Reading to Become a God

Chapter 2228: Energetic and distracted

"No. What -? I just heard you say that Onisan is full of energy. He is not as distracted as he was in class these two days, that's all." Tang smiled with his mask on.

"No, I'm telling the truth. Didn't I say that I overstudy at night? Did Dong Nai call Onisan as soon as this happened?" The panicked Ace hurriedly explained, dragging the other side into the water. .

"Okay, everyone go back to their seats and do it." The head teacher opened the door and came in. "Today there is a transfer student in our class. Everyone welcomes him. Come in." The head teacher took the lead in clapping, and the whole class applauded. The door was opened, and a boy with long black hair, fair skin, and bright and deep eyes walked to the podium.

The boy's eyes glanced down. Ayise and Tong Nai opened their eyes wide and opened their mouths with dumbfounded expressions. Kanai was much better and still a little stunned. When I smiled, the college only recognized three people in the class. Of course, I chose to come to this class. In any case, what I learned was not important to him.

I picked up the chalk and wrote my current name on the blackboard, 'Five more me'. "I just came to Qianba County a few days ago because my family will live here often. My name is Wu Guang, everyone will call me. My interests and hobbies are martial arts and magicians, which is a double "Spell, please give me a lot of advice." He looked calm as he spoke, and his handsome and sunny face immediately aroused applause from the girls.

"So, there are five more students who have just arrived in Chiba County. If you don't understand anything, you can ask Xinyuan. She is sincere and will help you integrate into this class better."

My place was taken to the back and the students gathered together as the teacher left. Ayise kept on patting the table and stopping the others. "Come back to me and make a sound like this." Wuguang, if you come out, I will take you to visit the school. "

I shrugged and followed. Tunai and Kanai stood up almost at the same time and walked out of the door.

The wide roof is still as quiet as last time, and the warm sun makes people want to sleep under it. Occasionally a warm stream blows, which makes people feel comfortable. The weather is good and the environment is good. It is really a good place to take a nap. That's what I'm thinking now.

He was taken directly to the roof, followed by Tonnai and Ganez, cutting off his way back, closing the door and leaving the three girls forming a triangle around him, their eyes filled with questions and questions. "Tell you in advance, admit leniency, resistance and severity, and tell me why you want to transfer here. What is the secret?" Kanai shouted with interest.

"Onisan, I really trust you, but I don't know why you are here." Ayese asked suspiciously.

"Forget it. Anyway, thank you for this morning. I'll give it back to you." Tatsuno started with this.

twitter. I said casually that Tong was the mother who introduced this reason to Don Seth in the past. Life on campus is tense and calm, and when they return to the classroom, class begins. I took out my notebook and started surfing the Internet. The teachers seemed to notice my behavior and turned a blind eye to it. I didn't disturb others, I looked at the computer quietly, my eyes were shining, I didn't know what to think?

During lunch break, after class, Ace and Tunai couldn't find me. and, and, all went to the rooftop for lunch. Since I said goodbye to them here, they come here often for lunch. When I was about to eat, I waddled up to the roof, tray in hand.

"Where have you been? I can't find you. What are you holding in your hand?" Tong Nai said, closing the lid.

"Well, I have something to do. You all finished eating and left the pawn shop. At this moment, I made you a cup of black tea. It tastes good. Let's drink it as tea after dinner." I just didn't ask (put down the money) Some top quality black tea, went there and made a cup for black cat, she loved it. When you get back, give these friends a drink. Do you want to share these beautiful things with you?

"Where did you buy the black tea?"

"'Can I still make black tea?"

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