Reading to Become a God

Chapter 67 Rules! Reflection!

The words of Holy Lord Taiyi made Ye Chen slightly surprised, but Ye Chen did not speak, but looked at Holy Lord Taiyi quietly.

"When you were humiliated in the Sword Testing Hall, you didn't go to the Punishment Hall or the Law Enforcement Hall to sue, just because Fang Tianya found trouble for you within the 'rules'. Even if you sued the Punishment Hall and the Law Enforcement Hall, with your connections, It's hard to trouble Fang Tianya, and even if you trouble Fang Tianya, it's just a punishment! Underground Palace! This is the best move."

"Then your feat of three hundred consecutive victories was regarded as incomparably ordinary by you. You are neither arrogant nor impetuous. You are as good as water. Wanchu Holy Land came to trouble you. The first thing you thought of was Taiyi Holy Land. You seemed to take the initiative. , but in fact, you show mercy every time. You can be so rational even when you are full of anger. I have to say that you are a smart person, a truly smart person! "

"But the reason why I canonize you as the Holy Son is not what happened before, because Changsheng can do the things before, but your last thing is what Changsheng cannot do. This may have something to do with the realm. He is born excellent and aloof, so he doesn't understand people's hearts. He doesn't care about the outer and inner gates, but you know very well how terrifying and powerful this power is. "

Holy Lord Taiyi spoke at length, telling Ye Chen one by one what he had done before, but this was not a reproach or a sarcasm, but a kind of heartfelt praise.

"Ye Chen, you understand people's hearts and you are better at using them. Based on this, you are qualified to become the Holy Son. Regardless of your qualifications, your talents, and your talents, you are not weaker than Changsheng. You are the only one. What is lacking is time, so I will give you ten years. After ten years, I hope you will compete with Changsheng. The position of Taiyi Holy Lord needs to be competed, not inherited. In that case, you will decline sooner or later! Yes, although I have known Changsheng for a long time and almost watched him grow up, I am the Holy Lord of Taiyi, so I only consider who is outstanding. There is no emotion in my eyes. If you can defeat Changsheng, you will become the Holy Lord in the future. It's yours, but if you can't win immortality, you won't be able to become the Holy Lord. But you have to remember that everything you do must be within a 'rule'. If you go beyond the rules, on the contrary There will definitely be others who go beyond the 'rules' and come to trouble you, do you understand?"

Holy Lord Taiyi talked a lot all night long, but Ye Chen could feel that Holy Lord Taiyi did not blame himself for impeaching the Holy Son and causing the Son of Eternal Life to be imprisoned for ten years. On the contrary, he admired himself very much.

At this moment, Ye Chen finally understood why Taiyi Holy Land could become one of the top holy places. It was not only because of its strong foundation, but more importantly, with such a Holy Lord presiding over it, there would be no chaos in Taiyi Holy Land.

The words of Holy Master Taiyi gave Ye Chen a lot to think about carefully, especially the word "rules".

"Okay! It's getting late. You should go back and continue celebrating. The canonization ceremony will be in three days. You should prepare well. It is best to add more weight before the canonization. Only in this way can you sit on the throne of the Holy Son. "

After Holy Lord Taiyi said this, he gradually left. After he left, Ye Chen looked calm and walked towards the underground palace.

Arriving at the underground palace, Ye Chen smiled again and drank and had fun with his junior brothers.

late at night.

Ye Chen was lying on the window, holding a bottle of wine and remaining silent.

The moonlight outside was very thick and beautiful. Drinking under the moonlight was indeed a very happy thing, but Ye Chen couldn't help but think about the previous events.

A total of three months have passed since time travel to now. It is now the fourth month, which is almost half a year. During this period, I have gone from being an unknown disciple to becoming the Holy Master and spreading the word to others. I clicked my tongue.

Although this Holy Son may seem a bit opportunistic to others, he is still famous throughout the world.

But thinking carefully about what Holy Lord Taiyi said, Ye Chen couldn't help but ponder it carefully.

Smart person?

Ye Chen smiled, shook his head, and continued to drink. Is he a smart person? In fact, it is not the case. He is just an ordinary person who wants to survive in troubled times. He is just a little more cautious than others, a little more diplomatic than others, and a little more thoughtful than others.

Not really a smart guy.

In Ye Chen's opinion, this matter was not a smart move. If it were a smart move, he would not openly argue with the disciples of Wanchu Holy Land, nor would he provoke the so-called Holy Son.

A truly smart person, once he provokes an enemy, will try every means to kill the enemy. If he cannot do this, he will never make an enemy. But he is different. He cannot let the Son of Immortality disappear from this world. , but he provoked the other party.

This is irrational behavior.

But in life, Ye Chen is not an old monster who can't do anything without leaks. He is still young and has blood in his bones, so he does such things. But Ye Chen has one advantage, that is, whatever he does, he will do it well. Reflect on it, whether it’s right or wrong.

They will all reflect on themselves.

At this time, Ye Chen was reflecting.

But after a long time, Ye Chen exhaled a breath of turbid air, and he began to think about what Holy Lord Taiyi said.

"Rules?" Ye Chen was trying to understand the meaning of these two words.

What are the rules?

It was within the rules for Fang Tianya to cause trouble for himself. Because Fang Tianya was a disciple of the Sword Trial Hall and he did not bribe, it was against the rules. Therefore, Fang Tianya made trouble for himself. Therefore, if he went to the Punishment Hall or the Law Enforcement Hall at that time, Fang Tianya will not suffer.

But if he kills Fang Tianya secretly, or makes trouble for Fang Tianya, then this is against the rules.

Once you don't comply with the rules, you will be punished like the Immortal Son, unless no one knows that you did it. But if you don't want others to know, you can't do anything except yourself. Therefore, you pushed the underground palace that day, which is within the scope of the rules. Inside.

So you are not punished!

There is no evidence for the Holy Son of Eternal Life to suppress himself, not to mention that he is currying favor with the Wanchu Holy Land, but it can be regarded as a show of goodwill. This is beyond the rules, but he is the Holy Son, and no one dares to trouble him. But once someone troubles him, then There will be many people looking for trouble together.

When the time comes, he will suffer a loss, and not even the Holy Lord can protect him.

After communicating with the Holy Lord once, Ye Chen understood that it was not that the Holy Lord could not protect him but that the Holy Lord did not want to protect him.

Because he is the Holy Lord! He cannot favor anyone.

Even if you are the Son of God, as long as you exceed this rule, you will be punished.

It can be said that maybe Ye Chen was still worried that impeaching the Holy Son would cause discomfort to the Holy Lord, but now Ye Chen has the answer!


On the contrary, if you keep following this rule, Holy Lord Taiyi will recognize you more and more.

What Taiyi Sage wants is a disciple who can inherit the great system, not a genius!

Throughout the ages, there have been brave men who are kings!

The wise are holy!

The one who is brave and resourceful becomes the emperor.

Ye Chen understood, so he smiled slightly, and then spilled the wine in the cup. In an instant, the wine formed an arc and shimmered in the moonlight.

"In the words of this Holy Son, tomorrow, I will defeat the heroes of all races with my sword! Let the true strong men of all races come on stage, and don't ask for some bastards."

The voice sounded, and it was shocking.

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