Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1335: "Recruit" on the farm pretending to be an uncle

This huge warship full of diaspora, under the **** of two **** formations, left the port of Tria, and plunged into the arms of the distant motherland.

   Lu Yu stood alone on the coastline, watching the warship drifting away in the distance, and exhaling a deep breath.


   turned around and faced Tria, the capital of Bougangtia, with the roaring gunfire behind him, with the corners of his lips rising in an arc.

   For others, this may be the **** of war, but for Lu Yu, with so many rebels, that is clearly the merit of moving!

   "Hey, rebels, I'm coming!"

   Such a good place to upgrade monsters, don’t stay for a while, then I’m so sorry for myself.

   was away from home, and finally came across, he decided that he must let himself go!

   can't afford this trip, and can earn hundreds of thousands of merits.

   By the time, he won't be stretched out after extracting a handed down book.


   half a month later.

   A farm in the Southeast Military Region.

   toot toot——

   The sound of the wake-up horn in the morning spread over the entire farm, reverberating unscrupulously in the loudspeakers inside and outside the dormitory, waking up batches of soldiers who were still sleeping.

   At 5:30 in the morning, the sky outside was gray and the sun had not yet risen. The bed in the dormitory heard the sound of dressing.

   Inside the dimly lit room, the soldiers jumped off the bed, put on their clothes, and rushed out of the dormitory door to wash.

   Although the farm does not have to train hard every day like conventional combat troops, it still has to do morning exercises every day, and it can’t be beaten by thunder.

   When the morning exercises are over, the grassroots soldiers on the farm will relax. In addition to the daily work necessary for their duties, they can have a lot of time to spend.

   This farm covers an area of ​​hundreds of hectares, covering a large area, located on the edge of the mountain in the northwest of the Southeast Military Region.

  There are farmland, forest farms, animal husbandry farms, as well as large and small fruit and vegetable plantations and vegetable gardens, which are specially designed to provide the freshest source of vegetables for the cooking class of the military area every day to ensure the daily nutritional needs of the soldiers.

  Of course, the military district’s cooking squad will occasionally go out to make purchases, but in most cases, the farms are still self-sufficient and fully provided.

   "Get up, get up! Don't rely on it..."

   The squad leader came to urge him personally, but his voice was exceptionally small.

   The recruits who were assigned to the farm after the new barracks ended, hurriedly got out of bed with their pants, put on their shoes, and ran out regardless of left or right.

   The dormitory was soon empty...oh no! Except for a bed by the window.

   The quilt of this bed rises as high as a hill, and there is a peaceful sound of sleep.

   The squad leader was helpless, standing on both sides of the place in a dilemma.

  Because, he really didn't dare to kick this uncle awake...not to mention kicking, even if he woke up in the past, he didn't have the guts.

   As for the reason, it is also simple!

   The ‘recruit’ who was sent to the farm on the bed was scared to death with a high rank on his clothes. The first time I saw him, he almost blinded him.

   A bright star!

   Everybody, who the **** provoked it?

   I don't know what the leaders above think. Just a week ago, he had to send the big Buddha to their small farm for education and transformation.

   Transform a woolen yarn!

   He is a small squad leader, a third-stage non-commissioned officer, who has been in the army for ten years, and he hasn't gotten even an officer. How can he have the courage to educate this uncle?

   Thinking of this, the monitor started crying.

  特倀The above arrangement of the gods, is it to give this uncle some color, and to torture himself deliberately?

  Who did I provoke?

   Every day, Ban Changjianghao's mood is like walking on thin ice, with ups and downs, which is more exciting than riding a roller coaster.

   If it weren't for his good physical fitness, just this thing could scare him out of heart disease, and his head would not work well.

   Mom, give him a hundred courage and dare not try to figure out this uncle, do you want to get mixed up?


   Jiang Hao secretly swallowed his saliva, even when he was waking up the other recruits, he didn't even dare to speak loudly, for fear of disturbing the uncle's sleep.


   I can't provoke, can't I still hide?

   Jiang Hao gritted his teeth fiercely, retracted his gaze from his sleeping posture, closed the door lightly and walked out before letting out a long sigh of relief.

   found out that a cold sweat appeared on his back, so he could only smile and shook his head.

   "Hey, this is a great **** who has been invited back!"

   As the saying goes, it’s easy to ask God to send it away. I don’t know how long this uncle has to stay on their small farm?

  Just think about it, before I don’t know how many such tortures he has experienced, Jiang Hao’s temples jumped suddenly, and he turned around reluctantly and left.

   At the same time, in a clearing outside the dormitory, the slogan of early training for recruits was heard.

   This kind of slogan should have been full of momentum, but at the moment, it is really depressing, sparse and irregular.


   About half an hour later, a group of male ducks on the farm began to crow and dawn.

   The sun finally jumped out of the horizon, slowly rising from the top of the mountain to the east, and the rising sun showered a golden morning light.

   Until then, the figure sleeping like a hill in the dormitory with its head stuffed, finally squirmed slightly, two arms stretched out from the bedding, waved around and stretched out a lazy waist, and sat up with its body supported.

   rubbed his eyes and looked at the empty Yu curled his lips, and came down lazily from the bed, stepping on the flip flops to wash.

   More than a week ago, after Lu Yu returned from Bugangtia, he was taken to the military headquarters by Hu Guohai.

   did not give any explanation, directly put him in a severe confinement.

   After discussion, the military area organization decided to record a serious punishment for Lu Yu’s smuggling appearance. The military rank was temporarily retained, but the post he held was temporarily relieved, which is why he appeared on the farm.

   Lu Yu didn't feel any dissatisfaction with this. He knew that compared with the act of smuggling, the punishment was already very light.

   To put it bluntly, Hu Guohai sent him to the farm to protect Lu Yu in disguise. Otherwise, he might really have something serious.

   Lu Yu feels that there is nothing wrong with staying on the farm, just to have a lot of leisure time, to be happy and free.

   The past few months have kept him busy, and just had a vacation, and had to travel far away to the North African continent. After experiencing life and death in this war-torn country, it is equivalent to not being idle at all.

   Now I am free, but I can enjoy the beauty of reading, why not do it?

   On the first day of the transfer order, Lu Yu rolled up the bedding with a full face and went straight to the farm of the Southeast Military Region as if on vacation.

   He Chenguang and others are naturally reluctant to give up.

   If it weren't for Lu Yu's strict order to keep them in Team A, maybe these guys would just move over.

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