After leaving the office, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The blond secretary who twisted her waist was charming and enchanting, but her waist was bulging, and there were pretentious gestures around her.

All this gave Hu Guohai a feeling of rejoicing after the disaster.

In the room just now, if they had any changes or disobedience, these people would rush into the office.

The consequences will be unpredictable...

Of course they are capable of coping, and the trouble lies in Enron.

He Chenguang took a few breaths and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead: "Hu Ju, why can't I feel that momentum in your office?"

These words made Hu Guohai's mouth twitched: "You really look up to me, can I compare with the commander?"

After all, he is the head of the Secret Bureau.

Compared with the commander-in-chief, how can there be any comparability when people command a country?

If it weren't for Hu Guohai, he wasn't an ordinary person, and he would have gone through many winds and waves, and his mind was a monster.

The blond secretary led the crowd out of the commander's mansion and found a high-end hotel nearby to give Hu Guohai and others a shelter.

"Everyone, please stay here for the time being today, please come in."

The secretary opened the door for everyone.

Entering the hotel lobby, it was Hu Guohai's experience, and he was also surprised by the magnificence here.

Others, more like a hillbilly, have entered the city.

"I'll go grinning! In my life... I have never lived in such a luxurious place!"

Wang Yanbing sighed as he walked.

Responding to everyone in amazement, the secretary covered his mouth and chuckled: "Everyone, follow me upstairs."

A group of people took the elevator to the sixth floor. Secretary Blond said: "This whole floor is the residence prepared by the commander-in-chief for you. I wish all the guests from afar have a good rest. I won't bother."

After speaking, Kuan Kuan swayed his waist and left.

Everyone chooses their own room.

Then, under Hu Guohai's order, they were concentrated in the largest suite.

Seeing the degree of luxury in the room, everyone sighed again and again.

There is a saying that although the commander almost killed them just now, he was willing to pay for the accommodation he gave him!

"Close the door."

Hu Guohai let out a deep cry.

When everyone gathered in the room to discuss secretly, it was not far from another room.

Various instruments are ticking inside. The two are sitting in chairs, wearing headsets, and listening carefully.

The conversation from the headset was exactly what Hu Guohai and the others were talking about in the next room.

The blonde secretary watched this scene with satisfaction, drew out the pocket pistol that had been hidden around her waist and rubbed it lightly.

"Listen to me clearly, watch these people well!"


The blond secretary came to the window alone.

Pulling the curtains, looking at the skyscrapers outside, she secretly sighed: "Mysterious five games are about to become a joke. Now, it is an excellent opportunity to win the commander's trust. You can't go on any business trips..."

The faint sigh, I didn't know whether it was talking to myself or to the two in the room.


In the room on the other side, the atmosphere was relaxed and relaxed.

But everyone knows that relaxation is just to hide the extreme depression and anxiety underneath the appearance.

In this whirlpool, who wants to pierce this layer of window paper?

Relaxation is good after all, even if it's pretend, isn't it?

An Ran stared out through the floor-to-ceiling windows, listening to the conversation in the room, absent-mindedly sighed: "Eh..."

With this long sigh, as if a key opened something, the conversation stopped instantly.

The room fell into a weird silence, and an unclear atmosphere spread.

Hu Guohai suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Compared with a silent gesture, he quietly came to a corner of the wall.

I saw that a corner of the wallpaper on the wall was slightly tilted up. Upon closer inspection, you will find that a little gap and void are exposed underneath.

Hu Guohai's pupils contracted into pinholes and waved his hand again.

Everyone was taken aback, and suddenly understood, the lively conversation resumed in the room.

However, most of the talks are about the exotic cuisine of Maozi, the local customs and all aspects of tourism.

Deliberately avoid these recent events.

Turning around in front of the window, Hu Guohai carefully lifted a corner of the wallpaper, revealing a hole the size of a fingernail underneath.

In a small hole less than two centimeters, there is a black device with a flashing red dot.

Even if ordinary people see this scene, they know what it is.

What's more, is it Hu Guohai, who deals with intelligence all the time?


Hu Guohai sank his face, Ma De, unexpectedly was given another calculation by Mao Zi.

Thanks to the noise in the room, Hu Guohai's faint sound and muttering when he lifted the wallpaper were covered.

Observing carefully, from the outside, this bug is obviously more advanced.

The location is also very concealed. If it weren't for Hu Guohai, an old intelligence man, it would be difficult for ordinary people to find it.

After thinking about it, Hu Guohai calmly re-covered the wallpaper and quietly left the corner.

"He Chenguang!"


"Come out with me!"

The commander's mansion and the people in the mysterious five games really didn't have any kindness.

The two came to the aisle and went straight downstairs.

Only after leaving a sufficient distance, Hu Guohai said solemnly: "Monitors are installed in the room!"


He Chenguang was taken aback, just about to speak.

Hu Guohai raised his hand and stopped: "Don't say anything, just don't know what to do, do what you should do! Now, I suspect that there are bugs installed in every room. After I go back later, I will assign them. Live in a house, and find an opportunity to tell them what they shouldn’t talk about, and let Lao Tzu know everything.”


Seeing Hu Guohai attaches such importance, He Chenguang nodded with a calm face.

Then, the two of them pretended that nothing happened and returned to the room upstairs.

But what they didn't know was that they were clearly seen by a pair of winking eyes upstairs just now.

Of course, at a distance, I didn't hear what was said.

Back to the room, what should they do and what they should do, something as usual.

He Chenguang quietly returned to the crowd. After a few seconds, the audience fell silent.


Then everyone burst into laughter.

Wang Yanbing grinned and patted the wall and said: "You **** wrong, right? This joke is not funny at all, should I tell you another one?"

"Talk about one!"

"Talk about one!"

The others cheered and booed.

An Ran looked at this scene and smiled silently.

"Okay, let's talk about wool! Let me go back to sleep, rest, and get up early tomorrow!"

Hu Guohai roared and yawned, as he was about to go to sleep: "Every two people have a room, separate for men and women, Cuifen, you and An Ran have the same room! Go back to each house and find each mother."

Before leaving, He Chenguang confessed to Cuifen: "Sister-in-law will get rid of you, take care of her."

Cuifen nodded and helped An Ran into the room.

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