Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1365: The military **** is out, who will fight for the front! (two)

At this moment, none of the students noticed what happened in the command room. Two smiling faces were reflected outside the translucent glass window outside.

  The deputy chief smiled kindly, and greeted the young man beside him respectfully and asked: "Lu Brigade, I heard that Yu Dalei was your soldier before?"

   Lu Yu nodded and smiled: "Not bad!"

  The deputy dean chuckled, and stopped asking more questions, but continued on business affairs: "Then I will leave it to you here, I will call people out, and we will leave on time at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

   "You Lao Dean." Lu Yu nodded with a smile.

   After the publicity, the deputy dean turned and left.

   "Go, mighty general, let's go in and take a look!"

   Lu Yu yelled, patted the head of the mighty general beside him, pushed open the door of the command room, and strode in.

   At this moment, the students in the command room have also written suicide notes one after another, and the instructor put their letters in order and sealed them.

After   , these letters will be put into the safe in a unified way. The safe will be secretly guarded before everyone returns from the task, and the letterhead will not be made public!

   Lu Yu pushed the door and walked in. The teacher at the door saw the shining star on his shoulder, immediately recognized his identity, stood at attention, and saluted: "Head, hello, all my students will be handed over to you."

   Lu Yu replied: "Don't worry, I will take care of their safety!"

   At this time, the students all sat in their respective positions, and found that one person and one dog suddenly appeared in the command room, and they all looked over.

After a while, Lu Yu immediately became the focus of the audience.

   The straight suit set off Lu Yu's extraordinary and handsome face, combined with the dazzling star and tie on his shoulders, all the students couldn't help but stare wide and exclaimed collectively.

   "Fuck! Or a one-star leader?"

   "Such a big cadre, actually come to us?"

   "Really? You read that right, he is not much older than us at his age. Isn't he a civilian cadre from the military?"

   "Impossible! Look at it for yourself, these are real officers with real power, all of the same rank as our dean!"

   Lu Yu's arrival caused all the students to whisper to each other, all with incredibly shocked expressions.

   When has the domestic military rank increased so easily?

   A one-star leader in his twenties, this...this is too **** bullshit!

   It was obvious that they were about the same age, but they had already been flying into the sky on a rocket. Even if they graduated, they would be a lieutenant rank at best.

   In fact, in most cases, only a few outstanding students can be awarded the rank of lieutenant, and ordinary students only benefit from it.

   But the reality in front of them slapped them severely. When someone was growing up with them, they were already promoted to the leader. The difference between the clouds and mud is comparable to Haoyue and Yinghuo!

   is really better than people, so angry.

   The air was filled with the envy, jealousy and hatred unique to lemon essence, and the atmosphere became subtle.

"If you want to improve your military rank in the peaceful era, it’s not enough to have a relationship. You have to show solid military merits. At least, you need two first-class merits before you can barely be promoted to a school officer. But how old is he and why he is worthy of merit? ?"

   "Where did that guy get the fake military rank, come to us to bluff?"

   "Isn't it possible, who has such a bold personality, dare to come to the Army Academy to pretend to be forced, don't you want to live?"

   "You guys, keep your voice down! Don't be heard. Didn't you see that even the instructors respect him? It's a fake? Can you be more brainy!" someone reminded speechlessly.

   A group of students discussed each other, and the atmosphere was also slightly noisy.

  Mingming was told just now that the anxiety he had caused when writing his suicide note was inexplicably broken due to the arrival of Lu Yu, and everyone's attention was focused on him.

   To be precise, it was placed on the golden star on Lu Yu's shoulder, and it literally blinded a 24k titanium alloy dog's eye.

   Of course, not everyone seems so crazy.

   One person in the crowd remained very calm, slightly silent, especially after seeing Lu Yu's familiar face, after a moment of astonishment, a subtle smile appeared on his face.

   Lu Yu saw Yu Dalei who was incompatible with the surrounding atmosphere for the first time, and said hello to him with a smile.

   "Oh, Yu Dalei, you are still doing pretty well here, and you have all been promoted to excellent students in the military academy!"

   Yu Da Lei scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly: "Hehe, isn't this thanks to the chance you gave, the captain? Without your cultivation, how can I be who I am now?"

   "Stop flattering, don't learn from anyone!" Lu Yu laughed and joked, "By the way, why didn't you see Luo Xing boy?"

   Yu Da Lei said: "Brother Star is in the first phase. I am one level lower than him. I am a second phase student. He will not participate in this event."

   "I said why I didn't see him, I wouldn't have fallen like this!" Lu Yu said in a daze.

At this time, the instructor also walked to the podium, pointed to Lu Yu, and introduced to all the students: "This is the commander of the special forces battalion who came from Brigade A to cooperate with our operation. He is also your chief instructor, Chief Lu. Applause everyone. welcome!"


   The students applauded enthusiastically.

   But after the applause fell, Lu Yu's identity as the captain of the special forces once again had a strong impact on everyone's heart.

   If Lu Yu's previous military rank symbolizes his status, then the post of the commander of the special forces is the real power representative!

   Especially for students of military academies like them, the word special forces is full of supreme sacredness, and no one does not yearn for it.

   "Special Forces Commander? What a good one?"

   "I was so The commanders of the special forces have been transferred over. What are we going to do in this mission?"

   "Yu Dalei, see Chief Lu talking to you just now, do you know each other?"

   Someone turned their gaze to Da Lei and asked curiously.

   Yu Dalei was still calm and unwavering, facing everyone's questions, he didn't say too much, just gave a simple sentence.

   "His code name is Shura!"


   Is he Shura?

   hiss...Everyone gasped.

   All the people looked at Lu Yu, their eyes changed.

The code name    Shura has almost resounded across all major military regions across the country, including their Army Academy!

   In the evacuation operation of Ivia that year, he and the Jiaolong Commando teamed up to complete the arduous task that was hailed as impossible and completely wiped out the arrogant group of mercenaries.

   Also, he personally destroyed K2, smashed the black cat's frenzied gas bomb project, and was regarded as the contemporary military **** by countless enthusiastic youths across the country. There has never been a war he cannot win.

   What they never expected was that today, they actually saw Lu Yu alive? !

   surprised everyone even more. The latter's appearance is not inferior to those popular male stars.

   Obviously, you can eat on your face, but it depends on combat power.

   is really a military god, who will fight for the front!


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