Reading Is Holy! Exposed By My Junior Sister!

Chapter 29 Seven Buddhas And Seven Appearances, Seven Appearances And Seven Dharmas!

Chapter 29: Seven Buddhas, Seven Forms, Seven Laws!

As he spoke, the Sword Ancestor turned his gaze towards the sky where Fa Xiang was, his expression heavy.

The Seven Sins of Buddha, a total of seven Buddhas.

The seven Buddhas belong to different forms, each presiding over a department, enforcing heavenly laws and eradicating sins!

Although this method still falls within the category of the Seven Realms Law, in terms of its power, it is no weaker than any top-notch ancient law.

The Sword Ancestor admitted that he couldn't handle such a method!

This Buddhist Gate old man has truly surpassed everyone this time.


At this moment, in the sky, the Great Buddha Fa Xiang had just condensed all seven Buddhas.

Seeing this scene, the Sword Ancestor stopped thinking and also turned his gaze towards the sky.

The battles between the Eight Realms cultivators are not only valuable experiences for the cultivators of the Sixth and Seventh Realms, but also invaluable for them!


"Om~ Ma~ Ni~ Ma~ Ni~ Om~ Ma~ Ni~ Ma~ Ni~ Om~"

In the sky, as the seven Buddha shadows appeared,

the familiar Sanskrit chants resounded through the heavens and earth once again.

However, this time, the chants seemed even more vast and sacred.

They seemed to come from a distant past, penetrating through time and spanning ancient ages.

Not only did it involve the "past," but it also touched upon the "future" timeline.

The seven Buddhas seemed to stand in different time and space, reciting the same Buddhist chants.


Following Fa Xiang's low shout, the seven Buddha shadows each walked out of their respective dimensions and returned to their positions.

Although the seven Buddhas were all Fa Xiang, each had its own form.

One held the heavens with its two heads, its eyes wide open in anger!

One lay sideways, sleeping comfortably and contentedly!

One sat on a giant elephant, majestic and dignified!

One held a begging bowl in its right hand, standing upright with its left hand!

One clasped its hands together, radiating Buddha's light!

One leaned slightly forward, with a kind and compassionate expression!

One stood on one leg with great strength, the other leg placed on its knee, holding the heavens with its eyes wide open in anger!

Seven Buddhas, seven forms, each form different!

Each different form enveloped a supreme law of the Buddhist Gate.

One is the "One Annihilation of Ten Thousand Truths"!

Two is the "Red Lotus Karma Fire"!

Three is the "Great Compassion and Great Mercy Palm"!

Four is the "Pure World of the Buddha Lotus"!

Five is the "Sea of Bitterness Rebirth"!

Six is the "Universal Salvation of All Beings"!

Seven is the "Furious Sea Asura"!

A total of seven forms, seven laws!

Fa Xiang learned these laws in the past years.

Without exception, they are all supreme laws of the Buddhist Gate.

Any one of these laws, when used casually, can suppress a Sword Master or a Dao Master in the local area, powerful and extraordinary!

Not to mention the combination of the seven laws now.


At this moment, the world changed.

All the scenery changed color.


The air was shattered under this change, turning into a void that scattered in the air.

"Amitabha Buddha, benefactor, please."

Under the appearance of the seven great Buddha figures, Fa Xiang sat cross-legged, majestic and dignified.

He chanted a Buddhist mantra towards Chen Chang'an in the starry sky.

Chen Chang'an snorted coldly, his expression unchanged. He looked at Fa Xiang and said slowly:

"Hmph! Everyone says that Master Fa Xiang is unmatched."

"His knowledge of Buddhist teachings is profound and unfathomable, even the former Dao Ancestor praised him."

"At first, I didn't believe it."

"But now that I see it, it's indeed well-deserved!"

"Since Master has such a good mood today, I will accompany Master in a fight!"

After saying that, Chen Chang'an didn't flinch at all and took a step forward instantly.

He walked straight towards the seven great Buddha forms of Master Fa Xiang!


At the same time, as Chen Chang'an stepped forward.

A series of formations appeared on his body.

That was the awakening of supreme laws!


First, six huge light wheels appeared behind Chen Chang'an.

In an instant, the six light wheels turned into six terrifying void portals!

At the entrance of each portal, chaotic aura lingered and spread, emitting an intimidating aura.

The "Six Paths of Reincarnation"!

Then, a giant Buddha shadow tens of thousands of zhang tall appeared behind him.

The Buddha formed a palm with one hand, as if it was ready to suppress the heavens at any time.

"The Great Compassion and Great Mercy Palm"!

(End of this chapter)

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