Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1291: It’s safest for her to return to her motherland

Chapter 1291 Back to the motherland to embrace her is the safest


The off-road vehicle jumped out quickly, and the crowd left behind shot one after another. The bullets clinked and hit the vehicle body, splashing a string of sparks.

In the dust, the off-road vehicle rushed away.

"Go west, we go to the U.S. Embassy, ​​they will help us." Rachel hurriedly shouted.

Lu Yu seemed to have not heard him, and coldly ordered: "Go to the east, there will be warships to pick up at the port, and the motherland will not leave these overseas Chinese alone."


The boss didn't hesitate about Lu Yu's request, and immediately turned the front of the car and ran towards the east.

Rachel shouted, "Hey, have you made a mistake? The US special forces are the most powerful special forces in the world! We should go there for help, they can protect us well!"

Lu Yu stared at her impatiently: "If you want to take a ride, just shut up! I have no time to talk to you about who is the most powerful special force in the world. If you don't want to go, just get out of the car and look for it. they."

After finishing speaking, ignoring Rachel's embarrassed face, her eyes fell on the pale little girl next to her, and she said solemnly: "Since she is Dr. Chen's daughter, no matter whether she is mixed or not, regardless of her skin color, she is a dragon countryman!

"For every compatriot, the country will not give up. It is safest for her to return to the embrace of the motherland!"

"But we..."

Rachel wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Lu Yu waved.

"Shut up! Or throw you out of the car."

Rachel struggled for a while at Lu Yu's indifferent eyes, and finally chose to compromise.

Leaning on the back seat, closing his mouth obediently, holding the little girl of Chinese-African mixed blood, turning his head angrily and looking out the window, ignoring Lu Yu.

Without the noise of this woman's twittering, Lu Yu's ears were immediately cleared.

Behind the car, there were fierce gunfire and angry abuse from the gangsters.

"Little feather..."

Wen Yin grasped the gun in her hand, raised her head, looked forward to Lu Yu's profile, and whispered with a slightly nervous and worried expression.

Lu Yu turned his head, with a reassuring smile on his face: "Don't worry, I am here!"

The latter's smile gave her inexplicable peace of mind, and he hummed softly before leaning on the seat.

The off-road vehicle rushed out of the encircling circle, and drove away from the St. Fran slum.


Rushing all the way, like a mad beast, hitting numerous obstacles and construction sheds along the way.

When the car passed by, people turned on their backs, crackling and noisy!

The gangsters afterwards also drove cars and rode motorcycles, chasing them frantically.

"Quick! Catch them!"

"Don't let people run away!"

"Gogogo! followme!"

The Red Scarf Army screamed and screamed, chasing frantically, raising their guns and shooting bangs.

The four-color flying bullets came in like a downpour and hit the solid steel shell of the off-road vehicle. There were numerous dents and dazzling sparks.

The movement outside made everyone in the car frightened, and the sound of crackling bullets seemed to explode in their ears.

Rachel covered the little girl's ears and hugged her tightly in her arms, the little girl's eyes shivering and shaking.

Wen Yin sat next to them, holding her head as low as possible. Although she was calm, her shrugged shoulders still revealed a trace of fear in her heart.

The continuous attacks had already left the spirits of several women on the verge of collapse. If Lu Yu hadn't arrived in time, he wouldn't be able to hold on without the criminals.

Living in a war-torn country like this day and night is a kind of courage in itself!

"Old Yu, speed up!" Lu Yu said coldly.

"I said, my last name is not Yu!"

The fat boss yelled depressedly.

His uncle, did you admit the wrong person?

Lu Yu turned a deaf ear to him, but didn't have time to discuss with him the question of what your surname was, just a rush to speed up.

At the same time, holding the gun in one hand, he protruded out of the window and executed a precise strike on the convoy pursuing from behind.

Bang bang bang...

With fire from the muzzle, Lu Yu was steady like an old dog, and the suspended arm was like an iron frame, without the slightest tremor.

Every time the trigger is pulled, a motorcycle must fall, the brilliant fire light against his profile, and the bright and uncertain flames beating in his eyes!

The tires, fuel tanks, drivers, heavy weapon operators, and roadside gas tanks in the pursuit team were all targets of Lu Yu's shooting.

Soon, the car drove into a violently bumpy road, which had a certain impact on Lu Yu's marksmanship.

Although the bullets would deviate from the orbit and could not achieve 100% damage, even so, Lu Yu's shooting was still powerful and destructive, causing no small trouble to the chasing convoy.

The already bumpy road, coupled with Lu Yu's spear method interference, caused many cars to collide with each other, emitting thick smoke.

The vehicle in front stalled, and the speed of the chasing team slowed down significantly, far behind.

Seeing that the off-road vehicle was running far, a black car in front, a gangster opened the sunroof and got out, aiming at the rear of the car with rgd in his hand, pulling the trigger.

call out!

A bullet flew in immediately, piercing his forehead.

The assailant leaned back and raised his muzzle slightly, and the ammunition had been fired.

The sharp break through the air and howl, as if a bolide was chasing directly, and it passed by the roof of the off-road vehicle of Lu Yu and others, hitting a three-story building in front of thunderous giant In the sound, the peace of the slums was completely torn apart.

The small building collapsed and billowing smoke came out. The first to bear the brunt was the approaching off-road vehicle.

Due to the violent impact, the car body was almost not lifted out directly!

Fortunately, Lu Yu's eyes were quick, and he grasped the direction in time, so that the car stopped trembling, and he almost dashed past the collapsed building.

The fat boss almost shook his heart, and cursed these frantic bastards.

Fortunately, there is no danger!

He panted quickly, calmed his mind, and drove off at an accelerated rate.

After the loud noise of the small building explosion spread through the slums, countless residents scolded and screamed, echoing in the narrow streets.

"Ohshit! What are you doing!?"

"Bad son, all go to death!"

"This bunch of dog days, come home with you all General Duo to eat shit!!"

The target of the gangster is always the off-road vehicle that flees in front of it, which has already been red eyes, and has no interest in the civilians yelling around.


The off-road vehicle speeds up wildly, the accelerator is stepped to the limit, and the dashboard pointer is about to burst.

Under the perseverance of the Red Scarf, the boss was short of breath and angry, almost forced out of his potential as a racer.

Driving off-road vehicles, on the slum streets of the eighteenth bend of the mountain road, staged a wonderful speed drifting battle!

With the continuous violent bumps of the car, a dense layer of cold sweat oozes out of the boss's forehead.

Do not use Lu Yu to urge him to step on the accelerator over and over again to maximize his potential.

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