"Oh, this little brother looks at him, Jiang Hao, is he new here?"

   The old Wang noticed Lu Yu next to him and greeted him enthusiastically.

   Hearing Lao Wang’s question, Jiang Hao didn’t know how to answer.

  I had been anxious about the duck farm just now, and forgot that Lu Yu was still watching him. When the latter asked about it, he came back to his senses.

   opened his mouth, his expression was blank, and he froze in place for a while.

   Lu Yu is a recruit? Yes, he is a'recruit', but the rank of this recruit is terrifying!

   How do you introduce this to others?

   Jianghao's face was tangled, just when he didn't know how to speak.

Lu Yu didn't care about this at all. Jilaishuo stepped forward and held Lao Wang's hand with a smile on his face: "Hello, Mr. Wang, I am a newcomer to the farm. Today I have the honor to observe and study with the two of you. You can’t hide yourself, our farm is all counting on you this time."

   "It's easy to talk, hahahaha!"

   Pharaoh was so happy that he was called a teacher for the first time, and he was so happy in his heart.

   Lu Yu said it smoothly, and didn't think so much at all.

   However, the crystalline wisdom of working peasants is worthy of respect in itself, and it is natural to be called a teacher of Yisheng.

   After entering the duck farm, Jiang Hao immediately directed Lao Wang to inspect around, focusing on watching the thousands of female ducks that did not lay eggs to find out the source of the problem.

   Lu Yu has been idle in the past few days. There are no restrictions on the subject matter of reading. He has studied a lot, and naturally he has also read books on breeding.

   In the duck pen belonging to the female ducks, all the ducks formed a circle, bowed their heads and pecked at the corn kernels in the trough, looking no different in spirit.

   But as the footsteps of several people approached, the female duck's movements increased significantly, seeming to be frightened.

   Lu Yu observed twice and asked, "Is there something wrong with the recent feed?"

   Lao Wang bent over to examine a female duck. He did not answer when he heard the words. He turned his eyes to Jiang Hao: "The duck's feed came from the old Zheng family, right?"


   Jiang Hao nodded: "After using it for so many years, I haven't changed it. There shouldn't be any problems with the data."

Lao Wang thought for a while, and he took out a handful of feed from the duck trough, put it in his hand and squeezed it, and then leaned close to the tip of his nose to smell it carefully, shook his head and said, "The feed is not damp, and the ratio is normal. It's all corn. Grains and soybean meal are not a matter of feed."

   As he said, Lao Wang's brows suddenly rose, and he was very embarrassed: "It's hard to say, even I can't see the problem..."

   "Huh?" Jiang Hao was taken aback and stamped his feet in a hurry: "What can I do then? This duck..."

   "Don't worry, it's not about feed or sickness, at least it proves to be a good thing." Old Wang said.

   Jiang Hao relaxed slightly, and breathed a long sigh of relief: "That's good, it's fine if you don't get sick... But it's not a way to drag it down like this!"

   Old Wang frowned, his eyes cast on the duck ring in front of him, and he sighed in distress, "It would be fine if the duck can talk! Now... alas, I have nothing to do. I can only look at it in a few days."

He does not mean that.

   Lu Yu, who was looking around, suddenly heard such a sentence, and was immediately startled.

   Yeah, ducks can talk, why didn’t I expect it?

   He slapped his forehead sharply, his brain flashed brightly.

   Although ducks are poultry, they are considered a kind of birds. After all, everyone has two feet and a pair of wings, right?

   Laozi’s title of "Bird King" is not for nothing, he can control thousands of birds, ducks... is no exception!

   Jianghao was so anxious that even the old king, whom he regarded as a life-saving straw, was frowning at this moment. He continued to check the duck ring for a while, but he still had no better clue.

   can only decide, go back and equip the female duck with some digestive agents, and wait a few days to see the situation.

   Even the animal husbandry expert Pharaoh is gone, what else can Jiang Hao say? The haze on his face is more dense, full of depression.

The two sent off the old queen together. Jiang Hao stood there blankly, and sighed helplessly for a while, sat down on the stone pier at the door, and sighed: "There is no way, I can only call and let the people above come. But in this way, it is estimated that I will not be able to leave the farm until I am discharged. I can't do this job well, so what face is there to fight the troops?"

   Looking at the expression on his face, he was extremely depressed, mourning and complaining, and lamenting why his fate is so unfair.

   Lu Yu couldn't help but smile: "Squad leader, I can't tell, you also have a heart to go to the battlefield!"

   Hearing Lu Yu calling himself the monitor, Jiang Hao was so excited, he almost didn't jump up, and waved his hand with a wry smile: "Chief, when is it all? You still use me to make fun..."

   He was full of resentment: "An official like you always calls me the squad leader. Is this appropriate?"

   Seeing that Jiang Hao turned his head anxiously about reducing the production of duck eggs, Lu Yu narrowed his smile and didn't feel embarrassed to joke.

   However, Jiang Hao then said to himself: "Actually, it doesn't matter what ambitions are, man, since he has come to serve as a soldier, who wants to run to the farm to raise ducks?"

He said, with a melancholy tone: "Who wouldn't really want to be a soldier capable of fighting? Say it, we are also proud! When I leave the army and go home, relatives and friends will ask me what major things I have done in the army. I can’t say that I have been a duckling for ten years!"


   Lu Yu twitched the corners of his mouth. These two words were so cleverly used that he almost didn't laugh.

   looked up and looked at Jiang Hao's self-pity and sorrow, and finally couldn't help but laugh.

   then scratched his head awkwardly, and quickly defended: "Well, I usually don't joke casually, but you look so funny..."

   It's okay not to explain. With this explanation, Jiang Hao's eyes are even more resentful, and his face is as dark as the bottom of a pot.

   Lu Yu smiled apologetically, it seems that what he said just now is a little bit heartbreaking!

   Of course, Lu Yu didn't want to really laugh at him. If he raises ducks, he raises ducks. What's the big deal?

  I learned a technique in the army. After I go back to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, I can at least support myself by this skill. What is there to be afraid of others laughing?

   Jianghao was worried and worried. He came to the army because he wanted to show off his skills, but he was sent to the farm and he was naturally not poor in his heart.

   But Lu Yu didn't think there was anything. Grass-roots officers and soldiers were the cornerstone of supporting the troops, and their role was no less than that of combat troops.

   Moreover, the army clearly stipulates that everyone is equal, and there is no high or low position.

   Even the elite soldiers of conventional combat troops may not be able to survive better than Jiang Hao's technical soldiers after they are discharged. Maybe they will be jealous and envious!

However, since he was repeatedly demanded by the latter, Lu Yu thought for a while, and simply said, "That's fine. I won't call you the squad leader. Don't call me the leader. These are all brothers on the farm. See you up, it's really meaningless to call these!"

   Jiang Hao bowed his head in approval, and muttered in a low voice: "Well, it's really boring..."

   "Haha, this is right!"

   Lu Yu laughed and put his arms around Jiang Hao's shoulders, and patted: "That's OK, don't yell like that in the future. For marginal characters like us, happiness is the most important thing."


   Jiang Hao's mouth twitched fiercely.

   Edge-fate-people-things -!

The four words    were like a sharp knife, which made him pierced once again in his bright heart.

   So angry!

   Did you mean it on purpose?

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