Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1159: Objects thrown from high altitude, unexpected

"Time starts! Go to the end of the sewer of 'Super Mario' and you cannot attack monsters! If you are kicked out of the Super Mario map, you have to start over from the beginning." Dora smiled, "The name of this princess is... Um, pineapple? Mango? Anyway, it's the name of a fruit. What do you think? Do you want to go and have a look?"

"Can't attack monsters? What's the name of Super Mario? But forget it, let's start directly."

Then both of them used the teleportation stone that Dora gave them to teleport to Super Mario.

This, this is Super Mario! It's exactly the same as the Super Mario I played when I was a kid! Although I haven't played Super Mario on Rainbow Island, it doesn't bother me either!

Damn. It's such a high place when I just came in. It's wrong to throw objects from a high altitude, and we have to jump down alive. But this is also very exciting. Ye Chen jumped down from a high altitude without thinking, and he was about to step on a red disc.

That should be a mushroom, look at my universe invincible thunder formation and Hong Kong shadowless deadly scissor kick!

Ah——Unexpectedly, when Ye Chen just touched the red mushroom, he was instantly bounced into the sky and disappeared into the vast sky.


Ye Chen looked at the sky speechlessly, but after just a few seconds, Ye Chen suddenly stood next to him. Is this a magic show?

"Ye Chen, we have to be careful. According to my test just now, these mushrooms are not simple. I didn't expect them to be hidden so deeply."

It's you who are not simple, right?

However, Ye Chen didn't care about these details. He jumped down directly like Ye Chen just now, but Ye Chen jumped a little farther, so he stepped over the red mushroom and stood on a wooden box.

Who can understand the loneliness of being afraid of the rope for ten years after being bitten by a snake? Ye Chen didn't want to be bounced by the weird mushroom again, so he chose to slowly climb down along the flower vine under his feet. When the mushroom came towards him, he jumped over the mushroom and came to where Ye Chen was standing.

In front of him was a deep ditch with no bottom in sight, and on the opposite side was a wall made of many wooden boxes. Would he die if he fell down?

But it was nothing. The two of them jumped over easily. After walking for a while, there was another deep ditch. On the opposite side were two forked roads. One was from the ground, with countless ditches; the other was a road floating in the air, which did not look so dangerous.

"We should act separately?"

"Okay, the success rate will be higher this way."

After saying that, Ye Chen jumped to the floating floor in one fell swoop. Ye Chen suddenly had the urge to curse. Shouldn't I take this easy route?

Sure enough, Ye Chen ran all the way without any obstacles and walked directly to a new high ground that was almost the same as the beginning. Then he sat down on the ground and planned to wait for Ye Chen's arrival.

After a long time, Ye Chen also came to the high ground where Ye Chen was. Seeing Ye Chen sitting there safely, Ye Chen touched the dozens of wounds he had stumbled on, and secretly wanted to give him dozens of slaps.

"Let's go."

"Ah. Hey. Take a break first!"

Ye Chen jumped down from the high ground as usual. Ye Chen on the side couldn't think of any words to express his current mood. He just slowly crawled along the flower vine to the ground. Plans are never as fast as changes. When Ye Chen was about to reach the ground, a mushroom came from nowhere and walked to the place where Ye Chen was about to step on the ground like a landmine.

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