Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1300: Boss Qian's business experience

Chapter 1300 Boss Qian's Business Experience


Boss Qian agreed, got up, pushed the door and got out of the car, and opened the car door for the three women in a gentle manner.

Wen Yin thanked him and jumped out of the car first. Rachel hugged Pasha, the little black girl, and followed close behind.

After each stated their identities and determined that they were not hostile, the black brothers who had been serious before had warm smiles on their faces.

The scene in front of us looked very strange. These black brothers were holding ak47 in their hands, but their faces were full of bright smiles, and they welcomed everyone with a warm welcome.

The imperial sister Rachel got out of the car, with a bumpy figure, almost blindly begging Lu Yu to teach him how to play with the gun Zhuo Yifan.

The young Zhuo's eyes were almost heart-shaped, and he dropped Lu Yu, licking his face to meet him.

However, before he got closer, Pasha in Rachel's arms glared fiercely!

Full of warnings, plainly told him not to come near strangers.

Rachel returned him with a polite smile, holding Pasha, and walking straight past him.

Zhuo Yifan's whole body was stiff in place, the hand that he extended was hanging in the air, he didn't know if he should take it back?

The scene is embarrassing!

Lu Yu looked at this stuff funny.

A bear kid learns to pick up a girl, is it deflated?

Too lazy to pay attention to him, the group followed Secretary Lin and walked quickly towards the factory.

After everyone entered the gate of the factory, the guards who were on duty to guard the gate re-enclosed the entrance with a barbed wire fence to isolate all suspicious personnel.

Entering the factory office, the environment here is elegant, clean and tidy.

Rachel picked up a sofa and sat down, Pasha was attracted by the half of the cake on the table and stared straight at it.

The roast chicken they ate in the wild at noon, because of the primitive equipment, lack of condiments and taste...

Haha, I can't compliment it!

For others, some food is good.

At this time, saving your life is the most important thing, replenish your physical strength, and then you will have more strength to escape.

Eating is simply to fill your stomach, no matter what you eat.

But Pasha was too young to understand this, and the dry roast chicken had no taste. She really couldn't swallow it and only ate half full.

Now, seeing this delicious and sweet cake, children naturally have no resistance and can't help swallowing saliva.

Zhuo Dashao had a lot of eyesight. Although he had just eaten in front of the little girl, he didn't know about it for his own sake.

Order Secretary Lin immediately and bring delicious food!

Secretary Lin deserves to be a good flatterer, and immediately understands her heart and goes to the kitchen to bring steaming dumplings.

Young Master Zhuo smiled and took the plate, and brought it to the sofa as if offering a treasure. His eyes were on the two beauties, one big and one small, and he circulated around. He said with a faint smile: "Try it, this is what I let in the factory The dumplings made by the chef himself are in the middle of the dragon country flavor. You can never eat them outside!

"Thank you!"

The simple two words, but with a polite and alienated atmosphere, refused to be thousands of miles away, so that Zhuo Dashao suddenly rushed out of enthusiasm.

Seems to be insecure, Pasha has been hiding in Rachel's arms and refuses to come out. The same expression on the face of no stranger is staring at Zhuo Daxiao.

Zhuo Dashao grinned, very painful!

Little sister, what's your expression? I have no idea about you, just to your sister... ahem! Make my brother look like a bad guy.

Young Master Zhuo was very depressed. How could he make a little girl so shameless twice?

Young people don't have a good face?

Especially a young man like him Zhuo Daxiao!

No, how can you lose face again and again? This is Lao Tzu's home field and must be found back.

Thinking of this, Young Master Zhuo acted immediately, brushing, and the cold light splashed, the sharp saber pulled out from the outside of his thigh, brushed, and danced in the air.

The sharp blade cut through the air and made a sharp noise, piercing the eardrums of the people present.

The sharp sharp blade of the cold light brought out a sharp aura, and the two women's faces became full of fright, and they couldn't help backing together.

Young Master Zhuo was full of pride, holding a saber, posing in a pose that he thought was very handsome and cool, and complimented himself on the corner of his lips: "See you? Men should play this!"

"From now on, don't be afraid, I will be responsible for your safety!"

While talking, pointing to a wolf skin hung on the wall behind him, and with a proud gesture, he raised his neck and said: "Hey! Have you seen that wolf? I used this gun to kill myself. Tell you, I ..."

Before finishing speaking, Young Master Zhuo suddenly let out a terrifying scream: "Ah--"

Pasha bit his arm and screamed in pain.

"Damn, how do you kid bite people? Is it a dog? I really don't know good people!"

When Secretary Lin saw this, she jumped over with her teeth and claws, and sternly criticized the little girl Pasha.

The bite wound on his arm made the pain so great that the young man's cheeks twitched, but he waved his hand and reluctantly stopped Secretary Lin: "The kid is not sensible, what are you doing? Do you appear loud? How can you be so rude to guests? Go with you, hurry up."

"But Master, your injury..."

Zhuo Dashao impatiently shouted: "I said it's Hurry up, the kids are pretty cute."

"Um... well, you just want to be happy!"

Secretary Lin was helpless, even the young master said so, and he could only leave with a smile.

At this time, Lu Yu and Wen Yin also wandered back from outside.

The two had an excuse to go out and wander around. In fact, they were secretly detecting the defenses in the factory area, and Lu Yu was still not at ease here.

When entering the office, passing by the sofa at the door, a middle-aged man wearing a peaked cap, holding a newspaper in his hand, looked attentively, and did not seem to notice the two.

But when Lu Yu came in, the corner of his eye looked at him without a trace!

Especially focus on Lu Yu's feet.

Walk in the wind, and land silently!

This is definitely a master.

The pupils of Lao He's eyes hidden under the newspaper slightly shrunk, and he kept looking at the newspaper, but he remembered Lu Yu from the bottom of his heart.

Boss Qian didn't come in with him. He stayed outside to mingle with the **** brothers. The atmosphere was fiery.

From time to time, there are bursts of noise and shouts from Boss Qian!

"Hey, this piece is great! Verygood! It will sell you twenty dollars a piece, absolutely no loss."

"Oh hello, brother, don't go! Fifteen dollars, it can't be lower... I didn't lie to you, it's really exciting."

"For Dongying? Yes, there are any movies! The price is right, I can get movies from any country!"

"Fifteen dollars, you can't buy it, you can't lose money, you can't be fooled! You deserve the collector's edition."

"Pass by, don't miss it."

"If you miss my village, there will be no shop!"



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