Reading Is Holy! Exposed By My Junior Sister!

Chapter 80 Counting The Famous Figures, Let’S Look At The Present!

Chapter 80: Admire the talented, but focus on the present!

In the future, huh?

Well, that's not bad either.

Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Qin Miaoyi nodded.

"Then, sir, have a safe journey."

After exchanging a few more pleasantries with Qin Miaoyi, Chen Chang'an no longer lingered and boarded the flying boat.

Then, under Xuanqingzi's command, the massive Tian Shui soared into the sky.

Before long, it departed from the Celestial Fragrance Pavilion.

Thus, the trip to the Celestial Fragrance Pavilion came to a successful end!

"Senior brother, that move you used earlier was amazing. Can you teach me too?"

On the flying boat, as soon as the boat stabilized, Mao Ruxue came to Chen Chang'an's side, her eyes sparkling, and asked.

At this moment, Chen Chang'an was lying leisurely on a reclining chair on the deck.

So, while Mao Ruxue was speaking, she squatted down and gently massaged Chen Chang'an's legs with her soft hands.

She looked completely obedient.

Of course she couldn't!

Chen Chang'an's appearance today really made Mao Ruxue admire him.

With just a wave of his hand, he summoned four terrifying powerhouses.

In the blink of an eye, the renowned Great Sword Immortal was annihilated!

Such a powerful expert, even though Mao Ruxue considered herself to have seen countless experts in the world, she had never heard of such a thing!

So, of course, Mao Ruxue wanted to learn such a powerful technique.

"Sister apprentice, do you want to learn this?"

Upon hearing Mao Ruxue's words, Chen Chang'an asked.

"Yes, yes, I want to learn."

Mao Ruxue nodded without hesitation.

Who wouldn't want to learn such a powerful divine ability?

After nodding vigorously, before Chen Chang'an could say anything, a smile of anticipation appeared on Mao Ruxue's face.

She probably already imagined that in the future, she would be able to summon the Taiyin and Wuxu with one hand, with four boundless gods and demons surrounding her, and silence all the powerful opponents.

Just then, Chen Chang'an's voice came:

"Do you want to learn?"

"After all, you have to find a place to seclude yourself first."

"And when you seclude yourself, you have to read at least two books every day."

"Any kind of books will do."

"If you can persist like this, maybe after ten years, you might have a chance."

After Chen Chang'an finished speaking, he looked at Mao Ruxue.

"A chance for what?"

"Can I become as powerful as you, senior brother, after ten years?"

Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Mao Ruxue became excited.

Judging from her appearance, if what Chen Chang'an said was true, she would definitely do it the next moment.

There was nothing wrong with that.

Just ten years of time, although not short, if it could exchange for such an invincible divine ability.

Looking at the whole world, ninety-nine percent of people would be willing to do it!

The remaining 0.1 percent who were unwilling to do it were either fools or fools!

"No, after persisting for ten years like this, you will become a lunatic!"

Chen Chang'an suddenly said seriously, but the smile at the corner of his mouth couldn't be concealed.

"Ah! Senior brother, you're bullying me again!"

Seeing Chen Chang'an's serious expression, Mao Ruxue was about to cry.

Why did her senior brother always bully her!

She even thought about his future every day.

But all he did was bully her all day long.

This trust between people was gone just like that!

"Alright, I won't tease you anymore."

Seeing Mao Ruxue's almost crying appearance, Chen Chang'an shook his head.

He waved his hand, sighed, and said:

"Sister apprentice, it's not that I won't teach you, but this technique doesn't have the same talent as me. You won't be able to learn it."

"You should focus on practicing the two inheritance techniques I taught you."

"Those two books, if practiced well, are definitely not worse than mine."

Chen Chang'an was referring to the "Purple Yang Heart Sutra" and the "Bodhi Rebirth Sutra".

"Senior brother, are you serious?!"

Mao Ruxue became interested as soon as she heard this.

"It's not true."

"Ah! Senior brother, you're lying to me again!"

After chatting and comforting her, Chen Chang'an finally sent Mao Ruxue away before she could cry.

In fact, Chen Chang'an did not lie to Mao Ruxue just now.

If the "Purple Yang Heart Sutra" and the "Bodhi Rebirth Sutra" are practiced well, they are indeed formidable.

After all, they are the ancient mountain-guarding techniques of Hidden Dao Mountain.

With both of them cultivated together, they can resist gods and demons.

Of course, compared to the cycle of reincarnation, they are somewhat inferior.

At this time, the flying boat had already stabilized.

Xuanqingzi finished his work and came to Chen Chang'an's side.

As for the front of the flying boat, it was guarded by Wang Tingfei and others.

However, Xuanqingzi seemed to be in a somewhat unusual state at the moment.

His face was filled with sorrow, his throat surged, wanting to say something but never speaking it out.

"Senior brother, is there something on your mind?"

Chen Chang'an asked first.

"Junior brother, are you... are you alright?"

Finally, Xuanqingzi spoke up.

"Senior brother, what are you thinking? What could be wrong with me?"

Upon hearing Xuanqingzi's words, Chen Chang'an was momentarily stunned.

However, he quickly understood.

"Senior brother, are you worried that the battle with Tianyuan will hurt my mental state?"


Xuanqingzi nodded. That was what he had been worried about all along.

"Senior brother, rest assured, I'm fine." Chen Chang'an showed a relieved smile.

"Junior brother, are you really okay?"

Xuanqingzi asked with doubt.

It's not surprising that he didn't believe it, because what Chen Chang'an did was too shocking.

On the path of cultivation, the higher the realm, the more difficult it is to challenge higher-level opponents.

In the same realm, a newly entered cultivator and an old cultivator.

If the two were to fight, the latter would definitely win.

Even with the bonus of talent, the former could at most fight the latter to a draw.

Anything more than that is absolutely impossible!

And now, Chen Chang'an, with his cultivation just entering the realm of a great Confucian, had decisively killed Tianyuan, a top-notch grand sword immortal.

He didn't believe that nothing else had happened.

Xuanqingzi's most intuitive thought was that his junior brother might have used some forbidden technique or secret technique.

And throughout history, whether it was a forbidden technique or a secret technique, once used, there would be no unscathed outcome.

"I'm really fine, if you don't believe me, look."

Chen Chang'an said, standing up and taking two steps in place.

His movements were skilled and coherent, not at all like someone who had something wrong.


Something wrong?

Chen Chang'an looked at Xuanqingzi, who thought he had something wrong.

The corners of his mouth suddenly lifted slightly.

He thought of a certain operation.

Old man Xuan, old man Xuan, I was really fine before.

But now, something is wrong.

Could it be that I'm overthinking?

On the side, Xuanqingzi was unaware of Chen Chang'an's evil thoughts. Seeing that Chen Chang'an seemed fine, his brows relaxed a lot.

Although he still had doubts, seeing that Chen Chang'an was fine, the big stone in his heart instantly fell.

"Then rest well, I'll call you when we arrive at the sect."

With that in mind, Xuanqingzi said.

Immediately, he was about to take his leave.

"Yes, alright, senior brother, I'll... "

Chen Chang'an nodded and responded.


However, just as he was about to say something else, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of fresh blood with a "pu" sound.

In that instant, blood gushed out, instantly staining the deck red.

And Chen Chang'an himself, at this moment, suddenly became weak and feeble. The next moment, his vision blurred, his whole body became unstable, and he fell to the ground.

This scene happened too suddenly, to the point that Xuan Qingzi didn't even react.

The next moment, without thinking too much, he immediately walked over and supported Chen Chang'an.

"Junior Brother! Junior Brother! What's wrong with you, Junior Brother!" Xuan Qingzi shouted loudly.

"Senior Brother, I'm fine, I just..."


Being supported by Xuan Qingzi, Chen Chang'an managed to avoid falling. He forced himself to stand up, then looked at Xuan Qingzi, wanting to say that he was fine.

However, before he could finish speaking, another mouthful of thick blood was spat out!

This mouthful of blood had a pale golden color.

This was the degree of essence blood!

Seeing this scene, Xuan Qingzi's face changed drastically.

Pale golden, this was the unique color of essence blood for a cultivator in the Sixth Realm.

And usually, this kind of essence blood would only be spat out when receiving a fatal injury.

Xuan Qingzi cried out,

"Junior Brother, it's Senior Brother's fault, it's Senior Brother's fault!"

"If it weren't for Senior Brother's stubbornness, how could you end up like this!"

Obviously, at this moment, Xuan Qingzi had already understood something.

Junior Brother had really used forbidden techniques!

"Senior Brother, it's not your fault."

"When a monarch dies, the gentleman guards the country."

"When soldiers are buried on the battlefield, daughters sacrifice for the nation, and our ancestors fought for the land."

"Naturally, it falls to us, the younger generation, to guard it."

"I grew up on the mountain since I was young, and the sect is also my home."

"To defend the ancestral land left behind by our ancestors, I naturally have a responsibility."

"So, Senior Brother, this has nothing to do with you, it's just my own choice."

Chen Chang'an shook his head and said to Xuan Qingzi.

This time, Chen Chang'an became even more feeble.

His eyes had already lost the vigor they had before.

At this moment, he no longer had the slightest appearance of being spirited, but rather looked like an elderly person in decline.

"Junior Brother, but, but you can't risk your life like this!" Xuan Qingzi couldn't find any words to say after hearing this.

He looked at Chen Chang'an in front of him and, for the third time since they met, had a different view of this Junior Brother.

The first time was when Chen Chang'an was punished to enter the Sutra Pavilion. He didn't make a fuss, and remained calm, not like an ordinary person.

The second time was when Chen Chang'an stepped into each realm one by one, and entered the realm of a Great Scholar in six steps, in order to protect the Divine Demon Realm and confront the elders of the Heavenly Water Sect.

The third time was now.

No matter what, Xuan Qingzi couldn't have imagined that this Junior Brother, who usually appeared very refined and never got angry with others, would choose to confront Tianyuanzi, a long-established old sword immortal, in such a situation.

What courage it took!

In the end, he could only hold back his tears and help Chen Chang'an back to his seat.

After hearing Xuan Qingzi's words, Chen Chang'an shook his head and said,

"Senior Brother, our Heavenly Water Sect is weak, so I can only do this."

"If we don't scare them off in one go, there will be more trouble waiting for us in the future."

"So, I can only do this."

"Look, the current situation is good, isn't it?"

Saying that, Chen Chang'an pretended to be relaxed and smiled.

But as he smiled, the pallor on his face became even more pronounced.

"Junior Brother, I'm sorry for making you bear so much." Xuan Qingzi said with grief and helplessness.

At this point, he could only hate himself for not having enough strength, otherwise things wouldn't have turned out like this.

However, Chen Chang'an shook his head and then said,

"Senior Brother, please promise me one thing."

"Junior Brother, whatever it is, just tell me." Xuan Qingzi quickly walked up and asked.

Chen Chang'an said,

"Senior Brother, can you not tell the other disciples about this matter?"

"Especially Junior Sister Ruoxue."

"I don't want them to see me in such a miserable state."

Xuan Qingzi was stunned when he heard this, but then he understood Chen Chang'an's thoughts.

"Okay, junior brother, I promise you."

He understood that Chen Chang'an was not worried about his disciples seeing him in a disheveled state, but rather afraid that news of his serious injury would be spread by malicious individuals, resulting in a wasted effort.

"Can't even tell the sect leader?" Xuanqingzi asked again.

"That wouldn't be good."

"Senior brother, you know that the sect leader is very busy and has many matters to attend to. Let's not let him know about this."

"If he knows, it will only increase his worries."

Chen Chang'an shook his head, his gaze showing a resolute attitude.

"Okay, then I won't say anything. I promise you!"

Xuanqingzi nodded again.

Afterwards, he said, "Junior brother, you should rest here and leave the rest to me."

Xuanqingzi was referring to operating the flying boat.

Flying boats were extremely convenient for traveling in the sky.

But they also came with great danger.

The territory of the Formless World was very complex.

In addition to the inhabited areas where people lived, there were countless undeveloped wilderness areas or sacred lands.

Inevitably, these forbidden areas and sacred lands contained some terrifying existences.

In order for the flying boat to safely fly in the sky, there needed to be someone to protect it at all times.

To prevent it from being taken into these forbidden areas, which would be troublesome.

When they came here, it was Xuanqingzi who protected them all the way.

Now, going back would be the same, they needed him to watch over there.

So he couldn't stay here for long.

"Okay, senior brother, you can go. I can take care of myself, no need to worry about me."

Chen Chang'an also understood what was going on and immediately nodded in agreement.

"Cough cough~!"

After saying that, he coughed twice in a row.

Fresh red blood oozed from the corners of his mouth.

But he wiped it away with difficulty.

"Junior brother, take care of yourself!"

Seeing this, Xuanqingzi's heart inexplicably ached.

Forcing himself to hide his injuries?

This junior brother of mine, really, it breaks my heart.

Finally, after pushing Chen Chang'an into his room, Xuanqingzi waved his hand and bid farewell to Chen Chang'an.

Xuanqingzi left, taking three steps and turning back twice, trying to engrave Chen Chang'an's departure in his mind.

Everything felt like a farewell between life and death.

However, what Xuanqingzi didn't know was that after he had walked far away, Chen Chang'an, who had been coughing up blood, suddenly returned to his usual state.


In the next moment, Chen Chang'an's cold shout was heard.

Then, a magical scene unfolded.

The previously despondent Chen Chang'an suddenly seemed to regain his former glory.

His complexion instantly became rosy.

His back straightened, and his eyes regained their brightness.

He sat up straight.

Then, he waved his sleeve, and the bloodstains on the ground immediately disappeared without a trace.

After completing all of this, he took out a chair from his spatial storage and placed it down.

He arranged a teacup and brewed himself a pot of tea, slowly savoring it.

After taking a sip of tea, he lay down on the recliner, fanning himself with a folding fan.

In an instant, he returned to his elegant and unparalleled gentlemanly demeanor, with no trace of coughing up blood.

"The great river flows east, washing away all the heroes!"

"Appreciate the talented individuals of today."

Blowing the wind in the high sky, looking at the clouds around him, this was the life that cultivators should have.

However, not long after lying down, Chen Chang'an heard voices coming from outside.

(End of this chapter)

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