With a thunderous roar, Hu Guohai descended from the sky like a divine soldier, and a strong blood rushed towards his forehead.

The moment he pulled the trigger, he once again regained the sense of fearlessness in the battlefield.

Bang bang bang!

Da da da!

Next, under the combined attack of Team A and the Mysterious Five Games, the remaining Chechen members were wiped out several times.

The faint lights flickered in the corridor, reflecting the **** corpses on the floor, and the atmosphere was a bit strange.

The teams on both sides just stood face to face, especially the people in the mysterious five rounds, with a bewildered face.

Hu Guohai said indifferently: "We are the search and rescue team that came to your country to search for the plane crash and our people, not bad guys!"

After destroying the enemy, his enthusiasm also calmed down, and he immediately regained his senses and let everyone put down their guns.

At this time, the building was filled with gunpowder smoke and a strong smell of blood.

Everyone came to the first floor and found that the scene of broken arms and limbs all over the floor was miserable.

An Ran was guarded in the middle. Even with her psychological quality, she felt nauseous to see this scene.

Seeing her like this, Cuifen hurriedly covered her eyes and pulled Enron out of the hotel.

When everyone came out, they saw members of the Metropolitan Police Department gathered outside.

At this time, everyone in Team A was stained with blood, and their eyes revealed murderous aura intentionally or unconsciously.

It's like an angel of death coming out of hell!

During the day, the Maozi leader who was not dealing with the A team was also in the team.

Seeing the furious appearance of this group of people in front of him, he couldn't help swallowing, frightened.

Who are these Nima?

"Yo? Who am I, sir, why are you here too?"

Hu Guohai pretended to be surprised and joked with a smile.

This greeting made the corner of Maozi's mouth twitched and asked, "What happened here?"

Hu Guohai shrugged and said, "What else? These guys broke in in the middle of the night to make trouble, and then let my people kill more than half of them! You can see that, and the remaining half are now wiped out... …Hehe, even if you don’t come, we will kill these gangsters sooner or later!"

"you shut up!"

Officer Mao Zi glared at him fiercely, and he couldn't bear the ridicule of the other side's words.

After a pause, he turned his head to explain to his opponent: "You check the scene and send a medical team to treat the survivors. Also, clean up the dead body and find out the identity information of this group of assailants!"

"You guys..."

He raised his brows, and once again set his eyes on Hu Guohai and others: "Go back with me first, come over and talk tonight."

Everyone looked at each other, and there seemed to be no better way.

Tonight is still long. In order to avoid being attacked again, the Metropolitan Police Department is a very safe place.

Ever since, everyone got in the car one after another and was taken back by the chief Maozi.

Because there was no room for accommodation, the chief simply vacated an office and put together a sofa to make An Ran a simple bed.

This operation surprised Hu Guohai.

What happened during the day made him think that this guy is not a good thing, but there is still such a side?

"You can just deal with it here tonight, and the commander will let you search for survivors tomorrow!"

Leave a word, Chief Mao Zi left.

Only the A team is left in the room.

Feeling a little boring, Hu Guohai simply opened the wound and breathed.

"Hu Ju, I suspect that those people are here tonight!"

Zhuang Yan spoke suddenly and said in a deep voice.

Before, he also told He Chenguang this idea.

"Oh? Why do you think so?"

Hu Guohai asked in surprise, to be honest, he hadn't thought about this at all before.

Next, Zhuang Yan analyzed his reasons again.

After listening to Hu Guohai frowned: "If this is the case, it would be a bit difficult..."

I began to recall the scenes I experienced tonight, carefully searching for the details, trying to find a clue.

Why did those people suddenly appear here? And, would you choose that hotel?

Is it really just a coincidence?

If this is the case, why do they know which hotel they are staying in?


Thinking of this, Hu Guohai suddenly raised his head, his eyes full of incredible.

If these people are really targeting them, there must be someone behind them who will reveal their whereabouts.

Let me tell you that the novel app I'm using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\read\\app\\\\] Android and iPhone support!

Who will it be?

Thinking further along this line of thinking, Hu Guohai faintly discovered a plan that was not leaking.

Now that Mao Zi still knows about it, they did the work of the Siberian Institute, so I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to catch them all!

Of course, this kind of thing is unlikely to be done with great fanfare, or even to use local defense forces.

This is to give people a handle, once the news is leaked, they will be unable to eat.

It can be seen from the game between him and the commander during the day!

But if you want to put away this responsibility completely without letting people doubt yourself, the best way is...

Kill with a knife!

Who is the knife?

The answer is ready.

The emergence of this thought made Hu Guohai take a deep breath immediately.

At present, the Maozi government is still unable to control organizations such as Chechnya and Tomahawk, causing them to do anything wrong and massacre.

Obviously, the Metropolitan Police Department is not clear about the source of this incident.

There is a possibility that the other party concealed the commander and other people from secretly doing this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is also another possibility...

The commander-in-chief personally ordered the planning of the attack, in order to kill them silently and to push the responsibility out.

No matter what kind of possibility, it is a potential threat to them now!

With cold light raging in his eyes, Hu Guohai immediately took out his cell phone and dialed out.

"Hello? Old Hu, it's so late, what's the matter?"

Over there, Zhang Jinzhong's dim voice came, and it seemed that he was asleep and awakened by the phone.

Hu Guohai said exactly what happened tonight and his own conjectures.

"Fuck it! How dare these sons of **** play so dark? You wait, I won't let them go..."

Zhang Jinzhong kicked the quilt on the ground angrily, and jumped up from the bed with a lick.

"Eh... don't be impulsive!"

Hu Guohai was speechless, and hurriedly stopped the other party’s silly behavior, saying: "This matter has to be discussed in the long term, and you need to constantly test pressure to ensure the safety of our trip. If someone jumps the wall in a hurry, More dangerous."

"Okay, wait for my news!"

The two hung up, and Zhang Jinzhong didn't sleep anymore, and quickly reported the matter to his superiors.

Hu Guohai also breathed a sigh of relief here, his head, he must be better than the latter.

But more than execution ability, it depends on Zhang Jinzhong.

From when they were young, this guy was known to be reliable and resolute.

"Hu Ju, how is the situation?" He Chenguang asked.

Hu Guohai sighed secretly: "It's too early to make a final conclusion, wait for tomorrow, everything will be clear from the meeting."

Late at night.

After the thrilling battle just now, everyone was a little tired physically and mentally.

Sit down one by one, leaning against the wall and starting to rest.

When the tiredness surged, they twisted and leaned against each other and fell asleep.

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