Reading Is Holy! Exposed By My Junior Sister!

153. Chapter 153 The First Level Of Reincarnation, Li Linger Seeks Medical Treatment

"Study," Chen Chang'an said upon hearing the words.

[Ding! As per the host's request, the first level of the Divine Ability "Reincarnation Heavenly Technique" has been imparted. Please check it carefully.]

After Chen Chang'an's words fell, the system's prompt sounded again.

Then, a mysterious and ethereal aura descended upon Chen Chang'an's heart.

Under the nourishment of this aura, Chen Chang'an felt a sense of relaxation throughout his entire body and soul.

Reincarnation Heavenly Technique, named after reincarnation, encompasses both life and death.

Born to wander, yet never to perish.

The first level that Chen Chang'an has obtained now is the aspect of life.

Although only one level is not of great help to him, it is still the highest rule that can change the level of life.

Being able to learn it will always benefit the body.

That comfortable feeling arises from this.

"The Dao, the beginning of a name, a name, the spirit of heaven and earth, without a name, the mother of all things."

After obtaining the first level of the "Reincarnation Heavenly Technique," Chen Chang'an continued to read.

For some reason, every time he stayed here, he would feel a sense of tranquility from the depths of his heart.

"Li Bai, do you have anything to do today?"

In the evening, Li Ling'er walked in, put down the medicine box, and looked at Chen Chang'an, who was reading in the pavilion.

"No, is there something?" Chen Chang'an put down the book and asked.

"Tomorrow, I need to go to Mahe Village, which is more than ten miles away from the village, to inquire about a patient. I have a lot of things to bring and I can't carry them all. Can you help me?" Li Ling'er said apologetically.

Go to inquire about a patient?

"Sure." Chen Chang'an nodded. This was already part of their previous agreement.

"Okay, thank you, Li Bai." Upon receiving Chen Chang'an's nod, Li Ling'er immediately smiled happily.

"When are we leaving?" Chen Chang'an asked again.

"At Mao hour."

"Mao hour? So early?"

Chen Chang'an was somewhat surprised. Mao hour means five o'clock in the morning.

Getting up at five in the morning, isn't that a bit too much?

"What's wrong? Li Bai, do you have any questions?" Li Ling'er was puzzled by Chen Chang'an's surprised expression and quickly explained, "The Mahe Village we are going to is in the mountains, and the road is not easy to walk, so we can only leave early in the morning."

"If you can't get up at Mao hour, it's okay to leave later."

Chen Chang'an shook his head. "No need, let's stick to Mao hour."


Early the next morning, just as dawn was breaking, Chen Chang'an and Li Ling'er set off on their journey to Mahe Village.

Along the way, there were only small mountain paths, and from time to time, the howling of lone wolves could be heard in the woods, with their high-pitched roars echoing one after another, sounding eerie.

"Miss Li, do you come out this early every day?"

Seeing this scene, Chen Chang'an couldn't help but ask.

"Not always, sometimes it's like this, but if I'm going to the clinic in the city, I can take it a bit slower." Li Ling'er nodded in response.

"Then aren't you afraid that some monster or demon will come out of the mountains and eat you?"

"I'm not afraid, what is there to be afraid of?"

Li Ling'er shook her head. Then, as if thinking of something, she suddenly looked at Chen Chang'an in surprise and said, "Oh, Li Bai, you still claim to be a scholar."

"Didn't you notice that this road is blessed by Master Yun?"

As she spoke, Li Ling'er pointed to both sides of the road.

Chen Chang'an looked around and immediately noticed a faint aura of righteousness permeating the road.

This was indeed a road blessed by Confucian righteousness!

However, this aura of righteousness was quite weak, indicating that the person who set up this formation did not have a high level of cultivation.

If we were to judge based on Confucian cultivation, they might have just reached the level of an entry-level Confucian, and their cultivation seemed messy, as if they hadn't undergone systematic training.

This was the reason why Chen Chang'an hadn't noticed it.

"Miss Li, may I ask who this Mr. Yun you mentioned is?" Chen Chang'an asked immediately.

Although the person who set up this formation had a low level of cultivation, Chen Chang'an could sense from these auras that this person must have a high level of knowledge.

If they had a good method of cultivation, they could become a respected Confucian.

To think that a respected Confucian would appear in such a remote place, this was something Chen Chang'an had never expected.

"It's our Yun Jijiu, Mr. Yun from our Tianyun Kingdom," Li Ling'er said without hesitation.

Then she looked at Chen Chang'an with a surprised expression and said, "No way, Li Bai, don't scare me. You don't even know who Mr. Yun is?"


"Although, I really don't know," Chen Chang'an said truthfully.

"You really are a genius," Li Ling'er felt a bit at a loss.

She was just joking, after all, who in this entire kingdom wouldn't know Mr. Yun.

Even newborn babies who were just learning to speak would know.

After all, Mr. Yun was like a deity in the entire Tianyun Kingdom.

"Well, since you don't know, I'm in a good mood today, so I'll tell you. Otherwise, if you go out and say you don't know, someone might beat you up," Li Ling'er said.

Then, as they walked, Li Ling'er told Chen Chang'an about this so-called Mr. Yun.

"Mr. Yun is the oldest scholar in our Tianyun Kingdom. He has been the sacrificial wine master for many years and has sent off three kings in a year."

"Originally, he wasn't a Confucian, and he almost died at the beginning of last year."

"But one day, for some reason, a huge portrait appeared in the sky."

"After that portrait disappeared, a statue appeared in our Tianyun Kingdom's Temple of Scholars."

"The officials in the city said that the statue was a recognized Immortal Master."

"Mr. Yun had an epiphany after seeing that statue, and he realized a Confucian path called the Zhou Tian Confucian Way."

"Since that day, he has become a respected Confucian, and these auras on the roadside were blessed by him at that time."

"However, due to the wide area he has to take care of, the auras he blessed in various places are quite weak."

"They can't stop powerful demons and evil spirits, but you don't have to worry. They can definitely prevent some jackals, wolves, tigers, and leopards."

Li Ling'er said a lot in one breath, and then she sighed softly.

"Ah, I wonder what that so-called Immortal Master looks like. I wish I could go and see him someday."

This sentence sounded more like she was talking to herself, and it also seemed like stating a fact.

In this era, it wasn't impossible for women to enter the Temple of Scholars, but it was very difficult.

Even the princesses of the dynasties might not have the qualifications.

They could enter ordinary Temples of Scholars, but they couldn't enter the one with the statue of the Immortal Master.

The Temple of Scholars was sacred and inviolable.

Li Ling'er came from a scholarly family and was knowledgeable, but she didn't have the qualifications either. She could only look from a distance.

"Why, does Miss Li really want to see the Temple of Scholars?" Chen Chang'an asked.

"If I could, of course, I would want to see it. After all, I heard that the esteemed Immortal Master is very handsome," Li Ling'er said.

"Elegant and gentle, as if a celestial being descended to the mortal world."

"Never mind, I won't talk to you about this. You're a man, you wouldn't understand."

"Let's go, Li Bai, Mahe Village is up ahead."

Immediately, she pointed ahead and said to Chen Chang'an.

In the direction she pointed, a small village with wisps of smoke appeared, and at the entrance of the village, a plaque was written with the three characters "Mahe Village".

It's quite strange that it's called Mahe Village, but there is no river in the entire village, only a clear and flowing stream.

At this moment, it was almost noon, and the sun in the sky was a bit scorching.

"Alright, let's go."

Chen Chang'an nodded and quickened his pace.

When the two arrived at Mahe Village, they saw many people waiting at the entrance.

Leading them was a man wearing coarse clothes, who kept pacing back and forth at the village entrance. Every now and then, he would look up towards the road outside, seeming very anxious.

Beside him were a big and a small child.

"Doctor Li, you finally came."

After a while, when he saw Li Ling'er and Chen Chang'an by the roadside, he hurriedly greeted them.

"Uncle Zhang, I'm sorry, the mountain road was rugged, so we arrived a bit late."

Li Ling'er quickly apologized.

Upon hearing Li Ling'er's apology, Uncle Zhang shook his head and said, "Not late, not late. I'm already very grateful that Doctor Li came all the way here to see my wife. How could I blame Miss Li?"

"Doctor Li, this brave man, please, come inside."

Uncle Zhang led Chen Chang'an and Li Ling'er into the house.

Then, he turned around and said to the two children behind him, "Ermao, Xiaogudan, go quickly and boil water for Doctor Li."

"Yes, father."

"We understand, father."

The two children quickly ran to the kitchen to boil water.

"Doctor Li, please."

"I entrust my wife to Doctor Li."

After sending off the two children, Uncle Zhang pointed to the main room of the house and said to Li Ling'er.

Inside, there lay a woman whose complexion was very poor, almost devoid of any rosy color.

She seemed to have no strength to even lift herself up, and even if she noticed that there were guests in the house, she couldn't get up to greet them.


Li Ling'er glanced at the woman on the bed and nodded at Uncle Zhang.

Then, she walked over and took the woman's pulse.

After a while, she finished taking the pulse and opened her medicine box.

After a bit of searching, she found several packets of medicine and took a little bit from each packet, mixing them together to form a new packet of medicine.

Li Ling'er handed the packet of medicine to Uncle Zhang and said, "Uncle Zhang, understand this."

"A yin qi has entered her body, causing her digestive system to be disrupted."

"When the time comes, you just need to boil this packet of medicine I gave you and have her drink it in three separate doses."

"Once a day is enough."

Uncle Zhang took the medicine and said, "Alright, alright, I understand. Thank you, Doctor Li."

"Doctor Li, this is the payment for the medicine, please take it."

He then took out five copper coins from his pocket and handed them to Li Ling'er.

"Alright, if she hasn't recovered by tomorrow, Uncle Zhang can come find me again. I'll be at Tianling Pavilion, you know where that is."

Li Ling'er accepted the money and said solemnly.

"Thank you, Doctor Li." Uncle Zhang quickly expressed his gratitude.

As the sun set, after a busy day, Chen Chang'an and Li Ling'er began their journey back.

"Today, it's probably impossible to go back. Why don't you come back to the clinic with me first?"

When they had just walked halfway, Li Ling'er glanced at the sky and then frowned at Chen Chang'an.


Chen Chang'an had no objections to this.

However, what puzzled him a bit was that Chen Chang'an could tell that Li Ling'er was someone who loved money. But today's situation really confused him. After all, they had traveled such a long mountain road to see a doctor, and the reward was only five copper coins. Chen Chang'an didn't understand the meaning behind her actions.

Oh, it's not that he didn't know, it's just that he hadn't expected it.

"She's really an interesting girl," Chen Chang'an sighed as he watched Li Ling'er's departing figure.

"Alright, we've arrived at Tianyun City. We'll stay here tonight."

After a while, under Li Ling'er's guidance, the two of them arrived in front of a city wall.

The city wall was very high, about three or four stories high. The wall was made of a special type of stone that was very hard, and it was said that this could effectively prevent wild beasts from attacking the city.

"Stop, do you have a residence permit?"

As soon as they arrived at the city gate, two soldiers stopped them.

"We do." Li Ling'er said, then took out a wooden plaque from her pocket.

Then, Li Ling'er looked at Chen Chang'an and said, "He is a scholar from out of town and doesn't have an identity card. I can vouch for him."


The two soldiers carefully confirmed Li Ling'er's identity card, then glanced at Chen Chang'an. He didn't look like a bad person, so they nodded and said, "You may pass."

After getting permission, Chen Chang'an and Li Ling'er immediately walked towards the city.

After a while, they arrived in front of a loft.

The loft was not small, and the scent of medicine wafted out from inside. On the plaque in front of the loft were three golden characters: Tian Ling Ge!

The three characters were written in a lively manner, surrounded by a hint of spiritual energy. It was clear that an ordinary person couldn't have written them.

"Miss Li, did your ancestors have immortals? Why does this plaque seem to exude an aura of immortality?" Chen Chang'an asked curiously.

"Oh? Li Bai, I didn't expect you to have such keen observation skills," Li Ling'er nodded. "Indeed, my family did have immortals, and this plaque was left by my grandfather."

"Your grandfather?" Chen Chang'an immediately understood upon hearing this.

"Miss Li, may I ask who your grandfather is?" Chen Chang'an didn't ask intentionally, but he felt a familiar aura from that plaque. It was the aura of the Heavenly Water Sect's Purple Yang Heart Sutra.

Li Ling'er thought for a moment and then said, "My grandfather's name seems to be Li Hanshan."

"Li Hanshan?!" Chen Chang'an was stunned when he heard this name. His relaxed expression tightened significantly.

"Miss Li, are you sure your grandfather's name is really Li Hanshan?" he asked Li Ling'er.

"Yes, Li Hanshan. Li as in the surname Li, Hanshan as in cold and mountain," Li Ling'er replied.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Li Ling'er looked at Chen Chang'an curiously, not understanding why he suddenly had such a big reaction.

"No, no problem," Chen Chang'an immediately shook his head.

But in reality, his heart was extremely unsettled at this moment.

His master, Yang Han, had the real name Li Hanshan! (End of this chapter)

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