Reading Is Holy! Exposed By My Junior Sister!

Chapter 40 Boss, Give Me Some Fat!

Chapter 40: Boss, give me the fattest one!

"Xiu Shi forgot about emotions. A hundred years may be a lifetime for ordinary people, but for them, it may just be a moment."

"A couple of years is nothing but a blink of an eye for the young master."

"That's why the intervals between the young master's descents from the mountain will only get longer."

"It could be five years, ten years, or even several decades, or a hundred years."

"No matter which year it is, by then, we may no longer be here."

"So, the young master's appearance today may be the last time we can see him."


After saying these words, Old Liu picked up a bottle of wine from the kang and drank it in one gulp.

"So that's how it is."

Upon hearing this, Liu Shi immediately understood.

To be honest, she had long felt that the young master was not an ordinary person.

Because the young master's temperament was truly extraordinary.

The young master was not only an immortal, but also a very powerful one on the mountain.

The ordinary disciples of the Heavenly Water Sect who came down from the mountain did not possess the same extraordinary temperament as the young master.

"Since you've made up your mind, I'll talk to Xiao Cui later. That girl will be overjoyed," Liu Shi said.

Old Liu added, "Because of the young master ten years ago, we have enjoyed a good life for ten years."

This is already a great blessing.

"Now, all we can do for the young master is this."

After discussing for a while, the two of them went busy.

There were many customers in the shop, and they needed to attend to them at all times.

However, what the two of them didn't know was that in recent years, Chen Chang'an's decreasing frequency of descending from the mountain was purely due to laziness.

If it weren't for the annual tradition of offering new wine and snacks to the old man's grave, he wouldn't even want to step out of the Sutra Pavilion gate.

As for eating, it was just a side note.

For example, this time, the reason he came to the shop was because it was on the way.

"Cui'er, I'm leaving. Here's money for food, buy some candy for yourself."

On the other hand, Chen Chang'an had no idea about Old Liu's plan. After eating and drinking his fill, he placed five copper coins on the table for Xiao Cui and left.

"Hey, hey! Young master, young master?"

It wasn't until Chen Chang'an walked out of the door that Old Liu and his wife realized that he was gone.

They hurriedly chased after him.

But in the sea of people, they couldn't see Chen Chang'an's figure at all.

"Cui'er, you... you, this girl."

"You didn't tell us when the young master left. You, this girl."

Chen Chang'an, on the other hand, didn't leave. After tasting something fresh from Old Liu, he went to the market in Heavenly River City.

He didn't plan to come, but since he had finally come down the mountain (previously, he would tear through space directly to leave the mountain, and when he returned, it would be on the mountain. As for below the mountain? What was that thing? Did he need to pass through it?), he felt a bit regretful if he didn't buy something to take back.

"Boss, do you have 'Immortal Geese' for sale?"

Soon, Chen Chang'an arrived in front of a Spirit Beast Pavilion.

He asked the boss inside.

The boss here was a cultivator with a second realm Daoist cultivation.

Although the second realm cultivation was not worth mentioning in Chen Chang'an's eyes, it was not low in this Heavenly River City.

"Ah, guest, please come in quickly."

Seeing that there was business, the boss of the Spirit Beast Pavilion greeted Chen Chang'an with a smile and led him inside.

"Hmm." Chen Chang'an nodded and followed him in.

"Guest, you've come at the right time."

"We just received a batch of high-quality Immortal Geese."

"I just don't know if the guest wants handsome Immortal Geese or elegant Immortal Geese."

Saying that, the boss led Chen Chang'an to a cage inside the shop.

Inside, there were several large and small geese of various colors.

Each goose had a unique and extraordinary appearance, with colorful feathers and a brilliant luster, resembling celestial birds in the sky.

In fact, "Immortal Geese" hold a high status in the cultivation world.

Because of their beautiful and graceful characteristics, they are favored by female cultivators and male cultivators who are proactive in their demeanor.

High-level cultivators often keep one or two on their mountains to show their cultivation and refinement to outsiders.

Hidden Dao Mountain used to have these things as well, but it's a long story.

"Guest, feel free to choose."

"Don't worry, these 'Immortal Geese' are raised by our dedicated staff."

"Each one has a beautiful and symmetrical form, without any excess fat. Rest assured, after you buy them, you will gain face among your peers."

"Boss, do you have any plump ones? Give me two," Chen Chang'an said.



When the shop owner heard Chen Chang'an's words, he was instantly dumbfounded.

If it weren't for him seeing the Dao Source Stone in Chen Chang'an's hand, filled with a strong Dao aura, he would have thought that this person was here to challenge him!

"Immortal Geese" can be eaten, but only someone extremely extravagant would be willing to eat them.

Even the cheapest one would cost two Dao Source Stones!

What is the concept of two Dao Source Stones?

It's the price of a book, "Emperor Song Miscellaneous Discussions"!

It's half a year's salary for someone like Mao Ruxue, a genius of the heavens, who diligently works in the Hall of Rebirth for half a year!

The rich are always the masters, this saying applies everywhere.

So in the end, Chen Chang'an left with two plump "Immortal Geese"!

After leaving the Spirit Beast Pavilion, Chen Chang'an went to several other markets and bought a lot of things before slowly heading back up the mountain with a bag full of his harvest.

As an Everlasting Realm cultivator, carrying these few things was naturally easy for Chen Chang'an.

He wouldn't end up like Mao Ruxue, almost losing his life climbing a mountain.

In no time, Chen Chang'an arrived at the halfway point of the mountain.

After arriving here, he didn't go directly to the main hall of the sect, but instead went to Master Yang Han's grave, as usual.

Arriving here, Chen Chang'an took out the freshly brewed wine and placed it on the grave.

At this moment, there was already a new pot of wine and various offerings placed on the grass in front of the grave.

Obviously, someone had taken care of it.

It doesn't matter who that person is.

Chen Chang'an didn't pay attention and sat down in front of the grave, finding a spot as usual.

Then, as usual, he opened the extra pot of wine in front of the grave and took a sip.

He immediately found it to be quite good.

And it seemed to be two levels higher in grade than the one he bought.

The wine he offered was ordinary, but the girl actually offered spirit wine??

Ah, no, he had to talk to this girl.

Ordinary wine is enough for offerings. Why would she offer spirit wine? Isn't it better to keep it for herself?

She doesn't understand the value of frugality at all.

Shaking his head, Chen Chang'an stood up and walked towards the main hall of the sect.

This was the first time he had gone to the main hall of the Hidden Dao Mountain in many years.

He didn't originally plan to go, but thinking about that girl, Mao Ruxue, he decided to take a detour and have a look.

After all, she is his cheap junior sister, right?

"The waters of the Yellow River flow from the heavens, one sword's cold light spans nineteen provinces!"

As soon as Chen Chang'an entered the Hidden Dao Mountain main hall, he heard a loud shout coming from inside.

Approaching, he saw that it was Mao Ruxue practicing her sword.

Graceful as a startled swan, the sword followed her shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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