Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1616 A big pot with thick sauce

"Well, I won't hide it from you. Just recently, one of my younger brothers suddenly discovered that deep in the mine, in a small, unremarkable cave, there are still some minerals. I have been digging for several days, and I have been very rich recently. Can't you see that my trucks are all new? "The boss of the truck gang. Hey laugh.

Zi Luo couldn't help laughing. "You old man, you are really good at eating meat, so we left some soup for us to drink." Sly, sly guy, I must punish you to drink a few more cups in the future, preferably drunk, otherwise, we will be unhappy, right? "



"Sly guy"

The crowd spoke loudly.

Finally, the wild boar meat was lifted up, a big pot, with a strong fragrance and thick sauce, which looked particularly appetizing. Ye Chen was not polite, he picked up the chopsticks directly and started eating. Take a bite of fat, fat oil, and a few bites of lean meat are generally delicious.

"Well, there is nothing to say about the art of the restaurant, no, it is. "Qi Luo waved his thumbs to the restaurant owner.

"Well, in general, I am satisfied with everyone's support." Although the restaurant owner was modest on the surface, his expression completely betrayed his inner thoughts.

Ye Chen scooped a spoonful of sauce into the rice, stirred it a few times with chopsticks, and then quickly finished it.

"Aqiang, eat slowly, there are so many, but it is better for young people to eat more when they grow up. "Zi Luo looked at Ye Chen eating like this, and couldn't help laughing, his eyes changed, and he looked like he didn't even have his father's love.

Ye Chen was stunned, only turned his head and smiled faintly; "It's so delicious, so, I can't help it. "Although he has money every month, it is impossible to come to such a meal every day.

In fact, the base of the Shark Gang, they have their own canteen, where the old woman grows food and then cooks it to eat.

It's not delicious, but at least it's okay. It's better than nothing, and it's cheap.

Especially Ye Chen has spent a lot of money recently, about five thousand yuan, and is almost exhausted. If this knife is forged, it will almost lose a penny on him. What's more helpless is that some of the materials are still lost, and he has to look for materials after the war.

"Busy and helpless life" This is a comfortable meal, Ye Chen patted his bulging belly and was very satisfied.


At this time, footsteps came from outside, and Ye Chen looked over vigilantly.

There was a man outside the door, his arms tied to his forehead, a fierce face tied, and slowly walked in from the outside. He didn't make any sound, but he made everyone involuntarily attracted to each other. It seems that he was born with a special ability.

"This guy is not easy. "Ye Chen was the first to come back to his mind. He scanned the surroundings and found that most people were still staring at this person.

A group of homosexuals!


He coughed deliberately, and soon he remembered the crowd, one after another, and was very surprised. After all, a man, why did he stare for so long. Is there a problem with orientation?


The man looked at Ye Chen in surprise, and didn't expect that someone could recover so quickly. You know, with his ability, no matter who it is, he will be attracted involuntarily.

Even men and women.

"Boss, I want to eat the same food as them." Looking at the fragrant wild boar, he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water.

"No problem, sir. Please wait." The restaurant owner looked at the man in front and walked into the kitchen.

"If I'm not mistaken, this gentleman is the brother of the Gunpowder Gang. "At this time, a man in the corner suddenly stood up.

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