Under Xu Zheming's control, the plane finally changed from a falling state to taxiing forward.

Five minutes later, a forest appeared in front.

It is the best landing place.

Xu Zheming gritted his teeth and slammed the plane into the forest.

"I drafted the Chechnya of the uncle!"

I don't know whether to express the fear in my heart to embolden myself, amid Xu Zheming's roar, the plane slammed into the ground.


And under a huge driving force, it rushed into the forest.

Just as the three were grateful for the plane's successful landing, there was another loud bang.

The whole fuselage was cut into two pieces from the middle position.

This wave of damage, and I don't know how many casualties it will cause.

But Lu Yu didn't have time to think about it. At this time, keeping himself was the most important thing.

The fuselage of the front half of the plane, like a large bulldozer, slowed down and stopped after not knowing how many trees were leveled.

Before Lu Yu could breathe a sigh of relief, there was another huge boom.

The eardrum vibrated, my headache was splitting, and my eyes became dark and fainted.

The shock wave generated by the plane uprooted all the surrounding trees and flew into the air.

The movement caused here caused the distant team to swallow fiercely.

Looking at the ruined forest, the commander wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and explained to the communicator next to him: "Quickly, tell the commander-in-chief that the plane has landed, but the damage is serious. Do you implement rescue operations?"

The news came back immediately, and when the commander-in-chief learned of the scene, he was slightly surprised.

After thinking for a while, the commander stood up and said, "Everyone, let us pay tribute to the heroes on the plane!"

Everyone stood up in silence and saluted the direction the plane was landing.

After a few minutes of solemnity, the commander slowly said: "Okay, send someone to rescue, by the way, investigate what is going on."


In the forest.

The passengers in the back half of the plane, because of the middle section of the fuselage, flung the back part to make them safe.

After gliding for a certain distance in the second half, he stopped in place unharmed.

Passengers look at me, I look at you.

Finally determined that I seem to be...saved?


At this moment, there was a thunderous roar and noise from the front.

Everyone looked over in amazement, and found that after the first half of the plane had crushed countless trees, heavy smoke and flames lit up.

Many people were lifted off by the air waves and were thrown in the forest like goddess scattered flowers.

Many people are missing and lost track.

More is dead on the spot.

All over the corpses!

Seeing this scene in person, everyone's mood was immediately shrouded in despair.

There was a young woman curled up behind the crowd, and scenes flashed through her mind. They were all the fighting scenes of the two strangers before!

Are they... still alive?

This is a question in many people's hearts.

"Am I going to die?"

"Sorry...Father, I shouldn't be headstrong!"

"Mom, mom! Who will save us..."

Soon, several helicopters rumbling towards this side.

Seeing the extremely tragic picture below, the helicopter pilot was extremely shocked, and he saw it for the first time.

The voice of the commander-in-chief came from the walkie-talkie: "Each team reports on the scene and implements rescue!"

The helicopter landed where the plane crashed, and the pilot immediately pushed the door and ran down.

It is full of aircraft wreckage and charred corpses. Every step you take, you must be careful to avoid it.

"Report, report! This place... can only be described as corpses all over the field. The plane broke into two halves when it fell, and most of the people in the second half survived! But the first half... has completely turned into wreckage, we are looking for survivor!"

Upon learning this news, the commander-in-chief also fell silent.

Even if you didn't visit the scene in person, you can imagine the tragic picture just by listening to the description.

He quickly adjusted his mentality, and he said: "Save people first! The rescue team will arrive later, and hold on for a while."

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Several drivers calmed everyone's emotions and began searching on the spot.

After half an hour, the follow-up team finally arrived and took over, and blocked the area for the first time.

Several helicopter pilots found a few survivors among the dilapidated ruins.

That foreign face comes from all places.

After the follow-up team took over here, they left in a helicopter.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Before you know it, the sun goes down and the night falls.

At the same time, a few hundred meters from the center of the crash.

Suddenly, a pair of hands came from deep underground, and then the soil and debris were pushed aside, and a gray-headed figure crawled out of the ruins.

The man stood up and looked around blankly.

It is Lu Yu!

The surrounding environment is pitch black.

All the teams searching during the day seemed to have evacuated, except for a bright moon above, shining slightly.

The expression in his eyes gradually regained clarity. Looking at the position of the moon, he could probably determine what time it was at night.

Pain came from the position of his right arm, causing Lu Yu to frown.

I saw that the entire right arm was pierced by a sharp patch, and the clothes were stained red with blood, even dripping blood.


Lu Yu gritted his teeth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ enduring the pain of his heart and pulled out the patch.

Tear off a piece of cloth and simply bandage the wound.

The last memory in his mind at this moment still rests on the frightened expression of that young man Xu Zheming...

Then, he also lost consciousness.

His head was still a little groggy and aching.

Lu Yu stopped thinking about this, took off his body armor and threw it on the ground.

Check it again, except for the right arm injury, the rest of the body is fine. Of course, some minor injuries are inevitable.

Generally speaking, they are not too serious.

The body armor resisted most of the impact and debris, coupled with Lu Yu's strong physical fitness, greatly reduced external damage.

Therefore, under the impact of the plane's fall, he was not killed.

After taking a few breaths, Lu Yu sat on the rock beside him to rest, thinking about countermeasures by the way.

When they landed, most of the people were washed away. Those were just ordinary people. How could they survive this kind of disaster?

Besides, there are many obstacles in the old forests in the deep mountains. How difficult is it for people who rush to find them?

The search and rescue team may not have the intention to expand the scope of the search.

Now, Lu Yu must determine the exact time before he can consider what to do next.

After observing it, he got up on a corpse closer to him and fumbled up and down.

This is a middle-aged man with wide eyes and a trace of unwillingness left on his face.

The body fell to the ground and folded into an incredible angle.

The back spine pierced the skin and came out, there was no reason to survive.

Lu Yu fumbled for a while, and finally took out a mobile phone from his internal pocket, but it did not break.

Turning on the screen, I saw that the date displayed above was actually...

September 11th!

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