Reading Is Holy! Exposed By My Junior Sister!

123. Chapter 123 Tianyuan Li Gang, Mao Ruxue’S First Battle!

Chapter 123: Tianyuan Li Gang, Mao Ruxue's First Battle!

"Mr. Liang, why is it you?" Chen Chang'an exclaimed in surprise upon seeing the person.

The person in front of him was an old man, well into his old age, with faint wrinkles appearing on his slightly wrinkled face.

The old man stood there, dressed in simple and plain clothes, but his eyes were bright and sharp, as if he were a true god walking among mortals.

This person was none other than Mr. Liang Renxing, whom Chen Chang'an had a chance encounter with at the Celestial Fragrance Pavilion auction house.

Chen Chang'an had a favorable impression of this old gentleman, and at that time, when he said that if he had the chance, he would visit the Kingdom of Daqian, he was not lying.

Unexpectedly, before he had the chance to go, the other party had come first.

Chen Chang'an really didn't expect that this time's Qu Shanghui, this person would actually come as well.

"I have seen Young Master Chen," Liang Renxing spoke as Chen Chang'an was surprised, bowing respectfully. His old voice came out of his mouth.

"No need for such formalities, Mr. Liang," Chen Chang'an quickly returned the gesture.

"And if Mr. Liang doesn't mind, you can just call me 'little friend.'"

"Being called 'young master' is really too much."

"In that case, I'll trouble you, little friend Chen," Liang Renxing said with a slight smile, not insisting on it.

Chen Chang'an nodded in response.

"Mr. Liang, please come in and have a seat in the room."

Immediately after, Chen Chang'an invited Liang Renxing into the room.

The outside was still the outside, not a place to receive guests.

Inside the room, Chen Chang'an took out a jug of wine from his space and poured it for Liang Renxing.

"Do you also like to drink, little friend?" Liang Renxing asked in surprise upon seeing Chen Chang'an take out the wine, especially the top-quality immortal wine.

There were rumors that Tian Shui Chen Chang'an liked to drink tea, especially the kind with tender tea leaves.

He rarely drank alcohol.

But unexpectedly, today upon meeting, there was actually wine to be shared, which truly surprised Liang Renxing.

Upon hearing Liang Renxing's words, Chen Chang'an smiled and said, "Mr. Liang."

"A thousand cups of wine are not enough for a true friend, but a cup of strong wine can drown the sorrows of the mortal world."

"This tea is light and refreshing, it should be good to drink regularly, but this wine is also indispensable."

"Otherwise, what meaning is there in life?"

"Is that what you mean, Mr. Liang?"

After saying this, Chen Chang'an smiled at Liang Renxing and then handed him the filled wine cup.

"A thousand cups of wine are not enough for a true friend, but a cup of strong wine can drown the sorrows of the mortal world?"

"What a great line!"

"Young friend, this line of yours is truly excellent!"

"Come, let's have a toast!"

Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Liang Renxing first pondered for a moment, then immediately became excited after understanding their meaning.

A thousand cups of wine are not enough when drinking with a bosom friend, but a single cup of inferior wine can exhaust the mortal world!

What Chen Chang'an said hit him right in the heart!

Liang Renxing truly did not expect that this seemingly young man would have such a broad-minded outlook on life.

Indeed, a clear understanding!

"Please, sir," Liang Renxing said.

Upon hearing Liang Renxing's words, Chen Chang'an smiled slightly.

Then, he picked up the cup on the table and drank it all in one go.

Chen Chang'an didn't know much about Liang Renxing, but he knew that he had a great fondness for wine and tea.

He liked to drink tea when he was alone and drink wine when there were people around.

Coincidentally, Chen Chang'an had an abundance of both tea and wine here.

After considering for a while, he decided to bring out some wine to entertain Liang Renxing.

Just as the saying goes,

A thousand cups of wine are not enough when drinking with a bosom friend, but a single cup of inferior wine can exhaust the mortal world.

Since there was wine, why not bring it out?

After finishing a cup of wine, Chen Chang'an immediately exclaimed to Liang Renxing,

"To be honest, I was planning to visit you after the Confucian gathering was over."

"But I didn't expect you to intercept me here before I even had the chance to go."

Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Liang Renxing burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, to be remembered by a young friend like this, I can consider my life fulfilled."

Then, he curiously asked,

"However, I have a doubt that I'm not sure whether I should ask or not. The Holy State is tens of millions of miles away from Tianshui."

"And Chen Xiaoyou doesn't belong to the Jixia Academy. In theory, this Confucian gathering has nothing to do with you. Why did you come here, Chen Xiaoyou?"

"Sir, let me explain," Chen Chang'an immediately recounted the incident of Kong Chu's invitation to Tianshui.

Although the news of Kong Chu's invitation to Chen Chang'an to attend the Confucian gathering had spread in some circles, Liang Renxing was unaware of it.

There was no surprise, as the location of the Great Qian Dynasty was too remote.

During normal times, Liang Renxing was busy suppressing various forces and had no time to pay attention to the gossip on Formless World.

So, it was normal for him to be unaware.

"That's the situation," Chen Chang'an said after a few minutes.

After finishing his explanation, Chen Chang'an looked at Liang Renxing and asked,

"What's wrong, sir? Is there something wrong?"

"Young friend, it's not that there's something else wrong," Liang Renxing shook his head.

Then, his brows furrowed slightly, and he said,

"I'm just worried that this trip to the Confucian school might not be a good thing for you, my friend."

"Are you talking about the incident at the Kong Temple and the carving of the Wen Palace?" Without waiting for Liang Renxing to respond, Chen Chang'an spoke first, a faint smile playing at the corner of his mouth.

"You already know about it?!" Liang Renxing was surprised by Chen Chang'an's words.

Seeing this, Chen Chang'an's smile grew even wider, and then he shook his head and said, "Old sir, there's nothing I don't know about."

"The Confucian school has been flourishing with the luck of the Three Thousand Realms' human race, but it is still a little short of reaching the peak of the Ten Supreme Sects."

"And at this critical moment, I, who possess the Heavenly Void God, have appeared."

"At such a juncture, it's almost unnecessary to guess why they invited me."

Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Liang Renxing couldn't help but be stunned. "So you already knew," he said, and then asked, "But I don't quite understand, since you know the purpose of this trip to the Confucian school, why did you agree?"

To Liang Renxing's words, Chen Chang'an replied, "Old sir, why wouldn't I agree? The Confucian school has always been the orthodox sect of the human race. The worst outcome would be to join them and become one of them. Is there a worse outcome than that?"

"Indeed, there isn't," Liang Renxing shook his head.

Then, he raised his cup and said, "I admire your open-mindedness, young Chen."

"Come, young Chen, let me toast you again."

With that, Liang Renxing and Chen Chang'an clinked their cups and drank again.

They drank until almost sunset.

During this time, they discussed many things.

From astronomy and geography to the customs of various regions.

Through their conversation, Chen Chang'an also discovered that Liang Renxing was a person who liked to record things.

Although he rarely left Daqian, he knew a lot about the customs of other places in the Formless World.

He even knew a little about the Holy Realm and the Immortal World.

This truly intrigued Chen Chang'an.

After their discussion, both of them enjoyed each other's company, as if they were old friends.

At this moment, amidst their casual conversation, Chen Chang'an asked, "But, old sir, there's something I don't understand. It is said that you haven't attended the previous Qu Shang meetings, so why did you appear this time?"

Chen Chang'an asked out of curiosity, with no ulterior motive.

Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's question, Liang Renxing said, "To be honest, young Chen, I came to the Holy City this time because I had some matters to attend to. I wanted to find something to bring back."

"Find something to bring back?" Chen Chang'an was taken aback.

"Do you know if you found it, old sir?"

At the next moment, Liang Renxing sighed and shook his head, "I didn't."

"I've been in the Holy City for over half a month, but I haven't found anything. It's quite embarrassing."

"I was actually planning to leave, but when I arrived at the city gate, I heard someone say that an elegant young man had entered the city."

"I was fortunate enough to think it might be you, young Chen, so I came to take a look."

"But I didn't expect that it really was you, young Chen."

"I'm truly honored to meet you, young Chen."

With that, Liang Renxing raised his cup and drank another toast to Chen Chang'an.

"Old sir, I'm also very happy to meet you," Chen Chang'an said in response.

Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words, he suddenly realized that Liang Renxing's visit to the Holy City was probably related to the affairs of the Daqian Dynasty.

This matter was destined to be unsolvable.

The eastern part of the Daqian Dynasty is directly adjacent to the Endless Sea, and the areas behind it are ancient mountains infested with demons.

That place can be described as a death zone, and it is not easy to revitalize it.

As the sky gradually darkened, Liang Renxing took his leave.

In the room, only Chen Chang'an remained.

However, even though he was in the room, at this moment, Chen Chang'an inexplicably felt his heart pounding.

As if something was about to happen.

He also noticed that Mao Ruxue and Li Ziwan had not returned to their rooms.

"Could something have happened?" Chen Chang'an frowned.

This was Zhongzhou, where there were many powerful Divine Ability practitioners. Although Mao Ruxue was already a True King, it didn't necessarily mean it was safe here.

Fortunately, after using his divine sense to sense their whereabouts, Chen Chang'an found that Mao Ruxue and Li Ziwan were still in good condition.

However, their aura had stopped in one place, indicating that they had encountered something.

Thinking of this, Chen Chang'an immediately walked out of the room.

He followed the direction of their aura and soon found them in a bustling market.

At this moment, Mao Ruxue and Li Ziwan were being troubled by someone.

However, they are not the main characters causing trouble, but rather a woman in a familiar pink dress named Chen Chang'an.

That woman is none other than Lin Qingxue and her group, whom they encountered on their way to the Holy City.

Standing in front of them now is a group of servants and attendants.

Among these servants and attendants stands a Confucian scholar dressed in a white robe.

This scholar exudes a white Literary Aura, clearly indicating that he is a Confucian cultivator.

Moreover, it seems that his cultivation level is not low.

He may not have reached the fifth realm, but he definitely has the fourth and third realms.

At this moment, the two groups are on the verge of a fight.

Surrounding them is a large crowd of people.

Chen Chang'an walked among the crowd for a while, then asked an old man next to him to understand what was going on.

In general, this is a side courtyard gate of the Jixia Academy, and Lin Qingxue has come to deliver goods.

However, it seems that the delivery was not successful.

The cause of the matter is simple: it seems that the batch of goods brought by Lin Qingxue was damaged.

"Miss Lin, I'm really sorry. My father said that he doesn't want your goods anymore."

"We are truly sorry for the loss you have suffered," said the elegant man among the confrontational crowd.

Upon hearing the words of the elegant man, Lin Qingxue frowned.

She looked at the man and said, "But Master Li, this matter was entrusted to my Lin family by you from the beginning."

"And my Lin family has delivered the goods within the specified time. Now you are rejecting our goods. Isn't this against the rules?"

"Rules? Haha," Li Yuan laughed.

"Miss Lin, I'm sorry to say that in the city of Shengzhou, my Tianyuan Mansion sets the rules!"

"So, when I say I won't accept it, I won't accept it!"

"And, Miss Lin, I just remembered that when we entrusted you with this task before."

"We put something very important to our Tianyuan Mansion among your team."

"But now, we haven't seen that thing among the batch of goods you brought back."

"Miss Lin, how do you explain this to us?"

Upon hearing this, others remained silent, but the gaze of the Lin family's attendants and guards was filled with hatred.

Mao Ruxue, on the other hand, was infuriated: "Hey, you are really unreasonable."

"Miss Lin went through a lot of trouble to bring these goods back to the Holy City."

"But you rejected them without even looking, and accused her of stealing your things. Is this how you treat people?"

Mao Ruxue was truly enraged.

Since she followed Senior Brother Chen Chang'an up the mountain a year ago, she rarely got angry like she used to.

But not getting angry doesn't mean she doesn't have any anger!

The Lin family almost suffered heavy casualties for these goods in the demonic Qi Lian Mountain Range.

In the end, you rejected these things without any hesitation.

The reason you gave was that the items were damaged.

How can one act like this?

"Master Li, this is not appropriate."

Not only Mao Ruxue, but also Li Ziwan, who was beside her, looked somewhat angry.

"Hehe, who are you two? Could it be that you also want to question the decision of Tianyuan Mansion?"

Hearing Mao Ruxue and Li Ziwan's words, Li Yuan immediately sneered.

"Considering that you are new faces, obviously newcomers to the Holy City, let me give you a word of advice."

"The waters here run deep, and it's not something you two weak women can get involved in."

"So, please don't misunderstand too much, lest you end up in my hands, which wouldn't be good."

"And, I heard from my subordinates."

"When this batch of goods was escorted into the city, you were also among the team."

"So I strongly suspect that you two ladies are involved in this theft case."


Hearing this, Mao Ruxue almost exploded on the spot.

This was a threat, a blatant threat.

If she didn't want to expose her identity, she could guarantee that this man would have been killed by her long ago!


At this moment, Chen Chang'an, who had been watching the whole process from the side, understood the ins and outs of the matter.

This man named Li Yuan was the son of Li Gang, the city lord of Shengzhou City, and a true second-generation rich.

The reason he was causing trouble for the Lin family was because he coveted Lin Qingxue's beauty and wanted to force her to willingly enter the city lord's mansion as a concubine.

But Lin Qingxue had always refused.

So the current situation arose.

It had to be said that this was a very cliché plot.

But it was also a reality in the human world.

Through the discussions of the people around him, Chen Chang'an also learned about the character of this so-called young city lord.

In short, he was domineering, cruel, and unrestrained!

After all, he had the backing of his father, Li Gang, who was a seventh-stage supreme martial artist.

In such a situation, who would dare to provoke him?

Not to mention Shengzhou City, even outside of Shengzhou City, there were not many who dared to provoke him!

At this moment, Chen Chang'an almost understood why Mao Ruxue and the others were in trouble here.

It seemed that they didn't dare to take action!

Of course, this was understandable.

Chen Chang'an realized that, apart from the relationship with Li Gang, the city lord of Shengzhou City, there was another reason.

There is another point, which is that beside this Li Yuan, there are also two Law Manifestation Grand Cultivators at the Four Realms level, as well as an old man at the Five Realms level who has cultivated a Divine Treasure.

Although the Five Realms level is not high, in the current situation where Mao Ruxue is not revealing her true strength, it is basically impossible for her to defeat them.

"Take them away!"

At the same time, inside the venue, Li Yuan waved his hand towards the servants behind him, indicating for them to take Mao Ruxue and the others away.

Then, a group of people swarmed over.


In the blink of an eye, Mao Ruxue and the other two were surrounded.

As for the Lin family's guards, they had already been taken down.

Helpless, the three of them had no choice but to use their magical powers to defend themselves.

As for Lin Qingxue, she didn't have much cultivation, so she could only feel helpless and desperate in this situation.

"What? Are the three of you still not willing to surrender?" Li Yuan looked at the three women inside the encirclement and smiled sinisterly.

At this moment, his heart was already filled with joy.

Originally, he only wanted to target Lin Qingxue, but who could have expected that he would also get these two for free?

Moreover, these two were just as stunning as Lin Qingxue, if not more so.

Especially the one in the green dress (Mao Ruxue), with her imposing manner and proud temperament, she had a unique charm.

This was simply a big win!

Now, he could play some new tricks tonight.

"What is it?"

"Uncle Mao, what should we do now?"

Seeing this scene, Li Ziwan furrowed her brows and asked Mao Ruxue.

Li Ziwan had always been a woman who followed the rules.

So, even though she had never wanted to admit Mao Ruxue's identity as her uncle, she would still address her as such in private or in public.

"I don't know."

"But I feel like we've caused trouble for Senior Brother, it's a big mess now."

Mao Ruxue took a defensive stance and shook her head.

She was currently caught in a dilemma.

On one hand, she wanted to reveal her true strength and teach Li Yuan a lesson.

But if she revealed her true strength, she didn't have the same level of skill as Chen Chang'an to hide her true identity.

As a result, once her true strength was revealed, her identity as Ksitigarbha would most likely be exposed as well.

It wasn't worth it.

But if she didn't reveal her true strength, given the current situation, they would only end up being captured.

Mao Ruxue was not worried about what would happen after they were captured, but rather, she was worried about what kind of trouble it would bring to Senior Brother Chen Chang'an.

Mao Ruxue knew very well that Senior Brother was very concerned about this trip to the Confucian School.

"Sister, do whatever you want, I'm here for you!"

However, just as Mao Ruxue was contemplating, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

"Senior Brother?!"

Upon hearing this voice, Mao Ruxue's face immediately lit up.

Then, she looked around the crowd.

Finally, she saw Chen Chang'an's figure in a certain direction.


Under Mao Ruxue's gaze, Chen Chang'an nodded affirmatively.

"Senior Brother, I understand."

Seeing this scene, Mao Ruxue immediately nodded happily.

Then, she turned her gaze towards Li Yuan and the others.

A smile gradually formed at the corner of her mouth.

What's the big deal about fighting?

I'll cry if I lose!

"What are you looking at? Attack!"

"Remember, I want them alive!"

"If there's any fierce resistance, it's fine even if they're not alive!"

"But remember, if they're not alive, they must be intact!"

With that, he waved his hand again, signaling his subordinates to take action!

"Young Master, rest assured, we'll take care of it."

His subordinates immediately laughed.

Then, they approached Mao Ruxue and the other two women.

Leaving only an old man in a black robe standing beside Li Yuan.

However, at this moment, the old man's brows were tightly furrowed.

He looked at Mao Ruxue, whose expression suddenly changed in the venue, and felt that something was not right.

Everything seemed as if some great terror was about to descend.

"Ziwan, you protect Miss Lin, leave the rest to me."

At the same time, on the other side, Mao Ruxue also made a move.

She first pushed Lin Qingxue towards Li Ziwan, instructing her to take care of the latter.


Then, in an instant, a Law Manifestation rose behind Mao Ruxue.

Then, under the blessing of this Law Manifestation.

Mao Ruxue took a step forward and directly faced the approaching guards.

(End of this chapter)

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