Reading Is Holy! Exposed By My Junior Sister!

129.Chapter 129 The Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion Changes, Confucianism Xuanzu Comes Out Of Tianshui,

Chapter 129: Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion Changes, the Origin of Confucianism Emerges in Tian Shui, and the Confucian and Daoist Paths Begin to Split!

This is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that Hua An saw that not far below the name Chen Chang'an, there were two names gradually fading away.

No, not just two!

Besides the two on the righteous path, there are also two on the demonic path that are also fading away!

Those two names seem to be abyssal!

Moreover, similarly, they are both two Heavenly Venerables!

Heavens, what is going on?!

Hua An was instantly dumbfounded by the situation.

The fading of names means they are heading towards annihilation!

Two Heavenly Venerables from the Daoist sect, plus two Demon Lords from the abyss.

This means that four Heavenly Venerables are heading towards annihilation.


How terrifying is this?!

"Ancestor, something big has happened!"

"Ancestor, something big has happened!"

Hua An didn't know how terrifying this was, nor did he have the mood to know.

Right now, the only thing he wanted was to quickly report this matter to the sect's ancestor.

This is a big deal, a major event for Tianqing!


Hua An's figure was as fast as lightning as he ran out, heading towards the central palace in the world.

There, is the headquarters of the entire Heavenly Mechanism Realm.

Only by transmitting this news there can Hua An's heart be at ease.

"Ancestor! Ancestor~!"

As he ran, Hua An shouted.


At this moment, in the main hall of the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion, the ancestor of the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion, Tian Ji Zi, was conversing with several other elders who were calculating the fate of the world.

The gathering of elders occurs once every era.

Its purpose is to calculate the future trends of the world.

In order for the Formless World to respond before any major events occur.

And this gathering is even more grand.

Tian Ji Zi, who has survived for several epochs, personally sent out invitations to gather everyone.

The assembly brought together sects and forces from over four hundred Formless Worlds, making it an unprecedented grand occasion.

Among them, there was Bai Banxian, who had a brief encounter with Chen Chang'an.

Moreover, it seems that Bai Banxian's position in the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion is not low.

He seems to be a junior brother of Tian Ji Zi from the same era!

In the field, Tian Ji Zi smiled and said:

"After tens of thousands of years, we old friends finally meet again."

"So many years have passed, Tian Ji brother's style is still the same."

Someone laughed.

"Yes, among those from our era, I'm afraid there are only a few of us old brothers left."

"The others have either passed away or are hiding in the divine and demonic ancient lands, how ironic."

"Only Tian Ji brother, who holds the Heavenly Mechanism Art, can defy fate and live another life, his methods are extraordinary."

"Tian Ji brother, are you planning to teach us these old fellows the Heavenly Mechanism Art this time?"

"Let us try our luck and extend our lifespan for a few more years."

Tian Ji Zi smiled modestly and said:

"Where, where, you old brothers are too kind.

I don't have any extraordinary methods.

Back then, it was just a stroke of luck, finding a dragon's lair.

And by cultivating my body with the dragon's lair, I was able to live another life.

Otherwise, I would have gone to meet reincarnation long ago."

"Dragon's lair? Tian Ji brother, do you still remember where that dragon's lair is?"

"To be honest with you, our bodies have been deteriorating year by year."

"We rely on the younger generation of Sacred Land to sustain us with Holy Medicine."

"Holy Medicine is good, but it doesn't always work."

"When that day comes, I'm afraid we will have to go and find that dragon's lair ourselves."

Tian Ji Zi shook his head and sighed:

"Are you old fellows deliberately mocking me?

Who doesn't know that the dragon's lair comes and goes without a trace, leaving no trace to follow.

I was just lucky to stumble upon it, as for where it is now, I have no idea."

Everyone nodded, they were just joking with Tian Ji Zi.

The Immortal Spirit Sacred Dragon's lair itself is a great mystery in the Formless World, capable of resurrecting the dead.

But its whereabouts are elusive, and each time it appears, it is in a different location.

It requires great opportunities and great perseverance to find it.

Tian Ji Zi could naturally see that this group of old friends was teasing him, so he smiled and didn't mind.


The normal conversation between old friends ended.

Tian Ji Zi then moved on to the main topic.

The main topic is the fusion trend of the three thousand realms in the Formless World in recent years.

They only heard Tian Ji Zi say:

"I have gathered everyone here this time.

First, it is in accordance with the tradition of our Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion to hold a meeting once every hundred years...

Second, there is something very important that I need to inform everyone."

"Tian Ji brother, just say it, don't keep us in suspense."

"Yes, we old fellows crawled out of our graves because we knew that you were personally presiding over this meeting, so something big must be happening!"

"You tell us quickly, we have already prepared ourselves mentally."

Upon hearing this, Tian Ji Zi no longer procrastinated and said:

"Everyone, take a look."

Then, he took out the Heavenly Mechanism Realm and infused it with spiritual power.

Terrifying images immediately appeared on it.

First scene, on a sea surface filled with silence, thunder roars and thunder dragons and fire phoenixes shuttle through it.

"The Reincarnation Sea is in turmoil?! When did this happen?!"

The elders took a cold breath, realizing that the silent sea was none other than the Reincarnation Sea, one of the ten forbidden places in the Formless World.

Although there had been some disturbances in the Reincarnation Sea in the past, they were all minor incidents and not a big deal.

But this time, thunder suddenly filled the sky, indicating that something big was about to happen!

The only thing that could cause such a commotion in the Reincarnation Sea was the awakening of a certain existence.

The Heavenly Mechanism Master remained silent, waving his sleeve towards the Heavenly Mechanism Realm, and the image on it changed again.

A stream of red and white light fell from the sky at an incomprehensible speed and crashed into a deep forest.

Soon after, the forest was struck by a disaster that seemed like the end of the world.

Countless beast kings and beast emperors, including some Demon Lord realm powerhouses, were annihilated.

"What is this?"

"What is happening?!"

The elders took a cold breath, feeling a chill in their hearts.

This kind of calamity could potentially lead to their downfall if they were to encounter it.

However, they were unclear about the purpose of the Heavenly Mechanism Master showing them this.

"That forest is the Undying Forest!" the Heavenly Mechanism Master said.


"It's actually the Undying Forest?!"

"With the Reincarnation Sea in turmoil and now the Undying Forest in such a state, is the world about to face a major crisis again?"

The Heavenly Mechanism Master shook his head.

He waved his sleeve again, indicating for everyone to continue watching.

Next, a series of large-scale action scenes appeared before the elders.

Some blushed while watching, and many couldn't help but tremble with their restless hands.

What did they see?

Erotic paintings!

"Uh, everyone, it was a mistake, a mistake!" the Heavenly Mechanism Master quickly changed the channel.

Then, a new scene appeared.

A crack suddenly appeared on the ground, and a young man emerged from it.

The young man had horns on his head and wings on his back.

He exuded a terrifying aura.

He was like a king in this world, and when he opened his eyes, the stars and moon shifted.

With each step he took, time and space avoided him.

He was an ancient giant!

The scene shifted.


A terrifying figure suddenly rose into the sky.

The sound of the Great Dao resounded above his head, and thunder rolled.

A massive Dao Palace rose behind him, exuding unparalleled terror!

He was also an ancient giant!

The scene shifted again.

A Saint Child from the Monster Race stepped out of the forbidden land of gods and demons.

His demonic palaces surrounded him, and with a punch, the heavens and earth shattered.

The scene shifted again.

In a terrifying forbidden place, an ancient youth woke up from his slumber.

Above his head, a Pure Land Divine Kingdom over ninety zhang tall stood tall in the world.

As the aura circulated, it shook the heavens and earth.

The scene shifted again.

The Forest of Demon Gods...

The Burial Immortal Valley...

The Valley of Demonic Gods...

In all these places, terrifying powerhouses emerged without exception.

Their terrifying auras attracted everyone's attention.

While everyone was still in shock, the Heavenly Mechanism Master spoke up:

"As you can see, these are the terrifying existences that have emerged within the various Great Worlds in the past year."

"Even the Monster and Barbarian races have Dao Palace powerhouses awakening from their slumber."

"This is the trend brought about by the fusion of the Three Thousand Realms, and it is irreversible."

"So, I want to hear your thoughts on this matter."

The Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion was different from other forces. They did not have the ambition to dominate one or even multiple realms.

Their disciples practiced the Heavenly Mechanism Algorithm to maintain peace in the world for one generation.

The most turbulent thing in the world was the change of power among the various forces during each fusion of the Three Thousand Realms.

The birth of each giant could potentially be the beginning of a new disaster.

After a moment of silence, the elders' expressions turned somewhat grim. They didn't want to get involved in such matters.

But there was someone who had a different opinion.

In the next moment, that person stood up and said:

"Reporting to the ancestors, I believe this matter is not worth worrying about."

Then, he continued:

"The replacement of Heavenly Venerables will indeed cause turmoil in the various states and realms, but this era is different from the past."

"This time, due to the early fusion of the Little Three Thousand Realms, the arrival of the Sacred Realm and other realms has been delayed."

"The world of cultivation has achieved early Unified Harmony thanks to the luck of the human race."

"Nowadays, the luck of the human race is unprecedentedly prosperous."

"Under this unprecedented expansion of human luck, Mr. Wen Xuan and Mr. Wen Yuan have already broken through with their Literary Aura."

"They have reached the Semi-Saint realm and are at the Ninth Layer of Heaven!"

"With the suppression of the two Saints from the Wen Clan, this world cannot fall into chaos!"

"Yes, with these two Saints suppressing, chaos cannot arise in this world."

After this person finished speaking, many elders in the room nodded in agreement.

Upon hearing this, the Heavenly Mechanism Master also nodded. It was clear that he agreed with this point.

In this world, the human race was represented by the Wen Clan.

With the Wen Clan's suppression, chaos could not arise in this world.

"So, let's send someone to talk to the two Saints next," the person suggested.

Tianjizi said decisively.

But at this moment, there was a sudden urgent report from outside the hall.

"Report...! Reporting to the Ancestor!"

"Oh no...! Something bad happened!"

Hua'an rushed all the way here.


Seeing Hua'an in such a state, everyone was puzzled.

Tianjizi immediately asked, "Hua'an, didn't I ask you to record the rankings? What's the matter that has you so panicked?"

Hua'an gasped for breath and quickly said, "Ancestor, Ancestor, something bad happened! The Heavenly Venerable Rankings have changed!"

Tianjizi didn't understand for a moment, "What are you saying? Speak clearly."

"Yes, speak clearly. Did the rankings of the Heavenly Venerable Rankings change or something?"

"If the rankings changed, what kind of change was it?"

At this moment, Hua'an regained his composure, took a deep breath, and said, "Reporting to the Ancestor, yes, the rankings of the Heavenly Venerable Rankings have changed! The first place has suddenly been taken by someone."

"And what's even more terrifying is that as his name became clearer..."

"On the Heavenly Venerable Rankings, the names of four Heavenly Venerables are gradually dimming!"

Hua'an shouted loudly, impatient and anxious.

If he didn't speak out about this today, his heart would never be calm.

"What?! The names of four Heavenly Venerables are dimming?!"

"Hua'an, explain clearly!"


Hua'an's voice was like a collision of the Nine Heavens Divine Mountain, hitting everyone's hearts.

Everyone quickly asked, "Yes, Ancestor, how could I dare to deceive you? The fact is really like that!"

Hua'an was about to cry. Why did this kind of thing have to happen to him?

If possible, he would rather not have appeared here.


After getting confirmation from Hua'an, everyone fell silent, unable to calm their hearts for a long time.

The news brought up by Hua'an was truly shocking.

This referred not only to the first place changing in the Heavenly Venerable Rankings, but also to the fact that the names of four Heavenly Venerables were disappearing!

The Heavenly Venerable Rankings of the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion recorded the living Heavenly Venerables from ancient times to the present.

As long as they were living Heavenly Venerables, they would be recorded on it.

However, the deceased Heavenly Venerables or those about to die would be removed from the list.

The process was as Hua'an described, their names gradually fading!

How terrifying this was!


In an instant, the hall fell into a deathly silence.

You could hear a pin drop!

Everyone stopped discussing and joking, and fell into contemplation.

For a moment, the entire hall was filled with heavy breathing.

"Hua... Hua'an?"

"What did you just say?"

"Can you say it again?"

Tianjizi's breath trembled, unable to believe his ears.

For thousands of years, although the Heavenly Venerables on the Heavenly Venerable Rankings had changed, there had never been a situation where four disappeared at once.

This was too big of a matter.

So big that Tianjizi's words became incoherent.

If this really happened, it would be such a terrifying thing!

Tianjizi wished that he had misheard.


However, just as Tianjizi's words were about to finish, at that moment, a loud rumbling sound suddenly resounded between heaven and earth.

Shortly after, a huge crack suddenly appeared in the boundary wall of the Celestial Mechanism Realm.

Endless Confucian energy surged and boiled out from within.

At this moment, from above the earthly boundary of the Celestial Mechanism Realm, wherever human civilization existed, whether it be on a desk, in a book, in bamboo crafts, in the Sutra Pavilion, or in the secret realm of cultivation techniques, as long as there was something that recorded this thing called knowledge, there would be pure white Literary Aura rising up from each of these places.

They appeared strand by strand, eventually gathering in the sky to form a large mass.

Majestic and vast, they spread across the vast land of the Celestial Mechanism Realm.

Finally, they surged towards the endless sea.

Everything was orderly, grand and magnificent, like a pilgrimage.

"What's going on?!" When Tianji Zi and the others saw this scene again, they were instantly astonished and speechless.

However, the next moment, the scene that appeared directly shocked them.

Buzz~! When the boundless Confucian energy descended upon the sky above the endless sea, something terrifying happened.

At the edge of the Celestial Mechanism Realm, close to the endless sea, a huge phantom condensed.

This phantom was tens of millions of zhang tall, hundreds of times larger than an ordinary person's Law Manifestation.

Surprisingly, it was the phantom of a man.

He was billions of zhang tall, sitting above the entire Celestial Mechanism Realm.

His eyes were tightly closed, as if an old monk in meditation.

But in an instant, he emitted an endless and surging chaotic aura, a terrifying aura that could rival ten thousand dao.

He stood there, like the heavenly way of this world, overlooking this world.

Not only that, behind this figure, there are even more figures, seemingly powerful illusions that dominate the void.

Among these illusions, four of them stand out.

These four beings consist of one woman and three men.

Each figure exudes a surging Great Dao aura, like ancient Heavenly Venerables, unparalleled and powerful.

What's even more terrifying is that each of them carries an ancient star on their back, majestic and grand.

Under the backdrop of these four terrifying illusions, the figure of the young man in the middle becomes even more terrifying.

He sits in the heavens, emitting an infinite Confucian aura, terrifying and invincible, eternal and unmatched!

Everything seems to be the reappearance of a Saint in the Ten Realms, a glance that spans thousands of years!

"This is...?!"

"The simultaneous cultivation of various Confucian methods!"

"Is this the Confucian Saint?!"

"The Saint of Confucian Dao?!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was immediately shocked.

They never expected to witness someone with such a Dao Fruit in this lifetime!

The simultaneous cultivation of various methods, Law Manifestation in the sky, the unity of luck in all realms.

This is simply the phenomenon that only a Saint would have!

And in this world, how long has it been since the last Saint appeared?

A million years, ten million years? Or even a hundred million years?

No one knows.

The previous revered figure, is none other than the Confucian sage who ranks among the top ten sages!

And that person had already achieved sagehood in ancient times!

Everyone was stunned, as if they were seeing the former Confucius himself.

Only the founder of Confucianism, the sage Confucius, could possess such power.

But they all knew very well that this was not Confucius.

In the distant ages, Confucius had long since passed away.

This is a new sage of Confucianism, the sage of the Confucian school!

In the future, destined to become one of the top ten sages!


Then, in the minds of everyone, a majestic voice suddenly resounded.

This voice seemed to come from the ancient times, yet also from the boundless void.

The divine sound was vast and boundless, spanning eternity.

They heard clearly that this voice came from the terrifying young figure.

He whispered, he stirred up slaughter.

However, his target was not them, but seemed to be in a more distant realm.


Then, in the next moment, the heavens and earth suddenly began to tremble.

They swayed for a while, and then an endless rain of blood gushed out from the horizon.

The blood rain fell in every corner of the sky, nourishing the creatures of this world.

This was the Heavenly Pouring, the pouring of the heavens and earth!

For some reason, even though this was a nourishing rain for the heavens and earth.

But bathing in this blood rain, Tianji Zi and the others couldn't help but feel a great sorrow, as if the heavens and earth were grieving together.

Under the uncontrollable emotions, some of those with lower cultivation levels burst into tears on the spot.

The heavens and earth mourned!


Then, the heavens and earth gave them an answer.

A Heavenly Venerable had fallen, and it wasn't just one.


At this moment, on the Heavenly Venerable Monument in the Tianji Realm, two names from both the righteous and demonic paths were instantly erased.

Confucian Semi-Saint, Wen Xuan!

Confucian Semi-Saint, Wen Yuan!

Abyss Heavenly Venerable, Mo Abyss!

Abyss Heavenly Venerable, Lord of Extreme Cold!

At the same time, the changes in the Heavenly Mechanism Cup also made everyone see clearly the dazzling name at the top.

[First place on the Righteous Path Heavenly Venerable List, Confucian Saint, Chen Chang'an!]


Deadly silence!

The entire hall of the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion fell into silence.

Just now they were discussing the overall situation of the world, but now, this sudden change in the situation slapped them in the face.

There was no need for them to discuss anymore.

Hua An didn't speak anymore, because at this point, he didn't need to say anything more.

Furthermore, it would only be adding unnecessary complications.

He also didn't know how to say it.

Silence, only silence.

After a long time, someone cautiously asked, "Elder, that person seems to be a young man. What should we do next?"

This person seems to have understood what happened in the Formless World.

He saw Chen Chang'an and witnessed Chen Chang'an's sanctification.

Upon hearing this person's question, Elder Tianji fell silent.

"Ah, find someone to go to the mortal realm!" he said afterwards.

That's all he could say, because in reality, he didn't know what to do either.

Now that such a big change has occurred, there is no longer any meaning in continuing this gathering.

The immediate priority is to go to the mortal realm and figure out what kind of existence this Supreme Saint is.

Next, everyone in the Tianji Hall dispersed and left.

Watching the backs of the people leaving, the old man Tianji looked towards the distant horizon.

His eyes were filled with confusion.

He found himself increasingly unable to see through the overall situation of this world.

It has been like this for over a decade.

He couldn't see anything at all.

Just like now, the only thing he could know was that.

In this world, a supremely powerful existence has been born.

Moreover, it is the highest of saints.

And in a place where no one can see, there is a person whose expression is even heavier.

That person is the White Half Immortal, who once met and grew up with Chen Chang'an.

When he learned that the Supreme Saint was Chen Chang'an, White Half Immortal was filled with fear.

Everyone was shocked by the appearance of the Supreme Saint in this world.

But White Half Immortal can absolutely guarantee that the man is not just a Supreme Saint!

A Confucian Supreme Saint is an existence full of righteousness.

However, what White Half Immortal saw in that young man's inner world was not just righteousness.

In there, the righteousness of heaven and earth could occupy at most one-sixth!

On this day, all the Great Worlds in the Formless World fell into a dead silence.

This is another occurrence of Heavenly Venerables falling after the previous two Heavenly Venerables in the Holy Realm fell.

And this time, four Heavenly Venerables fell at once!

Although two of them came from the abyss and their deaths were not regrettable, they were still Heavenly Venerables.

The demise of Heavenly Venerables is not just a lamentation of the Great Dao of heaven and earth.

Even the beings in the various heavens feel a wave of sorrow.

No one can guarantee that they won't be next.

"Summon someone and order them to prepare gifts. We will visit Mr. Tianshui!"

"Spread my command, from now on, we will be friendly with the Heavenly Water Sect!"

"If any disciple in the sect dares to offend, don't blame me for not showing mercy!"

"The Forget Sorrow Secret Realm is about to open, include the Heavenly Water Sect!"

This time, the major forces of the Formless World have undergone terrifying changes. In every void, figures of people are intermingled. Some of them look fearful, while others look nervous, all rushing in various directions. Some are fleeing for their lives, while others are trying to please. The reason they have become like this is the same - Chen Chang'an!

"Senior Brother, we have arrived. The sect is just below us."

At this moment, not far from the Heavenly Water Domain, a delicate flying boat slowly approaches. On the flying boat, a beautiful woman in a green dress speaks to the elegant young man behind her.

Her expression is filled with joy.

The Sage of the Confucian School!

Mao Ruxue never imagined such a thing.

But this is indeed happening.

Her senior brother, Chen Chang'an, has truly become a specialized Sage of the Confucian School.

From now on, he will hold the authority of a whole sect, and in the future, he may even have the opportunity to vie for the position of a Great Cultivator in the Ten Realms.

This can be considered as formidable.

Beside Mao Ruxue, Lin Qingxue is already dumbfounded. Throughout the entire journey back, her head has been buzzing.

Who could have imagined that the master she just worshipped would now become an immensely powerful figure?

And now, she herself has undergone a transformation, from an ordinary woman of a mundane family to a disciple of the Saint Daoist tradition.

The contrast is truly making her head spin.

"Younger Brother! Welcome back!"

At the same time, when Chen Chang'an's flying boat arrives outside the Heavenly Water Domain, Li Daoran and others from the Heavenly Water Sect have been waiting here for a long time.

This time, not only the mountain masters and elders from all sides came, even the disciples on the mountain came. It was truly a mobilization of the entire sect from top to bottom!

Is this an exaggeration? No, not at all.

Welcoming the return of Saint is far from enough!

"Well, Senior Brother, this trip was uneventful and quite fruitful. It can be considered satisfactory," Chen Chang'an nodded.

Then, accompanied by Li Daoran and others, the group finally arrived at Heavenly Water Sect.

On this day, a purple aura came from the east within Heavenly Water Sect.

On this day, Hidden Dao Mountain became the most prominent peak among the peaks of Heavenly Water Sect.

There were countless people who wanted to observe, but they were all blocked by a green figure.

As time passed day by day, the fusion of the three thousand realms became faster and faster.

Even the outline of the Holy Realm has appeared in the sky above the Non-Phantom Realm, and the final fusion is only about a year or so away.

In addition to the Holy Realm, the other major supreme worlds also showed movement.

They floated in the endless sea of realms, slowly approaching the Non-Phantom Realm.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Chen Chang'an.

Inside the Hidden Dao Mountain Sutra Pavilion, his life returned to its original track.

Every day, he either ate or drank, and when he was full, he would lie on the chair in the Sutra Pavilion and bask in the sun.

Many people came to visit him, but they were all blocked by Hidden Dao Mountain.

If Chen Chang'an wanted to see someone, he would naturally see them.

If he didn't want to see someone, there was no possibility of meeting them.

"Coexistence in peace, living without trouble!"

This is what Chen Chang'an told this group of people.

So, overall, the course of his life hasn't changed much.

On the other hand, Xiao Duo has gained some weight recently due to better food.


One day, a figure arrived at the Heavenly Water Sect.

The person who came was Liang Renxing.

He came to the Heavenly Water Sect, requesting that Chen Chang'an give him a few varieties of texts. He planned to purchase them with 500,000 pieces of Dao Yuan Shi.

Chen Chang'an agreed to Liang Renxing's request.

However, he did not accept Liang Renxing's 500,000 pieces of Dao Yuan Shi.

When it comes to Dao Yuan Shi, Chen Chang'an has always believed that having enough is sufficient, and having more would only be a burden.

Of course, the main reason is that Chen Chang'an feels that there is no need to accept Liang Renxing's Dao Yuan Shi.

As for the reason?

Chen Chang'an never pays much attention to reasons when doing things. If forced to answer, it would be because he wants to do so.

Chen Chang'an also started educating the newly accepted named disciple, Lin Qingxue.

However, what Chen Chang'an taught Lin Qingxue was not Confucianism or Daoism.

It was another path.

As for why it wasn't Confucianism or Daoism?

Chen Chang'an believes that Confucianism and Daoism are too "weak" and not suitable for Lin Qingxue.

Naturally, as his disciple, Lin Qingxue also received the varieties of texts personally planted by Chen Chang'an.

In addition, Chen Chang'an himself has also gained a lot.

During this period of time, because of his attainment of the Dao of the Holy, many people in the Formless World have started to try practicing his path.

Practicing Chen Chang'an's path is not limited to receiving the varieties of texts from him.

It is also possible to cultivate and comprehend through one's own practice.

When Chen Chang'an was at the Jixia Academy, he engraved his own Dao inscription in the Heavenly Earth Text Palace when he sensed the resonance of the various Confucian methods from the heavens and the earth.

The Heavenly Earth Text Palace is the incarnation of the Dao of Confucianism in this world.

After Chen Chang'an's Dao inscription was engraved there, it was equivalent to his Dao being simultaneously engraved in this heavenly Dao.

With the Dao inscription in the heavenly Dao, those who are destined can practice it.

Chen Chang'an did not intervene in this matter.

No one knows that this so-called path of the Heavenly Void God was originally something he made up.

It's just that as the system rewarded him more, he chose to follow this path.

And he went further and further.

The fact proves that Chen Chang'an did not make a mistake.

The path of the Heavenly Void God is indeed very powerful.

The stars in the sky can all be used for battle.

Chen Chang'an also wants to know what surprises will happen when this method is passed on to the multitude of beings.

In addition, this matter is a good thing for Chen Chang'an.

In this world, although his method is engraved in the heavenly Dao and can be practiced by sentient beings.

But in the end, he is the source.

As long as someone practices, he, as the source, will receive the bonus of luck.

Perhaps one person is not much, but when there are hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, countless millions of them, the power of this accumulation is terrifying.

Once the disciples of his Dao spread throughout the entire Formless World, that will be the moment when he truly proves himself as a Confucian saint.

Moreover, by that time, Chen Chang'an will truly become a revered master, just like the present-day Confucius, worshipped by countless realms.

This is a clearly visible path to enlightenment, and it is almost certain not to fail!

He has found his own path to promotion ahead of time, making him somewhat ahead of the rest of sentient beings. This is why so many envy him.

However, in terms of time, he is only slightly ahead.

But for Chen Chang'an, time is not worth paying attention to.

Time is changing, and the fusion of the three thousand realms is gradually improving.

Buzz~! Suddenly, one day, a terrifying Confucian aura soared into the sky from the direction of Zhongzhou, a month after the fall of the two Confucian saints.

The power of that Confucian aura was boundless, ancient, as if it came from the distant past.

Just from the feeling alone, one could sense a power even more immense than that of the two Confucian saints.

"That is the ancient ancestral master of the Confucian school appearing," someone explained to Chen Chang'an.

The ancient ancestral master of the Confucian school, a direct descendant of Confucius.

He had once lived in the same era as Confucius, and after the Formless World was threatened by heavenly calamity, he was one of the few Nine Realms Heavenly Venerables who survived.

It was also he who, in that era, rushed into the endless abyss and brought out the nearly destroyed Heavenly Palace of the World.

Then, on the ruins of the nearly destroyed human race, he reestablished the Jixia Academy, the orthodoxy of the Confucian school.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the ancestral master of all disciples of the Confucian school in this world.

After this ancestral master of the Confucian school appeared, he came alone to the Tian Water Domain.

At the same time, Chen Chang'an also emerged from the Hidden Dao Mountain and stood facing him.

Only to see that he was an old man, slightly hunched back, with white hair and wrinkles on his face.

However, when everyone thought an inevitable battle would occur, the ancestral master of the Confucian school spoke.

He did not inquire about Chen Chang'an's killing of the two Confucian saints.

On the contrary, he thanked Chen Chang'an for his actions, and then he announced that he recognized Chen Chang'an's identity as a Confucian saint.

He sincerely invited Chen Chang'an to teach at the Jixia Academy and promised to reserve a position for him.

When saying these words, the old man's face was kind and there was no trace of falsehood.

This series of actions stunned the world.

But upon further thought, it seemed that this was expected.

Before this, although Chen Chang'an had conflicts with the Confucians and even killed the two saints, the will of the two saints did not represent the will of the ancestral master.

Only the will of the ancestral master could represent the will of the Confucian school.

The old man, the heavenly lord of the ancestral master, was truly a considerate elder.

If he had recovered a little earlier in these years, the Confucian school would not have become so corrupt.

"Chen, my young friend, rest assured, after some time, I will give you a satisfactory answer," the heavenly lord said to Chen Chang'an.

What he is referring to is not something else, but the current situation of Confucianism.

During the long years when Wen Xuan and Liang Yuan were in charge of Confucianism, Confucianism had already developed to an extreme.

During these long years, Confucianism declined and even fell out of the top ten sects, to a large extent due to this extreme phenomenon.

In the original era, the emergence of Confucianism allowed any scholar in the world to control the power of righteousness. They used the pen as a weapon and talent to defeat enemies. With their eloquence and literary skills, they suppressed demons and monsters and brought peace to the world.

This period of time was the heyday of Confucianism. Scholars could wield their pens and ghosts and demons would retreat. Scholars who passed the imperial examination could suppress the world with their poetry. The literary atmosphere was flourishing.

During this period, any literary aura cultivator could suppress any demon or monster that appeared, and the literary style was flourishing.

During this period, the human race flourished and the power of Confucianism reached its peak. Even Taiyi Gate, which had a Great Heavenly Venerable, had to temporarily avoid conflicts.

Unfortunately, later on, due to the slumber of the Heavenly Sovereign, Wen Xuan and Wen Yuan became the leaders of Confucianism.

Since then, some major trends in Confucianism have changed. Under the intervention of the two sages, all the great Confucian scholars in the world were incorporated into the Tian Di Wen Gong.

In order to qualify for further study, all scholars in the world had to pass the examination of Jixia Academy and become a teaching Confucian scholar.

Even the types of literature were regulated to a certain extent.

At this time, the position of literature gradually changed from being controlled by the world to being controlled by interests.

For scholars in the world, in order to obtain a position in literature, they had to first pass the examination of Jixia Academy and have a chance to be selected for the upper-middle level.

Otherwise, there was no possibility at all!

Under this trend, Confucian scholars could not receive the nourishment of Confucianism and became increasingly weak.

With such a weak foundation, not to mention becoming a great Confucian, it was impossible to become a Five Realms Confucian Teacher.

In recent years, the reason why Liang Renxing, the old national teacher of the Great Qian Dynasty, has not been promoted for a long time is because of this reason.

He refused to go to Jixia Academy and chose to stay in the Great Qian Dynasty, which lasted for a hundred years.

As a result, subsequent resources for the cultivation of literary aura in the world naturally had nothing to do with him.

Even the Temple of Confucius in the Great Qian Dynasty was demolished because of this.

Chen Chang'an had reason to believe that the reason why he met Liang Renxing in Zhongzhou was probably his last struggle to gain the support of Jixia Academy.

But unfortunately, he failed.

Liang Renxing's failure was not an isolated case, but a pile of facts.

In the eyes of the two sages of Confucianism, the only thing that matters now is becoming a saint, while neglecting the means and the end.

Under this trend, the people in the world no longer have the passion for creation.

Without the passion for creation, there will be no new articles.

And everything in Confucianism comes from articles and knowledge.

Without new articles, it is impossible to make further progress. It is nothing but a fantasy.

As a result, the current situation of no new saints for millions of years and no prosperity for millions of years is difficult to recover.

Decline is inevitable!

After bidding farewell to the Heavenly Sovereign, Chen Chang'an's life on Hidden Dao Mountain returned to its original path.

As usual, he read books and played with his dog when he was bored.

When he felt bored, he would go and watch his disciples practice, enjoying himself.

This is how Chen Chang'an is seen in Mao Ruxue's eyes. In Mao Ruxue's eyes, Senior Brother Chen Chang'an has always been so leisurely.

But until this day came.

Early in the morning of this day, for some reason, when Mao Ruxue brought Lin Qingxue to pay respects to Senior Brother Chen Chang'an.

Chen Chang'an remained silent.

He stood in the courtyard with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky, his eyes filled with melancholy.

"Senior Brother, what's wrong with you?"


Chen Chang'an's appearance immediately made Lin Qingxue and Mao Ruxue a little anxious, thinking that something big had happened.

After their words fell, they saw Chen Chang'an on the opposite side turn his head to look at them, and then abruptly asked this question:

"Sister, have you seen the sea?"

"Huh? Senior Brother, what sea?"

Mao Ruxue and Lin Qingxue were immediately confused, obviously not understanding the meaning behind Chen Chang'an's words.

"If you haven't seen it, forget it. But if you ever forget, please remember, the sea is blue."

After saying this, Chen Chang'an stopped speaking.

A spell suddenly appeared in his hand, it was a water curtain.

The scenery in the water curtain was the scenery inside the Heavenly Sea.

Here, the sea was a deep blue, not like the polluted waters of the Endless Sea or the Nether Sea, which were black.

After doing all this, Chen Chang'an returned to his room.

On this day, Chen Chang'an didn't eat anything, which made Mao Ruxue and Lin Qingxue confused again, not knowing what had happened.

But fortunately, a few days later, Chen Chang'an slowly recovered, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But Chen Chang'an never mentioned the sea to them again, and gradually they forgot about it.

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, another month passed. It seemed that Senior Brother Chen Chang'an had moved on from that incident.

No, it wasn't that Senior Brother Chen Chang'an had moved on, Mao Ruxue clearly saw it.

That day, Senior Brother suddenly manifested his true form and destroyed a supreme island nation in the Endless Sea!

Senior Brother didn't hold back much against the island and its people, ruthlessly unleashing the power of a Saint with a single palm strike.


After that strike, that nation could no longer be found in the world!

As for why Senior Brother Chen Chang'an did this, Mao Ruxue didn't know.

She only knew that since then, Senior Brother's mood had improved a lot, and he no longer talked to them about the color of the sea.

Time flew by.


On this day, a sound suddenly came into Chen Chang'an's mind.

"Emperor Song, come quickly, the Emperor summons you!"

It was a message sent to him by Yama.

Seeing this message, Chen Chang'an was a little surprised.

Because he thought that the Yin Emperor would summon him when he returned from the Holy Realm last time.

But he didn't.

And now he was being summoned, there might be something important to discuss.

As for what it could be, it was probably related to the fusion of the Three Thousand Realms.

Apart from that, Chen Chang'an couldn't think of any other possibilities.

The next moment, after Chen Chang'an tidied himself up, he took a step forward and arrived at the Hall of Rebirth.

When he arrived here, Yama and the others were already in position.

But the top position is empty, which means that Emperor Yintianzi did not arrive.

"Everyone, you're here early."

Seeing Yama and the others, Chen Chang'an smiled slightly.

Then, he sat in his seat, in a relatively good mood.

Although Chen Chang'an was in a good mood, Yama and the others did not share the same sentiment.

They looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar young man, their eyes filled with complexity.

Among the four hall masters of the Hall of Rebirth, Emperor Song Chen Chang'an was the last one to become a hall master and the last one to open the hall.

The time he spent cultivating was even less than a fraction of their lifetimes.

However, now he had taken the lead and become a Heavenly Venerable faster than anyone else.

He even had a deeper cultivation than Yama, who was known for his profound cultivation.

He single-handedly annihilated two flawless Heavenly Venerables.


This was so formidable and transcendent that the three of them were left speechless.

It wasn't that they didn't want to speak, but they didn't know what to say.

"What's wrong, everyone? I can see that something is bothering you today."

"Has something major happened?"

When Chen Chang'an saw that the three of them remained silent, he asked.

Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Yama and the others fell silent once again.

In the end, they couldn't compare.

At this moment, Meng Po, who was beside them, spoke. She looked at Chen Chang'an and said:

"Emperor Song, the reason the emperor summoned us here is indeed for an important matter."

"But it seems that something has delayed the emperor, so we'll have to wait for a while."

"The emperor has been delayed?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Chang'an was momentarily stunned. It was rare for Emperor Yintianzi to be late, so this was a bit unexpected.

However, Chen Chang'an wasn't in a hurry. Instead, he patiently waited.

Emperor Yintianzi might be late, but he would definitely come in this situation.

Since Emperor Yintianzi hadn't arrived, Chen Chang'an chatted with Yama and the others.

However, as they chatted, his expression became somewhat strange.

Because Chen Chang'an discovered from their conversation that the reason Emperor Yintianzi had gathered them was for "his matter!"

To be precise, it was for the matter of the Confucian Saint, Chen Chang'an!

This was a bit absurd!

According to Yama and the others, the combat power displayed by the newly appointed Confucian Saint, Chen Chang'an, had made Emperor Yintianzi feel a sense of crisis.

His intuition told him that in the future, the Confucian Saint, Chen Chang'an, would become a formidable enemy of the Demon Sect.

So this time, he gathered them to see if they could come up with some ways to deal with the Confucian Saint, Chen Chang'an.

This matter was related to the great battle between the righteous and demonic paths!

It was very important!

Upon hearing this news, Chen Chang'an was a little confused.

He didn't know the significance of his participation in this meeting.

This was a bit absurd!


At the next moment, with a sound in the void, the figure of Yin Tianzi appeared here.

However, it seemed that the person who came was not the true form of Yin Tianzi.

Instead, it was one of his clones.

"Everyone, sorry to keep you waiting."

Yin Tianzi's figure appeared here, but strangely, this time his voice was actually a female voice.

But when Chen Chang'an thought about it being Yin Tianzi's clone, he didn't have any doubts.

After all, if a clone doesn't have a unique gender, then what's the point of having a clone?

Afterwards, Yin Tianzi briefly explained the current situation.

The general situation was almost like that, nothing more than saying that Chen Chang'an needed to be cautious and guard against something.

After finishing speaking, Yin Tianzi looked at Chen Chang'an and said:

"Song Si, the area around the Nether Sea is adjacent to your Dead Silence Sea."

"In the future, that Confucian Saint will still rely on you, Song Si, to restrain him."

"Rest assured, Emperor, I will take care of that Confucian Saint."

Chen Chang'an nodded.

Currently, the Hall of Rebirth did not have the Great Demon's revival.

The only one qualified to take on the task of restraining a Confucian Saint was none other than Chen Chang'an.


Hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Yin Tianzi nodded.

Then he said:

"That Confucian Saint, Chen Chang'an, follows the path of achieving sainthood through various laws. He has a Heavenly Void God within him, as well as countless Star Gods as support. Once he erupts, his power should not be underestimated."

"Song Si, when facing him, you must be extremely careful and not let him succeed."

"In addition, I have already communicated with the ruler of the only Demon World over there, allowing him to grant you the qualification to enter."

"In a while, Song Si, you can go there to experience."

"If you can activate your Law Manifestation of the Beginning Demon, then that Confucian Saint will not be unbeatable."

"Thank you, Emperor." Chen Chang'an immediately bowed.

Since the last time he went to the only Demon World, he had long coveted the demons there.

This move by Yin Tianzi was tantamount to legitimizing his desire.

Once successful, Chen Chang'an dared not think about it.

He felt that if things continued like this, he would truly become a behind-the-scenes puppet master.

This was a bit overwhelming.

"Alright, that's it for today. Everyone, you may disperse for now."

At the end of the matter, Yin Tianzi dismissed the meeting.

After the meeting was disbanded, Chen Zian and the others returned to their respective places.

This time, Chen Chang'an did not return to Hidden Dao Mountain, but went straight to Emperor Song's palace.

Just like the previous times, when Chen Chang'an arrived at Emperor Song's palace, Black and White Impermanence were already waiting here with a group of Yin officials.

However, there was a slight difference this time.

In this instance, Black and White Impermanence's faces were obviously not quite right.

It seemed that the two of them had something to say.

Judging from their appearance, it didn't seem like official business, but rather personal matters.

PS: After thinking about it, I realized that there were many omissions in yesterday's update, so I'm making up for it today. Thank you to all the experts, and finally, I ask for your support with votes. (End of this chapter)

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