Reading to Become a God

Chapter 925 Smoke-filled, indifferent

Not long after this incident, the Avengers of Dark World were too eager for revenge. I used to assassinate others in secret, but now it's different. Now I'm killing people openly.

The people in the dark world tried their best to get revenge. They thought and thought.

"Ah! People in the Dark World have finally stopped making trouble these days! We can finally stay calm for a while!" said one person.

"Yes! They have been thinking about revenge these days, but they didn't expect that they would be beaten by us!" Another person answered him.

"Haha, let's celebrate today!?" another person said.

"Okay! Let's celebrate together when we get going!"

"Don't be too happy too early, people from the dark world will come again!" Ye Chen said to them.

"Yes, we must be ready for defense at any time." One person answered Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at them and really couldn't let go, so he was also thinking of ways to set up traps or something like that.

The gate here is called Tianmen. Ye Chen came to see the Tianmen. A defensive facility was set up and the Tianmen was reinforced so that it would not be easily opened by the World of Darkness.

When Ye Chen saw his defense facilities, he felt quite comfortable and went to practice with peace of mind.

At this time, people from the Dark World were issuing assembly orders. Just when Ye Chen was wandering around, Ye Chen heard about it. At that time, Ye Chen panicked and hurried back to the city to reinforce the castle.

After Ye Chen returned, he told everyone all these things and asked everyone to quickly strengthen the castle. At this time, everyone used their own magic power to set up checkpoints on the city wall, and the city wall became stronger.

At this time, the gathering order for the strong men of the Dark World has been assembled, and they are preparing to attack and take revenge the next day!

"Your Majesty, we have almost gathered them together. When will we attack them?" asked the younger one.

"Hahaha, it's been so many days, it's time for revenge!"

On this day, Ye Chen suddenly received a notification from them, saying that the Dark World had launched an attack!

Ye Chen hurried over and saw smoke filling the distance. It occurred to me that people from the Dark World were attacking.

When the people from the Dark World arrived here, they shouted loudly.

The Lord of the Dark World said: "Brothers, we must avenge this!"

"Yes!" said the little ones.

"Brothers, kill me!" the lord of the dark world said.

"As you command!"

After saying that, a group of people rushed forward. Ye Chen looked at the situation and thought, "Let's play it by ear and let them play by themselves for a while. We can wait until they are exhausted."

The kids rushed forward crazily and attacked Tianmen, but no matter how hard those people attacked Tianmen, they could not open it. They tried to attack other city walls, but it was useless because Ye Chen had already prepared them in advance. , knowing that they will come back, and have already set up defense facilities, so those people are indifferent no matter what.

The heads of these people went back to report to the lord.

"Boss! Oh no, they have set up very powerful defense facilities on their Tianmen, and we can't open it at all!" said the man.

"A bunch of trash, I have to take action on my own!" the lord said angrily to him.

"Get out of here!"

After saying that, the lord took his weapon, flew over with Qinggong, and launched a fierce attack on Tianmen. However, because Ye Chen's skill was higher than that of the lords of the Dark World, he was not so easy to break through. What's more, the rent facilities set up by Ye Chen are not broken by ordinary people, so Tianmen will be safe and sound. If Ye Chen didn't pay attention to this matter before, Tianmen would have been opened long ago.

The lord shouted angrily: "Ye Chen, if you have the guts, open the Heavenly Gate! Let's challenge each other!? I must avenge this today."

"Are you like this? Do you still want to take revenge? You can wait until you open the Heavenly Gate!" Ye Chen said to him.

The lord became angry and continued to attack fiercely, but still, there was no response.

The lord thought to himself that this defensive facility cannot be solved by brute force, and must look at its flaws. The lord then returned to his army.

"Boss, how's it going? Can you break the Tianmen?" the younger one asked the lord.

At this time, the lord was angry and beat the man in anger. The young man did not dare to ask any more questions.

The Lord of the Dark World really wants to break the facilities here, and he is so anxious that he just wants to open the Heavenly Gate and take revenge!

Those younger brothers said to the lord: "Brother, don't we have those strong men? Don't leave them until the end, let them go now!"

"That's right!" The lord almost forgot, he couldn't let them be at the bottom anymore, it was time to dispatch them!

"Send my order and let those strong men go up together!" the lord said to them.

"As ordered!", the younger brother replied to the lord.

After the younger brother went down, he told the powerful men who had just been summoned: "The king has a decree for you to quickly go to support and help them open the defense of Tianmen."

"According to the order!" each strong man replied.

The strong men all picked up their weapons, rushed forward to the gate of Tianmen, and shouted to them, "You brave thief, surrender quickly!"

Ye Chen saw them and replied, "You are a group of heroes, and each of you is a strong man in the world. Why do you have to hang out with people from the dark world??"

"What we want is power. As long as you are strong in martial arts, you will be the king. This is a world where the weak eat the strong!"

Ye Chen couldn't talk to them, no matter how they shouted, he was indifferent, because Ye Chen knew that they couldn't break the defense facilities here!

Those strong men still attacked the Tianmen fiercely, but they were still indifferent.

Those strong men thought again and again, how can they open this door? They looked around.

Suddenly! Someone said to them: "Do you want us to try, you all transfer your skills to me, I will open a fatal blow!"

"But if you can't open it, you will hurt yourself, aren't you afraid of death!"

"It's okay, how do you know if you don't try?"


They set up a formation, one person in front, and the others were in the back.

Ye Chen looked at them, still smiled, and did nothing.

"Ye Chen, look at them quickly, will they let them open the Tianmen?" Someone said to Ye Chen.

"No, don't underestimate my magic!" Ye Chen said, "Ordinary people can't open it!"

At this time, the strong man came with a fatal blow. The fatal blow was delivered, and suddenly, the man vomited blood and was seriously injured, while the city gate and Tianmen were completely unharmed.

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