Reading to Become a God

Chapter 434 The Ninth Heaven of the Holy Land, the Covetousness of the Imperial Family

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Gu Qilin, directly dissolving the huge power of the quasi-emperor. He looked at the people of the eight imperial clans and said with a smile on his face.

"Dear clan elders, it's been a long time since I last saw you. The last time I saw you all together was at the Ten Thousand Clans Sword Discussion Conference."

This sentence is very interesting. Whether Ye Chen was criticized by everyone at the Ten Thousand Races Conference, or when the ancient clan encountered an unprecedented crisis and was persecuted by the Tao clan, none of the eight imperial clans were Didn't stand out.

But now, because of Ye Chen, the entire human race is already in a relatively high position among all the races in the world. Ye Chen even received many benefits among all the tribes in the world, making all tribes fear him.

It happened to be at this time that the eight imperial clans appeared, in this Taiyi Holy Land, for the source of the eighty billion kilograms. This is also the reason why Gu Quan said this. The eight imperial clans were unable to do anything beneficial in the face of the powerful imperial clan.

On the contrary, at that time, he disappeared and no one could find the eight imperial clans. However, at this time, he appeared. It must be said that Gu Quan had many opinions on this leader of the human race.

Why the human race was looked down upon by all races after the arrival of the heavenly world? The reason is still the attitude of the eight imperial clans. It has to be said that it is a very helpless thing for the human race to have such a leader.

But the eight imperial clans are deeply rooted, and no one can shake them for the time being. Even their ancient clan, as one of the former leaders, can be said to abandon them whenever they want. For their own safety, they must be able to sacrifice others. Is this what a leader should do?

When the old Ou saw Guquan, he said sarcastically with a smile on his face.

"Who do I think it is? It turns out that he is the boss of the ancient clan. Why, seeing the decline of the ancient clan, now he comes to Taiyi Holy Land? Having such a descendant of your ancient clan can be regarded as a sin committed by the ancestors, right?"

Guquan narrowed his eyes slightly, with a trace of anger on his face, but now he was in Taiyi Holy Land after all. If he wanted to do something, he needed Ye Chen's consent. Then he didn't say anything. When he came here, he just wanted to It's just to relieve Gu Qilin's pressure.

"Everyone, please!"

Gu Qilin stood in front of the elders of the eight imperial clans and said slightly sideways.

After the eight clan elders came in, they were followed by the most powerful young people from each clan, all of them arrogant. Although they are from the imperial clan, they have not participated in any major events in the world of the heavens since their arrival.

Even when the human race was beheaded at the Ten Thousand Races Sword Discussion Conference, they did not stand up and say a word. Although the most important figures and the strongest young people from the eight imperial clans appeared, they were not released by Gu Qilin. In the heart.

The strongest of these young people is actually only the first level of the Saint Realm. Not to mention all races, even among the human race, there are many young people who are stronger than them. These people have always rested on the merits of their ancestors and lorded it over them.

Now that the human race is powerful, they are jumping out one by one.

Gu Qilin finally saw the faces of the eight imperial clans, but he didn't say anything, but led them towards the Taiyi Holy Land.

At this time, Taiyi Holy Land was completely different from before. After Ye Chen left Taiyi Holy Land, Monk Greedy and Angry was a figure who walked among famous tombs because he was very knowledgeable in this aspect.

Of course, the knowledge is much wider. Under the leadership of the greedy and angry monk, the entire Taiyi Holy Land was divided into nine heavens, and formations were engraved on each heaven.

Each heaven represents something different.

The first level of heaven is usually the position of the outer sect disciples. As you advance, your position will be different. It was like the main hall where Ye Chen was, high above the ninth heaven, as if suppressing the entire heavens. In the entire Taiyi Holy Land, no one except Ye Chen could come and go at will.

When the people of the eight imperial clans were brought into Taiyi Holy Land by Gu Qilin, everyone, even the eight imperial clans, were a little shocked.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, it is divided into nine levels. Each level is surrounded by clouds and suspended in the void. Endless fairy light surrounds the void, just like a fairyland on earth, with true dragons and divine phoenixes hovering in the void.

In front of the Nine Heavens, a huge entrance road emerged. This is the Central Martial Arts Square.

In the entire Taiyi Holy Land, the aura of heaven and earth was like substance, constantly entering their pores. Even beings at the quasi-emperor level can feel the improvement of this kind of spiritual energy.

With a million-foot dragon vein, it is estimated that there is no existence in the world that can compare with it except Mount Sumeru. At this time, Taiyi Holy Land was like a place of creation. They could feel that a month of practice in Taiyi Holy Land was comparable to several years outside.

Maybe it won't show up at the beginning, but in the later stages of practice, the foundation created by this huge spiritual energy of heaven and earth can even rival a special physique. This is the importance of dragon vein. It can be said that dragon vein is the most important part of a family or its strength.

The people of the Great Imperial Clan looked at each other, and they all saw the thoughts in each other's eyes. If they could get Ye Chen's method to create this dragon vein. Then it will not be difficult for the eight imperial clans to have a great emperor appear in the future.

"Everyone, please. The Holy Lord has not summoned us at this time, so please wait a little longer."


The elders of the eight imperial clans did not say anything. After all, Ye Chen was powerful now. If they could get some benefits here, waiting would be nothing to them. But the young people behind them did not think so. As members of the eight imperial clans, when had they ever waited for others?

"Your holy master is too arrogant. Even the holy master Yaoguang needs to personally welcome us. Ye Chen is also the master of the holy land. We have not said anything about sending an elder with low cultivation. Now we still need to wait?"

"Yes, the holy land was established with the support of our eight imperial clans. If we want to depose the holy land of Taiyi Holy Land, we are still qualified."

Several young people stepped forward and looked at Gu Qilin without any politeness.

At this time, a figure appeared in the void. He was dressed in plain clothes, but he looked like a king.

"Oh? Did you all come directly to my Taiyi Holy Land from Yaoguang Holy Land?"

Everyone looked at Ye Chen at this time.

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