Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1466 The red light flashed, startled

When the blood river was fully formed, Ye Chen only felt a red light flashing in front of his eyes. He subconsciously raised his sword, and only heard a stinging pain, and he was directly startled and flew dozens of feet away.

Kara, Kara.

Ye Chen's feet continued to make the sound of pebbles. Looking down a little, he saw that there was only one step behind him. The cliff, if it was not blocked, I am afraid that Ye Chen would have fallen off the cliff now.

"What a pity." Ye Chen smiled at Hong Tong.

Hong Tong smiled and shook her head: "No, it would be a pity if you can't catch this hammer and fall directly."

"But this hammer didn't knock me down, and there won't be such a good opportunity next time." Ye Chen smiled, took a few steps forward, holding the Holy Spirit Sword in his hand, pointing directly at Hong Tong.

"Then, let me see, you learn Chen, what ability to kill blood!" Hong Tong's face was heavy, holding the blood hammer in his hand, and continued to hit Ye Chen fiercely.

Ye Chen smiled faintly, once again walked out of the method of the phantom body, and continued to move towards Hong Tong. Of course, the Holy Spirit Sword in Ye Chen's hand is not idle. It not only blocked dozens of blood hammer attacks, but also unloaded it horribly with all its strength.

"This Ye Chen can really pull my hammer off. It seems that this heavy sword must be a little mysterious. I must have this sword!" Hong Tong looked at the eyes of the Holy Spirit Sword and squinted tightly. The blood hammer in his hand suddenly increased several times, and his dense swing speed was several times faster than before.

In the hands of Hong Tong, Ye Chen was also an extraordinary shock. Under the singles of strength, this hammer is more powerful than the Qiankun Sword. This Hongtang is a genius of the Temple of Heaven!

However, if Ye Chen retreats, it is naturally impossible.

Facing the blood hammer swung by Hong Tong, Ye Chen was not in a hurry, holding the Holy Spirit Sword in his hand, and took a step slowly.

Knock on the door!

With the spirit as the sword body and the spirit of determination as the guide. The tip of the Holy Spirit sword suddenly emitted a bright light and shot directly into the sky, causing thunder.

"What a terrible sword!"

As if sensing Ye Chen's fierce sword intention, Hong Tong's face changed unexpectedly. However, in his eyes, although Ye Chen's sword is terrible, his hammer is not so easy to deal with!

"Ye Chen, pick up my blood hammer!"

Hong Tong's war intention has reached its peak, and the huge blood hammer swung eight times in succession. The eight hammers immediately appeared in the air before and after the formation, and smashed Ye Chen mercilessly.

A huge hammer print is larger than a hammer, and this power is multiplied by one superposition. This kind of attack is very rare, but it is very powerful.

"No matter how many traces your blood hammer has, I only have one sword!"

At this time, Ye Chen seemed extremely confident in his one sword spirit. The spirit of the sword can absorb the characteristics of the spirit, and the spirit of the sword can exert the greatest power.

Xiao Xiong

The extraordinary power of the divine sword spirit directly chopped off the first five hammers, and the speed of the sixth and seventh swords was only slightly hindered, but this did not affect the sword's attack.

Under the eyes of the two men, the sword collided with the eighth hammer print. Hong Tong thought he was invincible, and he was ready to come again, but to his surprise, the sword directly pierced through the seal of the hammer and hit himself hard!


Hong Tong subconsciously hung the hammer block, and at the critical moment, Lingdi absorbed the attack of the sword to the maximum extent.

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