Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1347: The name of Ryzen is spread overseas

The meeting lasted until three o'clock in the morning before it finally ended, and everyone was relieved and left the venue one after another.

  Since I haven't seen Lu Yu for a long time, He Chenguang, Li Erniu, Wang Yanbing and others have surrounded Lu Yu at the moment, joking unscrupulously with each other.

   "Brother Yu, Sister-in-law An Ran has come to you several times, but Chief of Staff Fan told you not to reveal your whereabouts. He said it was a military secret. Seeing Sister-in-law An Ran looked a bit angry."

   "Brother Yu, how did you live on the farm? Are there any female soldiers? Isn't it pretty..."

   "I think you are thinking about skinning, will the female soldiers go to the farm to feed the pigs?"

   A few people are not afraid to make jokes.

  Lu Yu just smiled and looked at everyone. He hadn't seen these old guys for many days. He really missed it very much. Only by staying with them would Lu Yu let go of his burden.

   After chatting for a while, under the shadow of the corner outside the conference room, a figure walked quickly over, and it was Yuan Lang.

   "Captain, please stay!"

   "Oh, old Yuan, long time no see!"

   Lu Yu turned his head and smiled in response. At the same time, he waved his hands at He Chenguang and the others: "It's late. Go back first."

   "Okay, Brother Yu, I'll go back and make your bed first. I haven't slept for a while, so it's probably all covered with dust." Li Erniu showed pride and courage.

   "Oh, you silly cow, you usually look quite honest. This skill of sloppy and slapped horses is not as good as a pilot." Wang Yanbing joked.

   Li Erniu scratched his head: "Hey, it's all the captain's education!"

   Xu Tianlong stared at Li Erniu suddenly and said with a weird smile: "It is said in the movie that beautiful women are not credible. Now I have to add one, and the same goes for men who seem to be loyal!"

   It was the turn to hit others, Song Kaifei spared no effort to booze: "Yes, that's an honest person like Erniu."

   I sigh in my heart, I finally got rid of the hat of slacking off the beard and horses, Erniu, I'm sorry, you will take my place!

   Li Erniu, who was attacked by the group, was not ashamed, but proud of it, and said triumphantly: " are jealous! I will shoot the captain alone. If you want to shoot, you don't have a chance!"

   Insert a sentence, the reading app I am using recently has a lot of books, full of books, fast update!

   "Er Niu, you have changed, and you are no longer the innocent young Zhengtai you used to be. You were ruined by the pilot!" Wang Yanbing sighed.

   Song Kaifei unconvinced and compared a middle finger, the groove, why did it get on my head again?

   Is it only for the second cow?

   Friendship’s boat is turned over if it is turned over!

   A bunch of shameful bad silver...

   A few people hooked their shoulders on their backs, talking and laughing, and left.

   Seeing these guys leave, Yuan Lang smiled slightly: "Captain, long time no see, you are welcome to come back."

   Lu Yu turned around and asked, "By the way, the recent Ryzen training hasn't fallen yet, right?"

   "With me, don't worry, no one is lazy!" Yuan Lang smiled.

"I can rest assured that!"

   Lu Yu nodded, walked side by side with Yuan Lao, walked out of the meeting room, and the two chatted from time to time.

   In addition to the A Brigade and the Special Forces, this newly formed Ryzen Special Forces, Lu Yu also spent a lot of effort, of course, the necessary care must not be less.

   After a brief conversation, the two finally got to the point.

"During this period of time, Ryzen’s training strategy has not stopped. Follow your training plan and conduct actual combat drills on them from time to time, and cooperate with the local martial arts in jungle drug hunting battles, while training the actual combat capabilities of this group of recruits. , And also gained fame on several nearby smuggling routes."

   Yuan Lang slowly told Lu Yu about the recent situation of the Ryzen Special Team since these days.

   Lu Yu was also very satisfied with this.

  As a newly established special forces team, all members are recruits, but they can always stick to the front line with unprecedented decisive courage, relying on their own blood and strength to win tough battles, which is indeed very remarkable.

   In just two months, thanks to the efforts of the Ryzen Special Team, the scale of smuggling outside the territory has been reduced by 40%!

   This is a remarkable achievement. Lu Yu is proud of them. The Ryzen Special Team, with their indestructible fists and **** record, shattered the smugglers' tactics and demonstrated their indestructible will.

   But anyone who dares to violate this majesty must be prepared for death. There is no fluke!

   It is precisely the result of such victories, which has completely promoted the name of the Ryzen Special Team, so that those smugglers who hear the name Ryzen can't help but become pale.

   Speaking of this, Old Yuan turned around and said with a serious face: "So, I think Ryzen should be eligible to participate in this mission!"

   This is his real purpose for finding Lu Yu.

   Lu Yu nodded thoughtfully, facing Yuan Lang's scorching gaze, he also understood the latter's intention.

  He is here to fight!

   Team A is eligible to participate, as can Ryzen.

Lu Yu was silent, Yuan Lang took a deep breath, and continued: "Captain, although you are the commander of the Ryzen Special Team, I have witnessed their growth in the past few months! I dare to pack tickets, they will definitely be able to. But this matter still needs you to nod, Ryzen needs such a tough battle..."

   "I see." Before the other party could finish speaking, Lu Yu waved his hand to interrupt him.

Looking at the latter, Lu Yu said lightly: "You should know that this operation is different. Even the veteran units such as the Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company and the Tigers Special Forces Brigade have lost the battle, even if the special forces are jointly dispatched. , I am afraid it will not be done easily!

   "One more strength, one more Since Ryzen has such strength, if you don't say anything, I will also ask the above for instructions."

   Yuan Lang's eyes lit up: "Are you agreeing?"


   Lu Yu smiled and nodded: "I agree, but it's not that all the Ryzens are dispatched. At least one strength must be retained! I can't say how many people will die in this battle, so I will only take the Ryzen team."


   Yuan Lang's face was solemn, of course he knew Lu Yu's worries.

   This is not just a mission, but also a war that will kill people at any time. The difficulty is extraordinary.

   is not training soldiers, but fighting in the true sense.

   I learned from intelligence that the smugglers had excellent weapons and equipment, all of which were rice-style equipment, not even inferior to their special forces weapons, and well-trained.

  Who dares to hold the heart of contempt, I am afraid that this time the boat will really fall into the gutter, Lu Yu does not want to take the life of any of the team members to make a joke, be careful.

   "Well, you go back and prepare first. One day later, inform the Ruilong team and set off with us to southern Xinjiang."

   patted Yuan Lang on the shoulder, Lu Yu warned.


   Yuan Lang replied solemnly, turning and leaving under Lu Yu's eyes, and gradually disappeared into the dark night ahead.

   The darkness that is too thick to dissolve obstructs the penetration of all sight and light sources. It is like a huge mouth that swallows all things. It can’t see the way forward, and the unknown darkness makes the heart palpitations even more...

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