Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1042: Super human body, with 1 enemy 0!

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Lu Yu sighed secretly, if he were to be replaced by him, it would be easy to escape here.

But it’s a bit difficult to carry an oil bottle with you.

This boss is indeed rampant, but only relying on quack tricks.

For a real special soldier like Lu Yu, there is still a way to subdue him.

"Catch the thief first, catch the king, hurry up, go and catch him!"

The doctor patted him solemnly on the shoulder and commanded.

"how about you?"

Lu Yu stepped back, thinking he had something to do.

"Ahem! I'm a scientist. It's not my strong suit to go to the battlefield. Just be responsible for running away."

The doctor glanced at him awkwardly, then pulled his leg away.

When Lu Yu reacted, the doctor had already fled.


Lu Yu was stunned by Nima.

Shameless to this level, this guy is really a model of greed and fear of death!

The boss stood by with a sneer, and didn't pay attention to these two people.

There are hundreds of people around, can you still step on two ants?

In other words, using a hundred people to deal with the two of them is a good deal of face.

"I'm really curious about who you are? Why do you suddenly appear here?"

The boss looked at Lu Yu up and down, then smiled lightly: "You are a very smart person, greedy for money and lust, knowing how to judge the situation, and your performance in the laboratory before was also perfect! Perfect to almost nothing like a normal person. It is impossible for a perfect person to have weaknesses, but no means! I have doubted you since then."

Lu Yu's pupils shrank slightly, the boss is indeed very good at looking at people.

Just from all the details of his style, you can see the difference.

"I was just picked up by the old black after the plane crash, and luckily not died."

Shrugging, Lu Yu pretended to be aggrieved: "I really don't understand. I tried my best to help you complete the experimental project. In the end, not only did you not thank me, but you wanted to kill me! What's the point?"

"Don't you have an old saying in the Dragon Kingdom? Hell, one day he will become a confidant! I did this to solve this problem in advance."

The boss said slowly: "I didn't trust you from the beginning to the end, and you, however, behaved so perfectly here, which makes me more suspicious of you."

This person suspected of being so sick, what else could Lu Yu say?

No matter how he behaves, as long as the other party doubts, it is impossible to truly trust him.

Since the doctor ran away, it gave Lu Yu a chance to have no worries.

It might be a good thing!

Although it was one enemy and one hundred, Lu Yu didn't have the slightest fear. No matter how many he came, he would kill him.

"Hehe, then I really want to thank you for your compliment."

As he said, Lu Yu glanced around quickly, moving his wrists.

Seeing that this kid was surrounded by hundreds of people, still so calm, everyone took a breath.

He wouldn't really have so much courage to challenge everyone alone, right?

Brain watts?

"Let him escape last night, today is bound to die!"

One of the nigger's men sneered firmly.

The **** sighed secretly: "Although he always brings me something different, this time, I may really not believe it."

At this moment, his mood is extremely complicated.

Not only hoped that Lu Yu could escape safely and save his life, but also hoped that his boss would shoot him and save a lot of pain.

"come on!"

Lu Yu stopped talking nonsense, and had nothing to say with this group of people.

When the words fell, he picked up the gun again and roared out suddenly, the bullets pouring out like a dense rain of bullets.

At this moment, Lu Yu felt that he was like the T-800 robot played by Arno in "Terminator", feeling very handsome when he swept with a gun.

The boss wasn't a fool either. He shot Lu Yu for a moment, and then went into hiding behind the crowd again.

The crowd threw away, looking for bunkers and began to fight back.

"This thing is not very useful?"

After all, being alone, the enemy's firepower was too fierce. Lu Yu retreated into the room with his back against the wall, looking at the weapon in his hand in distress.

Even if this weapon is so powerful, it can't exert its power in his hands at this moment, it's a bit too useless.

"Haha, if I were you, if I had a bit of brain, I wouldn't choose this way to head-on."

The boss hid behind the obstacle, mocking and laughing.

The group of people started an impact and quickly approached the room.

These little brothers of them are more or less like cannon fodder.

In order to protect the boss, he can only charge his own life, even if he becomes a living target under the gun.

Looking at the thick fleshy wall of people in front of him, Lu Yu felt that this behavior was stupid enough.

With the body of steel that Lu Yu possessed, he was not afraid of bullets to charge.

But he really didn't want to resist, because the bullet hit him and it hurt...

Although it can't be killed!

This is also why Lu Yu usually wears body armor to slow down the impact of bullets.

But in the process of the plane crash, the body armor was damaged long ago, and he could only bite the bullet in this situation.

Of course these are still secondary. What makes Lu Yu a headache is how to escape successfully?

The security system here is complete, and it does take a lot of work to break out.

After all, it is not difficult to have one enemy against a hundred, but he is required to fight thousands of people as a mortal.

No need to do anything, a single spit can drown him!

This is the opponent's lair. Lu Yu really has the ability to single everyone out, so what kind of regular troops do he need? Pointless.

Wouldn't it be better to do it alone?

But for now, we still have to solve the immediate dilemma.

Bang bang bang...

Lu Yu rushed out with a gun in his arms, without a defense at all, still hitting himself with bullets.

Those little brothers never dreamed that this guy was so sturdy, it was all right to get shot, and they were all shocked.

Especially what made them feel incredible, that machine gun, weighing tens of kilograms, was swung like a fire stick by him.

Just like Sun Monkey’s golden cudgel, sweeping a large area, many younger brothers screamed and flew out, breaking their bones.

Where is he like a person?

It can be called a walking humanoid tyrannosaurus, crushing and raging all the way.

It's really eye-popping!

Lu Yu fought **** battles, feeling that his superhuman body became stronger and stronger, and his blood was boiling.

The only emotion is that he was fortunate not to be transformed into a shape wearing red underwear.

"Remove people? You... You have been genetically modified!?"

The boss trembling and roaring staring at Lu Yu who was walking violently.

"you think too much!"

Lu Yu flipped through another group of people and said with contempt.

It seems that this guy thought he was invulnerable, so he thought he was a reformer.

As everyone knows, Lu Yu is a great **** with a system!

"People like you with evil thoughts are not worthy of having these things, even if the things in their minds are not worthy."

He said coldly, after clearing the obstacle in front of him, Lu Yu took the gun and strode over.

He grabbed the boss and brought it out, like a little chicken, walking like a fly to the exit.

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