Chapter 1289


The camouflage alloy dagger contained an unstoppable spirit, and the gleaming blade slashed towards Lu Yu, slamming three inches toward the center of the eyebrows at an indistinguishable speed.

However, at the very moment, the alloy dagger was blocked by an inconspicuous long and narrow scalpel.

Keng! !

The dagger and the scalpel made the sound of gold and iron clashing.

Lu Yu's wrist sank, and the seemingly inconspicuous scalpel cut off the alloy dagger at his waist and folded it in two.

Athena stared at her eyes wide in disbelief, her arms numb with fright, she took two steps back.

Only half of the neat gaps on the dagger left, hitting Athena's heart, making her dumbfounded.

That is an indestructible alloy dagger, how does it feel as fragile as paper? And it turned out to be a small... scalpel?

Looking at Athena with astonished eyes, Lu Yu's lips rose.

I didn't expect it to be this woman.

"Hi~ meet again!"


Athena was startled.

Surprised and looked over.

What does this mean? Have we met before?

After Lu Yu finished speaking with great interest, it was because of interest, but a stormy sea was set off in Athena's heart.

Looking carefully at the guy who laughed and seemed to be harmless to everyone and animals, Athena frowned and thought, desperately searching for information related to the other party in her mind, but she found nothing in the end.

She was sure that she didn't know each other, and even saw this person for the first time!

In her past, there was no intersection with this guy who killed countless lives in one shot.

Athena couldn't remember clearly, but Lu Yu remembered it clearly. What was said just now was not forgotten.

Because he had indeed seen the latter before!

But the timeline may stretch a little farther.

It was still in the early days of the establishment of the a group, and went to the South China Sea to jointly **** with the Tiger Shark Squadron to perform the task of repelling the pirates.

During the return journey, they encountered Ivia’s military coup and joined forces with the Jiaolong Commando to protect the victims from the evacuation. After losing all the backup supplies, they went to the rebels’ nest in Basem alone.

At that time, Lu Yu remembered clearly that he had a relationship with this female mercenary.

Of course, Lu Yu didn't know who she was at that time. He appeared with a disguised face, so it was naturally impossible for Athena to know him.

However, these are not important!

No matter before or now, they are all hostile identities, and they have not changed from beginning to end.

At that time, Lu Yu intended to protect the overseas Chinese, and had no time to entangle this woman and let her make a living.

Now, God arranged for them to meet again, so naturally she would not give her a second chance to slip away.

In the gap between the two conversations, several surviving criminals sneaked to the back, raised their muzzles towards Lu Yu's back, with savage faces.

Puff puff!

Haven't waited for them to aim.

Suddenly a series of precise shots hit the center of the eyebrows one by one and fell to the ground one after another.

The gunfire also awakened Athena.

Looking down, she was horrified to find that the gun in her hand suddenly appeared in Lu Yu's hand at some point.

Damn it!

Lu Yu shot the gangster and turned his gun.

Let Athena, who took the opportunity to resist, dare not move.

Bang, hitting the latter's head with a kick, Athena snorted, and was kicked and hit the corner of the wall, whether it was life or death.

The fierce gunshots that popped up in the hall instantly alarmed the guards patrolling outside, and a large number of criminals broke in one after another, rushing toward the gate.

Lu Yu threw down the gun, rushed to the corpse of the big bear, picked up the machine gun he had fallen on the ground nearby, smiled slightly, and patted the big guy.

Reload quickly, aim and fire unceremoniously!

Holding a machine gun in his hand, Lu Yu burst into flames at the gate as he walked like walking in a leisurely courtyard.

The bullets roared and the screams were endless.

In the billowing smoke, the gangsters who wanted to rush in were beaten into hornet's nest and fell to the ground.

The people in the hall squirmed their heads and fled frantically.

In the chaotic crowd, Wen Yin happened to see this scene, with an expression of surprise, and blurted out: "Xiao Yu!"

There was a slight choking in the voice, and his eyes were blurred by tears unconsciously.

On this occasion, seeing one's relatives descend in front of him like a god.

That brave and heroic posture came into view, and even Wen Yin, who had always been firm, was emotionally broken.

To tell the truth, Wen Yin didn't expect Lu Yu to come over when the call for help was broadcast before, but she wanted to find herself alive.

Because, without knowing where and where, the signal was interrupted.

However, she really did not expect to be on the continent of North Africa, separated by a hemisphere, and separated by oceans.

Knowing that she was in danger, Lu Yu would really come to rescue her without hesitation, her murderous heroic appearance actually looked so handsome in her eyes.

The thousand words in Wen Yin's heart, all worry and fear, finally turned into a call: "Xiaoyu!!"

Lu Yu held the gun, crackled the last bullet, and yelled at Wen Yin, "Quick! Follow me!"

After speaking, he picked up an M4 assault rifle and pistol from the ground and strode towards Wenyin.

"Sister Xiaoyin, it's not safe here, wait until we go back to talk about it, take it first, and go!"

Lu Yu stuffed the small-caliber pistol into Wen Yin's hand.

This is a Glock pistol, produced by the Glock Arms Company. From the moment of its production, has been famous for its unique advantages.

This gun is not the most powerful among pistols, but it is small and light, which is easy to carry, especially the lightweight plastic grip, which greatly reduces his exposure risk, which is the heart of many special police officers.

Glock pistol users cover the world and are very popular, especially for fully suppressing recoil, which is extremely suitable for girls.

Wen Yin seemed to be at a loss while holding the gun.

"You are a military doctor, you should have played with guns in the military school?" Lu Yu asked casually.

Wen Yinlue was a little guilty: "Although the military academy has courses and training, because I don't use it often, I focus on majors, and the school is not strict with us, so..."

The rest of the story was not said, but Lu Yu also understood.

I don’t know how to use it!

In fact, it’s nothing. Wen Yin has not been in the military academy for a long time. Although there is a live ammunition training every year, it is only semi-mandatory. .

And Glock, such a pistol, is not common in the Dragon Kingdom, and even some soldiers in the active army have never seen it, let alone a military doctor.

"It doesn't matter if you can't fight, just remember how to use it."

Lu Yu warned: "This gun is no different from an ordinary gun. You can use it as you usually train."

"Remember, when you use it, turn on the insurance first, and then pull the trigger! Don't expect you to kill, as long as you can scare it."

Wen Yin nodded, fiddled with the gun in his hand twice, and was also familiar with the use of this gun, and looked at the people fleeing in the hall.

"Xiaoyu, what do they... do?"

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