divine Medicines.

Having lived for so many years, Kidney Deficiency Master had long seen through everything.

For him, being able to see a living person before his death was already the greatest blessing.

"Senior Kidney Deficiency, haven't you ever thought about leaving?" Chen Chang'an asked.

"I think, with your strength, if you want to leave, there shouldn't be anyone who can stop you, right?"

Kidney Deficiency Master shook his head and said, "Kid, you don't understand."

Saying that, Kidney Deficiency Master raised his hand and casually struck towards the sky.


The next moment, Chen Chang'an was surprised to find that all the radiance Kidney Deficiency Master struck out had completely dissipated in this void.

As if it had entered another dimension.

After trying this, as if afraid that Chen Chang'an wouldn't believe him, Kidney Deficiency Master changed directions a few times and continued to strike out radiance with his hand.

Without exception, the radiance he struck out also dissipated.

"You see, young friend, this is the situation," Kidney Deficiency Master said, seeing this scene, Chen Chang'an fell into contemplation.

Kidney Deficiency Master seemed to not have lied to him, he really couldn't leave.

Kidney Deficiency Master seemed to see Chen Chang'an's contemplation and waved his hand, smiling indifferently, saying, "Don't worry about this old man."

"In the world, everything is just a sip of wine, a mouthful of food,"

"Although I can't leave this place, I have lived countless years relying on this place."

"Whether I have lost or gained from it, I'm not sure."

Chen Chang'an was stunned by these words, then he cupped his hands and said, "I admire the broad-mindedness of Senior."

It was true admiration.

Although Chen Chang'an in his previous life was not a fat otaku, he still had some understanding of those people.

But the reason those losers could stay at home for so long was because they had USB drives in their network, and those USB drives contained a lot of gigabytes of study materials!

But Kidney Deficiency Master's method was terrifying.

He had nothing, relying solely on self-hypnosis!

However, his self-hypnosis was quite awesome.

He was really kidney deficient.


Kidney Deficiency Master seemed to care a lot about Chen Chang'an's flattery, nodding his head.

Looking into the distance, he sighed, saying, "Kid, do you know how this place came to be?"

Chen Chang'an shook his head.

This space was neither real nor virtual, not within the Five Elements.

The spiritual energy inside was also extremely rich, so rich that it could accommodate over a hundred Holy Medicines at the same time.

To be honest, even though Chen Chang'an had a lot of data, he didn't know how this strange place was formed.

Chen Chang'an asked, "Senior Kidney Deficiency, is there some hidden secret?"


Kidney Deficiency Master stroked his beard, he seemed to like stroking his beard.

"Since you want to know, this old man will tell you the story."

"That was when I was just born."

"At that time, countless races stood tall, and gods and demons filled the sky. The world had not yet experienced such decline as it does now."

"At its peak, there were six ancient gods and demons standing under the same starry sky."

"Heavenly Emperor!"

"Earth Emperor!"

"Spirit Emperor!"

"Thunder Emperor!"

"Azure Emperor!"

"Star Emperor!"


Kidney Deficiency Master said seriously,

He talked about the origin of the six ancient gods and demons, all the way to their demise.

Chen Chang'an also listened attentively.

Chen Chang'an had learned some legends about the Heavenly Emperor and the other five ancient gods and demons in a book called "Taiyi Record".

That was something that happened in the mythical era!

But it was only scratching the surface,

There was no detailed information recorded.

After the fall of the six ancient gods and demons, the heavenly mandate became ownerless in an instant.

So, a group of hidden pseudo-gods took action.

They stole the heavenly mandate and became ancient gods and demons.

However, although they became ancient gods, they quickly discovered that the rules of this world had changed.

The longevity of living beings was plundered by that great terror.

Although they became ancient gods, they lost the rules of becoming gods.

They were suppressed by the Great Dao. Under this suppression, their own paths were severely suppressed.

Their paths were suppressed, which also meant that they no longer had long lives.

So, in order to cope with this suppression,

Restricted areas and forbidden lands were formed one after another.

That period was also called the ancient era.

In the ancient era, countless races in the world lived under the enslavement of the major restricted areas.

They were either food or prey!

It wasn't until the first Saint in the world, the Martial Pavilion's Ancestor, was born that this situation began to change slightly.

This era is also known as the ancient era!

And the ten original saints originated from the ancient era!

They were born in that desperate era and used their wisdom to create cultivation methods that led directly to the Great Dao.

This gave all living beings in the world the power to resist evil spirits.

Kidney Deficiency Master said so much mainly to tell Chen Chang'an that the lost rules of becoming gods did not actually disappear.

Instead, they were sealed in this space.

Saying that, Kidney Deficiency Master handed a bottle to Chen Chang'an.

Chen Chang'an took a look and saw several strands of terrifying aura floating inside, sometimes real and sometimes illusory.

Although he didn't open it to look, even through the bottle, Chen Chang'an could feel the immense power contained in those strands of aura, the power of the Great Dao.

It was so powerful and majestic, definitely the most surging power in the world.

Chen Chang'an was astonished,

Unprecedented astonishment,

Because he had only seen this kind of power in Xiao Xiang.

What does this mean, it goes without saying!

He also made a move in an instant, in the blink of an eye, he put the bottle into his personal space!

"You brat!"

Seeing Chen Chang'an hiding the bottle, Kidney Deficiency Master gnashed his teeth,

There was a sense of hating iron for not becoming steel.

But Chen Chang'an didn't care about that,

Whether it becomes steel or not doesn't matter, what matters is that this thing is really precious!

Seeing this, Kidney Deficiency Master could only shake his head helplessly and said,

"Alright, alright."

"You can go now, that thing was meant to be given to you."

"I don't have much time left to live,"

"Keeping these things is useless."

What Kidney Deficiency Master said was not false.

The rules of becoming gods are not omnipotent.

Although it can help a person comprehend the complete rules of the Great Dao, there is a limit to this.

It's like a student who is not good at studying, you buy a book called "Five High School Mock Exams" and put it in front of him.

Indeed, if he can completely solve the questions in it, the college entrance examination will not be difficult for him.

But, the questions are given to him, and even the answers are given to him.

But can he really learn?


Even if he hires a teacher for tutoring, it may be in vain!

This kind of thing cannot be forced.

Just like himself, even if he soaked in water composed of the rules of the Great Dao.

It would have no effect at all.

"Elder, could it be that you really won't go out with the junior?"

Seeing the old man in such a state, Chen Chang'an was moved.

"What does it matter if I go out? What does it matter if I don't go out?"

Kidney Deficiency chuckled.

"Young man, I know my own body."

"My time is almost up."

"If I go out on this journey, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back here again."

"Whether I'm being melodramatic or nostalgic."

"Or maybe I'll just be buried here."

"Although this place is gloomy,"

"It has accompanied me for so many years."

"I have long been reluctant to leave."

Listening to Kidney Deficiency's words, Chen Chang'an fell silent again.

This scene of Kidney Deficiency reminded him of someone from his previous life, an old man from his neighbor's house.

After working hard for most of his life, he finally saw his children and grandchildren succeed.

He enjoyed a few days of happiness,

And then fell ill.

Terminal cancer, untreatable.

After learning about the situation, the old man refused his children's proposal to go to the hospital for treatment.

His only wish was to return to his hometown and see the wind and moon there one last time.

In the end, the old man passed away.

When he was dying, he tidied up everything in his old home.

Only then did he lie down on the bed, holding the image of his deceased spouse, and entered the realm of dreams.

The old man had a peaceful smile on his face when he passed away.

"For the kindness of my elders, I have no way to repay."

"Please accept my bow."

Chen Chang'an knew he couldn't save Kidney Deficiency, so he bowed respectfully.

Although he had only spent less than three days with Kidney Deficiency,

He gained a lot during those three days.

These are favors,

And must be repaid!

"Alright, go."

Kidney Deficiency nodded slowly and said,

"Forget about this old man once you leave."

"Perhaps no one will come to this place in the future."

Chen Chang'an knew that Kidney Deficiency was speaking the truth. The path from the outside to the inside was constantly changing.

Even now, without deduction,

He wouldn't be able to find the way in.

After saying that, Kidney Deficiency left.

In the center of the endless sea of flowers, there was a thatched cottage.

And Kidney Deficiency had been living there for countless years.

Chen Chang'an kept gazing for a long time, until he couldn't see Kidney Deficiency's figure anymore, then he sighed deeply.

People are not plants, how can they be without feelings?

However, this was Kidney Deficiency's own decision, and Chen Chang'an couldn't interfere.

He couldn't interfere either.

At this moment, Chen Chang'an suddenly had a realization and understood why Kidney Deficiency gave up going out.

It wasn't that he didn't want to, but over the countless years, his Dao heart had already been battered and bruised.

In this situation, what difference would it make if he went out again?

Everything in the world that I was familiar with has long left me.

Even if I can survive alone in this world, what meaning does it have?

"Heaven and Earth Profound Weapon, the path lies ahead!"

"Guide me to the sky, the path of the starry sky, open!"

Just like when he entered, with Chen Chang'an's low shout, a winding rainbow path appeared in front of him.

However, this time, the rainbow path that appeared was obviously much more complex than the one when he entered.

Stepping onto the path of light, Chen Chang'an looked back at the thatched cottage and said,

"Elder, this is where we part ways."

"I will always remember your kindness."

After saying that, Chen Chang'an solemnly bowed to the thatched cottage, then turned around and prepared to step onto the path of light and leave.

"Young man, there's no need. You can repay me now!"

However, just as Chen Chang'an was about to leave, a loud voice suddenly exploded in his ears.

The voice was small, but it was full of endless majesty, undeniable!

This voice came from within Chen Chang'an's body.


Chen Chang'an was immediately shocked and quickly activated his divine sense to look inside.

He immediately discovered that he didn't know when, in his sea of consciousness,

Above the inner world filled with the sounds of birds and the fragrance of flowers,

There was a Daoist sitting cross-legged.

White eyebrows, beard, and eyes, an old and dignified appearance!

"Elder, what are you doing?"

Chen Chang'an saw it very clearly, this Daoist was clearly Kidney Deficiency, whom he had just bid farewell to!

The only difference from the Kidney Deficiency he had just seen was that the eyes of this Daoist in his sea of consciousness

Were not cloudy, but full of vitality,

His body was also full of vitality, without any signs of aging!

This is not just an old man on the verge of death, but a timeless powerhouse who overlooks the years.

Chen Chang'an's first reaction was that Kidney Deficiency was joking with him.

"Hahaha, what's going on?"

Kidney Deficiency looked at Chen Chang'an and burst into laughter.

"Kid, I had already given up hope of going out."

"But I didn't expect you to give me such a big surprise."

"Not only did you come in yourself, but you also brought such a good physique to me."

"Innate Scholar's body, I didn't expect you to be the legendary Innate Scholar!"

"There are so many laws suppressed in your body."

"Hahaha, I'm really going to make a move this time!"

"In this world, I, the old man, will have a say!"

Hearing Kidney Deficiency's words, Chen Chang'an's heart sank.

If he didn't understand what Kidney Deficiency was planning at this moment, then he would have lived in vain all these years.

Body possession!

Chen Chang'an didn't expect his luck to be so bad, encountering the legendary body possession!

The truth quickly proved Chen Chang'an's speculation.

When he tried to activate his inner world, he found that his connection with the inner world had been severed.

Not only did the Inner World, which had transformed into a lush greenery, disappear, but at this moment, Chen Chang'an felt that the existence of the system had also become somewhat unstable.

This was not because the system was becoming unstable, but because his spiritual power was being continuously consumed by Kidney Deficiency.

And because Kidney Deficiency made a sudden move.

At this moment, Chen Chang'an's spiritual power had already been assimilated by more than half!

This directly resulted in him being unable to use any of his Divine Abilities at the moment!

This was an unsolvable situation!

What should he do?

What should he do?

Was he really going to perish here?

Chen Chang'an regretted a bit, regretting that he shouldn't have stepped in here in the first place.

Unlike Chen Chang'an, Kidney Deficiency appeared very happy.

"Alright, stop looking so gloomy."

"You can rest assured that as someone who came from chaos, I am definitely worthy of this body of yours."

"Moreover, I can help you complete your lost origin, making your body extremely glorious."

Saying that, Kidney Deficiency assimilated a large part of Chen Chang'an's spiritual power.

At this moment, Chen Chang'an was left with only the ability to think.

Seeing this, Kidney Deficiency immediately laughed and said, "Kid, don't think that I'm heartless. Since you and I have some fate, and you have brought me such a good body..."

"I can make an exception and fulfill one of your last wishes."

"Tell me, what is your last wish?"

After speaking, Kidney Deficiency looked at Chen Chang'an, waiting for his answer.

Seeing this, Chen Chang'an couldn't help but smile bitterly.

When Kidney Deficiency stopped earlier, he thought the other party would leave his consciousness behind.

Now it seemed impossible.

Chen Chang'an knew that this question was Kidney Deficiency's last bit of tenderness left for him.

After finishing this matter, he would have to leave.

Chen Chang'an didn't expect that, after eighteen years, he would be dying again.

However, it seemed that he wasn't really afraid.

Perhaps he had gotten used to it.

Chen Chang'an clasped his hands and said, "Senior, the junior has no other wishes."

"I only hope that if Senior has the ability in the future, you can help the junior avenge my parents."

"I am deeply grateful."

Kidney Deficiency nodded, "Hmm, you don't need to say it. I will do this even if you don't ask."

"Anything else?"

He asked again.

"No." Chen Chang'an smiled bitterly and shook his head.

However, he spoke again, "But, junior has an unpleasant request. I hope Senior can agree."

"Senior once told the junior that Senior came from a distant place."

"I think Senior is probably not an ordinary person."

"Can Senior tell the junior what your true identity is?"

So that's it.

Hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Kidney Deficiency laughed.

He had to admit that Chen Chang'an was clever to notice the occasional vocabulary he mentioned.

Throughout history, Kidney Deficiency would never tell anyone what his true form was.

Because this secret had far-reaching implications, under normal circumstances, he would never reveal it.

But telling someone who was about to die was not a big deal.

Not to mention that it would reduce this kid's resistance.

With this kid's weakened resistance, it would be easier for him to control this body.

Thinking to this point, Kidney Deficiency made a decision.

He pointed to an ordinary herb outside the thatched cottage and said, "That is my true form, the Mirage Immortal Grass!"

"How about it, isn't it a handsome grass?"

Chen Chang'an followed the direction pointed out by Kidney Deficiency and saw a very ordinary grass.

Such grass, in the midst of that sea of flowers, could be found in thousands if not tens of thousands, extremely ordinary.

But unexpectedly, this turned out to be the true form of Kidney Deficiency.


"Mirage Immortal Grass?"

After getting the name, Chen Chang'an quickly communicated with the system and started searching.

But strangely, nothing was found.

There was only a fragment of information:

"Mirage Immortal Grass, origin unknown, suspected to be from the Immortal World."

"Can create large-scale illusions."

"The illusions created can deceive even immortals!"

Although the information was scarce, it was quite horrifying.

Even True Immortals could be deceived, what kind of thing was this?

No wonder Kidney Deficiency always said he came from chaos.

Now it seems that this statement is probably not false.

"Yes, it is indeed the Mirage Immortal Grass!"

Kidney Deficiency nodded, proudly saying,

"What's wrong, surprised?"

"Well, it's normal for ordinary mortals like you to be scared."

"After all, beings like me are not something ordinary people can see."

Chen Chang'an nodded, agreeing,

"Yes, I didn't expect you to really be a divine being."

"No wonder I said, why couldn't I deduce your background with ordinary deduction methods."

"I had to use the Myriad Manifestations deduction."

"So that's the reason."

Speaking up to this point, Chen Chang'an suddenly faced Kidney Deficiency,

revealing a big smile.

"What? Kid, what do you mean?"

Seeing Chen Chang'an's appearance, for some reason, Kidney Deficiency suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Nothing, just the literal meaning."

Chen Chang'an said lightly.

The fake expression on his face had disappeared.

Mirage Immortal Grass?

You are the one I'm looking for!

Seeing that Chen Chang'an ignored him, Kidney Deficiency couldn't help but get angry,

"Kid, how dare you disrespect me like this!"

"I have decided that after the Wind God passes, I will destroy your soul completely."

Destroying the soul, this was an extreme act of killing.

Once done, it meant that the person was completely dead.

"Enough, old man, stop pretending."

"You have already lost."

Chen Chang'an shook his head, looking disdainfully at Kidney Deficiency.

Then, he opened the door of consciousness.

"Let me show you what a true sea of consciousness looks like!"

Suddenly, with a thought from Chen Chang'an, his sea of consciousness began to churn.

"Haha, kid, let me see what a real sea of consciousness looks like?"

Kidney Deficiency burst into laughter at Chen Chang'an's words.

As a divine grass spirit, he had lived for the longest time in this world.

Compared to the sea of consciousness, he was not afraid of even some ancient demons, let alone Chen Chang'an, who wasn't even a Heavenly Venerable?

It's a joke!

Moreover, now that this kid's sea of consciousness was assimilated by him by ninety percent.

What could he use to fight against him?

However, just as Kidney Deficiency had this thought, he suddenly saw Chen Chang'an's sea of consciousness become incredibly vast.

The green inner world he originally occupied suddenly collapsed.

Then, an immense inner world, extending endlessly, appeared before him.

This extended inner world was as vast as a chaotic space.


Under the inner world, terrifying ancient gods and demons were fighting each other.

And at the top, a terrifying purple giant elephant roared towards the sky.

With one stomp, it seemed to suppress all the Great Worlds.

What was even more terrifying was that beside the terrifying giant elephant, there were also several equally terrifying illusions floating and sinking.

A Great Demon overlooking the heavens and earth, an ancient Buddha tearing through time and space,

and the one in the middle, sitting alone on the throne, overlooking the rise and fall of the ages, an unparalleled youth.

Seven existences, overlooking the world!


The impact brought by this scene was incredibly strong.

Kidney Deficiency panicked.

Because he recognized four of the seven figures floating and sinking in the inner world.

The Primordial Overlord, the Prison-Imprisoning Divine Elephant, the Mythological Era Earth Emperor, the Thunder Emperor, and the Star Emperor.

Kidney Deficiency pointed at Chen Chang'an, trembling his lips, and said:

"Kid, who are you?!"

Kidney Deficiency trembled. In the face of this vast inner world, he felt that his spiritual power was as tiny as a grain of sand.

There was no way to resist this!

Chen Chang'an laughed, "Of course, I am me. Who else could I be?"

With these words, Chen Chang'an didn't waste any time. He directly used the immense spiritual power of his inner world to suppress Kidney Deficiency.


In an instant, the world changed colors!

"Ah! Kid, let go of me, otherwise I will never give up on you!"

Being pressed down by Chen Chang'an like this, Kidney Deficiency felt as if his whole body was being torn apart.

He was the spirit of the immortal herb, without a physical body.

If this strand of spiritual power was crushed by Chen Chang'an, he would vanish into thin air.

Chen Chang'an didn't pay attention to Kidney Deficiency's howling, but continued to increase the infusion of spiritual power.

Slowly and steadily, he pressed towards Kidney Deficiency's sea of consciousness.

It had to be said that Kidney Deficiency was indeed a living being who had survived from the chaotic ancient times and even earlier periods.

This level of spiritual power was the strongest Chen Chang'an had ever seen among all the people he had encountered.

Chen Chang'an conservatively estimated that even someone like Yin Tianzi, a great Heavenly Venerable, probably didn't have the strength of this old man.

Unfortunately, this old man had encountered him.

Looking at the entire world, it was hard to say how strong Chen Chang'an was in terms of overall power.

But when it came to the strength of the sea of consciousness, he didn't fear anyone.

From the moment he bound with the system, his sea of consciousness was no longer something that ordinary beings could reach.

Not to mention the countless laws he had in his mind!


Kidney Deficiency cried out in pain again. Just as he was about to continue speaking harshly, he was hit even harder, causing him to immediately surrender.

"Please spare me, please spare me!"

"I surrender, I surrender, please don't press me anymore."

Chen Chang'an became interested when he heard this.

"Oh, old man, are you really surrendering? Are you not going to continue resisting?"

Kidney Deficiency quickly nodded, his cold sweat pouring out.

"Yes, yes, sir. I surrender, I really surrender."

"Well then, tell me your story." Chen Chang'an saw that this old man had truly surrendered, so he asked.

In this world, there were not many things that could pique Chen Chang'an's interest.

But this old man in front of him was one of them.

In fact, when Chen Chang'an first entered this space and saw Kidney Deficiency, he immediately used the system to deduce Kidney Deficiency's information and his goals.

The deduction function of the system was something Chen Chang'an accidentally discovered.

The mechanism of operation is to integrate existing knowledge from one's mind and ultimately provide deductions about certain things.

Furthermore, the more knowledge Chen Chang'an has in his mind, the more accurate deductions he can obtain.

This deduction is divided into general deduction and high-level deduction, and in general, ordinary deduction can provide Chen Chang'an with what he wants.

But the deduction at that time did not meet Chen Chang'an's expectations.

Because among the deduction results, apart from two results that can be deduced based on Kidney Deficiency's current actions and expressions, everything else about Kidney Deficiency's strength, origin, etc. is unknown.

These unknowns indicate that Kidney Deficiency's level has exceeded the upper limit of the system's deduction.

If one wants to continue deducing more results, they can only use a higher-level deduction called Myriad Manifestations deduction.

However, Myriad Manifestations deduction is very precious, and Chen Chang'an is reluctant to use it in this situation.

Therefore, the subsequent act of Chen Chang'an intentionally leading the old man into a conversation was staged.

The reason why Chen Chang'an made up his mind to accompany the old man in this act was due to the two possible events that the system presented at that time.

These two possible events are as follows:

First: Kidney Deficiency's conversation with Chen Chang'an was sincere, and he regarded Chen Chang'an as a close friend before his death.

Second: Kidney Deficiency's true identity is not a human being, and the reason why he treated Chen Chang'an so warmly was because he wanted to possess him.

Upon learning about the possibility of the latter event, Chen Chang'an immediately deduced the probability of his own successful possession.

The answer given by the system was zero.

Therefore, Chen Chang'an let go of his worries and acted in the play.

Otherwise, when he first saw Kidney Deficiency, he would have turned and walked away without hesitation.

Chen Chang'an has never been someone who likes to put himself in danger.

The events that followed indeed unfolded as the system deduced.

On the first day of contact with Kidney Deficiency, Chen Chang'an felt that his sea of consciousness was being invaded.

This invasion was very subtle, but it couldn't escape Chen Chang'an's vigilance.

In order not to alert the enemy, Chen Chang'an devised a plan.

He hid most of his sea of consciousness, leaving only one-thousandth exposed for Kidney Deficiency to swallow.

To make it more convincing, he even placed the Taiyuan Emperor's Clock in this remaining part of the sea of consciousness.

Sure enough, Kidney Deficiency fell for it.

And he fell hard!

To be honest, if Kidney Deficiency had used his strength instead of the sea of consciousness, Chen Chang'an wouldn't have stood a chance.

But now, all he can say is sorry.

Isn't the winner the king?

"Xiao Bubu, sir, sir, let me explain,"

"The situation is like this."

When Kidney Deficiency heard Chen Chang'an's question, he immediately grasped onto it like a lifeline.

He quickly spilled the beans and confessed everything.

From birth until now, not a single thing has been missed.

After finishing speaking, Kidney Deficiency Zi knelt down without any integrity: "Uncle Chen, please don't kill me."

"Although I am an immortal herb, my juice is sour."


After hearing Kidney Deficiency Zi's tearful words, Chen Chang'an couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth.

He never expected that this seemingly serious old man would actually have such shamelessness in his heart.

Besides being shameless, he also had a truly mysterious origin.

How should I put it,

This old man was originally a plant in the Boundless Sea, born in chaos.

At that time, the chaos was not the primordial chaos that Chen Chang'an understood.

It was a place full of immortal biomass, where immortals competed and argued.

Simply put, it was what people commonly referred to as the ancient times.

However, he was born in the Immortal Domain at the end of the ancient era.

He was active before the Divine Elephant of the Prison Town suppressed the Hell.

According to Kidney Deficiency Zi, shortly after he was born, a great turmoil came.

An unprecedented war swept through the entire Boundless Sea.

In the boundless Boundless Sea, supreme beings fought every day.

In that battle, the sky was colorless, and the Boundless Sea was turned upside down.

And the fairyland where he was located also suffered at that time.

It was split from the Boundless Sea by a stream of light from an unknown source and drifted endlessly.

When it finally stabilized, it was already in this world.

Later, because of its uniqueness, it gradually formed a protective color.

And it developed into a secret realm,

Which is now the Tai Xuan Secret Realm.

And he, since drifting here, has survived for countless years in the Tai Xuan Secret Realm.

During these endless years, he couldn't go anywhere.

He could only stay in this space every day.

At first, it was fine, after all, he was just a plant,

Loneliness and solitude did not exist.

But later, as this area was constantly discovered by people,

He gradually learned about the customs and culture of the outside world.

As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss.

After knowing about the so-called prosperity of the myriad realms,

This old immortal herb that had been silent for endless years couldn't sit still.

He didn't want to continue staying here, he wanted to go out and see this magnificent world!

So, he began to plan.

But unfortunately, not everyone can enter this place.

From the time the Mirage Divine Herb started planning until now, which lasted for tens of millions of years, only two people have been able to enter here.

One is a woman, and the other is Chen Chang'an.

Originally, when that woman came in, the Mirage Divine Herb wanted to make a move and try to possess her.

But after a series of tests, he found that he was no match for that woman.

So, for the sake of his own life, he had to give up his plan.

He didn't even show himself!

Because of this, he had to watch as the other party took away half of his medicinal garden.

Originally, after this incident, the Mirage Divine Herb was about to give up.

But coincidentally, Chen Chang'an came in at this time.

How could the Mirage Divine Herb give up on someone like Chen Chang'an?

So, a play began.

But what the Mirage Divine Herb didn't expect was that he had once again underestimated the situation.

Instead of successfully possessing him, he was caught by this kid.

After thinking for a while, Chen Chang'an looked at Kidney Deficiency Zi and said,

"Mirage Divine Herb, if you want me to spare your life, it's possible."

"But what can you bring me?"

Kidney Deficiency Zi was stunned and asked incredulously,

"What? Kid, no, Uncle Chen, you're not going to kill me?"

Chen Chang'an nodded, "If you have value, I can spare your life."

"Thank you, Uncle, for sparing my life."

Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words of sparing his life, Kidney Deficiency Zi immediately prostrated himself on the ground with joy.

This attitude was extremely flattering, completely different from his previous calm and dignified appearance.

He had no image at all.

But Kidney Deficiency Zi didn't care about all this.

Being able to survive was better than anything else!

As the saying goes, the longer you live, the more you fear death.

For someone like Kidney Deficiency Zi who has lived for millions of years, he is even more afraid of death.

So, after being caught by Chen Chang'an, the Mirage Divine Herb became timid.

Being able to bend and stretch is what a real man does!

Chen Chang'an waved his hand, interrupting Kidney Deficiency Zi, and said, "Alright, old man, stop flattering."

"Now let's get down to business."

He knew why this old guy had no image.

Lack of worldly experience was one aspect, and the other aspect was fear of death.

Of course, the most important thing was that this old guy himself was an eccentric old man.

The dignified appearance before was just an act.

Next, Chen Chang'an and Kidney Deficiency signed a contract.

Chen Chang'an can choose not to kill Kidney Deficiency, or he can take Kidney Deficiency with him.

However, as an exchange condition, Kidney Deficiency needs to serve Chen Chang'an for five hundred years without compensation.

In addition, when Chen Chang'an needs to use the Mirage Immortal Grass, Kidney Deficiency cannot refuse.

Of course, Chen Chang'an guarantees that he will not do anything that would harm Kidney Deficiency's foundation.

At most, he only needs some roots.

Furthermore, everything in this space belongs to Chen Chang'an, as compensation for Kidney Deficiency's attempt to possess him.

Although Kidney Deficiency really wants to hit someone, he has no choice but to agree.

There's no way, the situation is stronger than people.

The contract is bound by Chen Chang'an's spiritual power. If Kidney Deficiency violates any of the terms, Chen Chang'an can instantly take his life.

In this way, Chen Chang'an not only gains an immortal grass, but also a Transcendent Level bodyguard!

Chen Chang'an is not sure how strong Kidney Deficiency is, but he shouldn't be weaker than any of the Nine Realms in this world.

"Let's go, let's go out."

After everything was ready, Chen Chang'an took Kidney Deficiency and walked out of this space.

"This is the outside space, hahaha, I'm out, hahaha!"

"The profound power suppresses the eternal, invincible in the world, holding the power of the heavens and ruling the myriad realms. My path is the mortal world."

"I declare that from now on, this world will be mine, hahaha!"

As soon as he heard that they were going out, Kidney Deficiency immediately went crazy.

He went wild and howled everywhere, showing how happy he was.

However, Kidney Deficiency soon stopped laughing.

Because he found out that Chen Chang'an was not going to the outside world at all.

Instead, they were going to the innermost part of this space.

Kidney Deficiency couldn't possibly not know what was in the innermost part of this space.

It was a road, a road that leads to the Holy Realm, the Immortal World!

What is this kid trying to do? Is he trying to invade the upper realm?

"Damn it, kid, you're a fucking bastard."

"You're not going to tell me that you're the one who's been making a fuss in the outside world these past two days, trying to invade the upper realm and kill people, are you?"

"What do you think?" Chen Chang'an smiled and looked at Kidney Deficiency.

"Damn it! You're really him?"

"If you want to die, don't drag me along!"

Kidney Deficiency was confused by his words.

Although he was trapped in a small secret realm, he knew everything about the entire Profound Heaven secret realm.

So, he had heard many times about the so-called Emperor Song who was making a fuss in the outside world, trying to invade the upper realm.

At first, he wondered who the idiot was and what he was trying to do.

Because he knew how terrifying the Holy Realm was.

Not to mention a pseudo Heavenly Venerable who had just condensed his Dao Palace, even a great Heavenly Venerable wouldn't dare to act recklessly there!

How could that idiot dare to do it!

But now Kidney Deficiency found out that the so-called idiot was right in front of him?

And he had just signed a contract with him?

Damn it! This was such a big scam!

At this moment, Kidney Deficiency felt like he wanted to die.

"Old man, I don't know if you'll die or not."

"But now that we have a contract, we might as well die together."

"As for me, I've lived long enough, so I have no regrets."

Chen Chang'an looked at Kidney Deficiency, showing a big smile with his white teeth.

"But you, you might feel a little uncomfortable later."

"I heard that the people in the upper realm love immortal grass the most, especially the ones that have transformed."

Damn it! Kidney Deficiency immediately cursed Chen Chang'an.

He understood now that he had been tricked by this kid.

"Alright, old man, stop hiding."

"Give me your true form!"

After saying that, Chen Chang'an didn't hesitate. He grabbed Kidney Deficiency's true form and threw it into the passage.

Only those who have reached the Ninth Realm can pass through this reverse passage, and Chen Chang'an is no exception.

However, if a magical treasure is used to open the way, there is no problem.

And Kidney Deficiency's true form is just right for that!

Otherwise, why do you think Chen Chang'an went through all the trouble to deal with Kidney Deficiency?


In the next moment, a spacious passage appeared from the sky and enveloped Chen Chang'an's figure.

Then, following the rising light, Chen Chang'an's figure gradually disappeared in this world.


When he reappeared, he had already arrived outside a mist-shrouded majestic gate.

It was a huge bronze gate with countless divine creatures carved on it.

And on this gate, two powerful and vigorous characters danced among them.

"Holy Realm!"

Without a doubt, once they crossed this gate, the world they would be in would be the Holy Realm that countless beings dream of!

PS: Added more, please vote for this chapter! (End of this chapter)

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