Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1357: I have never been so wronged

The sudden sharp howling pierced the sky.

   He Chenguang leaned back against a tree trunk, tightly holding the sniper rifle in his hand and shouted: "Be careful! There is also a sniper!"

   Hearing this shout, almost subconsciously, everyone on the scene threw themselves down and quickly searched for cover to escape.

   However, it was still half a beat!

  噗! puff!

   Two more bullets roared, which exploded in everyone's ears.

   The secret sniper didn't even have an aiming action. Such a quick response shooting action was enough to explain a lot of problems.

   The muffled sound of falling to the ground awakened many people.

   "Quick! Dodge!"

   "Save people!"

   Ryzen and Fire Phoenix, who were just about to go to the battlefield to clean up, were forced to quickly retreat and exit the battlefield.

   "Pistachio, kill the soul, don't be impulsive, all back!"

   Tan Xiaolin gave a solemn call, and led the team members to follow the s-shaped curve to quickly back to avoid being locked by the sniper.

   All the female soldiers did not dare to breathe. The sense of crisis that the secret sniper brought to them made everyone feel nervous.

   Lei Zhan squatted on the ground, shouting into the earphones: "A total of three shots. Who else was hit by one shot?"

   Everyone looked at each other and found that everyone around him was safe and sound.

   However, Li Erniu's sorrowful and angry cry suddenly came from the headphones: "Brother Yu, why did you get shot?"


  The person who was shot... was Lu Yu!

   Hearing this shout, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief, it seemed...somewhat difficult to accept such a result.

   In their eyes, Lu Yu has always been an invincible man. As long as he is there, all problems can be settled.

   How could it be killed by a small sniper bullet?

   No one believes it.

   can't believe this result either!

   "Brother Yu! How are you, Brother Yu? Hear, please reply... Captain!"

   He Chenguang yelled frantically in the headset, but he didn't get Lu Yu's response.

   No... this is impossible!

   Captain, he will be fine!

   This is the common thought of all people.

   Although they had the idea of ​​conviction, they never got Lu Yu's response in the earphones, making their hearts gradually cold.

   "Fuck, you bastard, your sister, I killed you!"

   Song Kaifei went straight away, picked up a light machine gun, and directed the bullet at the direction of the bullet, swooping frantically.

   "Come out, come out!"

   "The pilot is here, fight me!"


   Xu Tianlong yelled a little speechlessly: "Fuck! Pilot, you come back so quickly, the distance is too far, your machine gun can't hit him at all."

   "Brother Yu, I'll come."

   Another shout sounded, it was Wang Yanbing.

   After he rushed out of the bunker, he bent over and rushed to the place where Lu Yu had fallen, and ran away at top speed.

   Just when everyone fell to the ground angrily because Lu Yu was shot, suddenly, a familiar low voice came from their earphones.

   "Don't be impulsive, I'm fine!"

   "Brother Yu, great, are you really okay?"

   He Chenguang was madly surprised when he heard Lu Yu's sound and sound, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

   At this moment, Lu Yu was lying on a bumpy mud floor due to being'shot,' and could only communicate with everyone through headphones.

   "Everyone, be concealed, and don't move without my order! Grandma, I will find this sniper and dare to attack Lao Tzu, this **** is dead."

   Lu Yu’s sonorous and powerful voice penetrated into everyone's ears, containing a strong murderous aura.

   From the beginning to the end, he was the only one who named others for sniping. Has anyone ever been named?

   Dog day, this black gun is really impatient!

  I, Lu Yu, have never suffered such grievances!

  If that person is not found, what will his face be?

   In order to avoid disturbing the sniper, Lu Yu simply pretended to be lying on the ground, closed his eyes, and looked like a corpse from a distance.

  Although he was pretending to be dead, Lu Yu didn't do nothing. The perception of everything spread out quickly, directing the birds in the sky to conduct a comprehensive investigation to find out where the sniper was hiding.

   This sniper is quite patient and not easy to deal with!

   When all of his companions were killed, they didn't choose to expose themselves. This kind of forbearance is generally visible.

  His purpose is to use the life of his companion to find out the location of Lu Yu, and then, taking advantage of the relaxation period when the other party thinks that the enemy has been completely wiped out, he relentlessly launches a thunderous blow!

   Obviously, his ‘plan’ was successful.

   After Lu Yu fell to the ground after being'shot by a bullet', he lost his greatest threat. The sniper completely let go, and was able to shoot others by name.

   It's a big announcement, it's really good, it's worth installing, after all, there are many books, all books, and fast updates!


   I don’t know when, dark clouds covered the sky again, the rain forest seemed to plunge into darkness all at once, and heavy rain started again.

  Tropical rain forest climate is like a child’s face that changes when it changes. There are no rules at all.

   The sudden light attack of this torrential rain blocked the sight of the sniper, and also bought time for the retreat of the Fire Phoenix and Xiaolong.

   噗噗噗...... the bullet penetrated the rain curtain, but due to external factors, it is unknown whether it hit the target.

   The rain is so fierce that it has almost formed a rain curtain between the sky and the earth, and the rainforest is watered by the rain.

   It may be God's help, the rain blurred vision, everyone took the opportunity to retreat to the back of the pull-ups, holding their breath, not dare to easily appear.

   During the retreat, someone was inevitably injured. For example, Ye Cunxin was penetrated by a bullet in his calf and lost contact.

   The blood flowed down the calf, dripped onto the ground, and was washed away by the rain. The puddle underneath was dyed red, and he lost his combat effectiveness.

  The only sniper left in the caravan at this But even if he is alone, the pressure brought is no less than the previous fierce battle.

   An ultra-long-range sniper shooter with precise marksmanship. As long as he does not reveal his position, he can almost control the situation of the entire battlefield, creating infinite panic for everyone.

   Under this kind of panic attack, everyone had to retreat temporarily, hid carefully, and did not dare to move around at will.

   At the scene, the stalemate continued. Because the sniper was interrupted by the rain, both sides stopped each other, and no one shot.

   There are two special patrol team members who want to take advantage of the opportunity brought by the heavy rain to move the injured Chang Baoqiang from the position.



   A sharp scream cut through the rain curtain, bringing up a puff of blood to bloom.

   But it was quickly wiped out by the rain, except for the bright red that spread in the water, as if nothing happened.

   "Damn, please don't move!"

   On the hillside, Chang Baoqiang cursed in a low voice.

   But the voice did not fall, Yuan Lang's slightly low voice suddenly resounded in everyone's ears.

   "It's not right, even the best sniper in the world, it is impossible for such a long distance, in the face of such a light attack, to be able to call everyone one by one with ease."

   "It everyone's position, it seems to be completely exposed under his eyelids!"

   Hearing this, everyone's faces have changed!

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