Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1371: Master Gou teaches you how to be a human (8)

The killer is holding a m700, which is a small firepower sniper rifle commonly known as "bird sniper". Although its power cannot be compared with a heavy sniper rifle such as Barrett, it is better than lightness and convenient for the sniper to move at all times.

   The moment the black shadow rushed forward, the sniper seemed to be aware of the danger. The danger was approaching. He rolled in an instant, and quickly avoided from the grass.

  While turning it over, he threw away the sniper rifle that was impeded by melee combat, quickly took out a pistol from his waist, and fired at the target.

   Unfortunately, what he encountered was not an ordinary army dog. The mighty generals are so fast now that they are hard to catch with the naked eye.

   What caught the killer's eyes was only a black shadow flashing by, and disappeared again.

   In the next second, the killer suddenly widened his eyes!

   The disappearing black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, accompanied by a low dog bark, a big mouth with a blood basin and sharp teeth, before he could react, he bit his gun on his wrist.

   The sharp fangs pierced into the flesh and blood, and the back of his hand was instantly bloody.


   The killer screamed miserably, blood flowed across his arm.

   "Dead beasts, get out!"

   "Damn, dog stuff, dare to bite me!"

   The killer yelled bitterly, and waved his arms violently, trying to throw the mighty general out.

   But how did he know that once a mighty general bit his prey, he would swear to his death.


   Listening to the killer's screams and curses, the mighty general grinned, and the dog's eyes burst with fierce fierce light.

  Mom, what a dog, who is a dog? Today Grandpa Dog teaches you how to be a man!

   It is also not to be indecent. Today, the dog master will let you know what is the state of etiquette!

   If you curse, the dog will bite you, and if you dare to jump around, the dog will bite off your third leg.

   Come on, keep calling!


   Under the severe pain, the killer's brain received waves of strong shocks, unable to bear it, and struggling indiscriminately to pull the trigger.


   The bullet flew out and flew past the head of the mighty general's dog.

   However, the dog's mouth that was biting the killer's arm did not loosen a bit, and even the sharp teeth went deeper, like a trap that clamped the prey, unbreakable!

   The corners of the mighty general's mouth were upturned with a hint of sarcasm, and he increased his strength, and his sharp teeth seemed to pierce the muscles of his arms.

   "Ouch, Master Dog, Master Dog! I was wrong... Let me go, I hurt you so much, can you just relax?"

  The killer couldn't bear it anymore, and while screaming, he begged grandpa to beg grandma for mercy. He even took out a half of ham from his trouser pocket with the other hand and placed it in front of the mighty general's nose to entice him.

   Seeing the ham, the eyes of the mighty general's dogs twitched around, and the teeth seemed to loosen.

   The killer is happy, there is a show!

   Wow, I dare to bite Lao Tzu so badly, as long as I let go, I will kill you, peeling and roasting you meat.

   He continued to seduce him with ham sausage, but two wisps of murderous intent were shot from deep under his eyes. When the mighty general released his mouth, he exploded its dog's head with a bullet.

   The mighty general's small eyes rolled around twice, and his mouth was slowly released, his expression was still a vicious look, so that the killer did not dare to act rashly.

   The thick and sharp teeth were slowly pulled out from the bitten muscle tissue, and the whole arm showed a hideous wound, blood and blood, with deep bones visible!

   In the next second, the killer shot a fierce face in his eyes, and while throwing away the ham, he held the pistol tightly with his hand, put his finger on the trigger, with a wicked smile on his face.

   "Stupid dog, die to Lao Tzu!"

   With a roar, he must pull the trigger and blow the dog's head.

   At the moment when the voice fell, the assassin fought a cold war all over his body for no reason, because he actually saw a trace of sarcasm and abuse in the eyes of the beast in front of him.

   I wipe it!

   What the hell?

  A dog would actually taunt him.

  Is this dog fine?

   At this assassin's stunned moment, the mighty general kicked four hoofs, once again turned into black lightning, and galloped behind him.

  The killer was covered in cold hair, and turned his head subconsciously!


A figure like a black dragon descended from the sky and rushed towards his back. The killer had no time to dodge. Under his horrified and desperate eyes, he could only watch the uncle dog, open his sharp fangs and rattle. A crisp sound, bit through his throat.


   The blood floated out like a fountain, dyeing the whole ground red.

   The killer only felt the huge darkness hit, he snorted, and fell to the ground unwillingly, his expression distorted.

   This internationally renowned assassin has assassinated many high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen in the world, but he did not look down on him, and he was killed by a dog!

   Such a funny way of death, it is estimated that there are no snipers in the world like him.

   is so awkward...

   The mighty general who was trained by Lu Yu, knows that he will never be soft when he treats the enemy. This mouth directly bites the killer's neck bone.

   The mighty general curled his lips and looked at the assassin's corpse lying aside. The dog's eyes showed deep disdain, and he raised his head high and arrogantly coldly snort!

  嗤...Is this the first time you came out to mix? Are Oumen Army Dogs so easy to bribe?

   I really want to use half of the ham to buy the uncle dog, do you look down on this dog?

   is so stupid, if you don’t die, who will die!

   The mighty general leaned over, lowered his head and sniffed the ham sausage that had fallen on the ground, and found that poison was still fed inside, making the dog's eyes even more angry.

   Wipe! I also want to poison Lord Gou, and don't whip the corpse for you, it's hard to get rid of the nasty anger in my mouth. UU reading

   The mighty general thought fiercely, and went directly to the killer's corpse, lifted his dog's legs and gave a **** of yellow dog urine, and then left contentedly.

   bang bang bang!

Da da da!

   In the mountains and forests, fierce gunfire is still echoing.

   You come and I go between the two sides, the bullets between the pistol, rifle and the micro-charge shuttle back and forth, exploding and tearing the sky.

   Facing this group of students who had never been on a real battlefield, they panicked from the beginning, and then gradually became calm, forced to get used to it under the rain of bullets.

   There is no way, I can only force myself to adapt!

   If anyone dared to turn around and run away at this time, or if there was a little hesitation and hesitation, then he could be killed by a bullet at any time.

   No one wants to die, let alone wait for death, they can only fight back.

  Only by annihilating this group of enemies in front of them, will they not be killed by the bullets chasing up from behind the buttocks.

   Fortunately, these students are the best in the Army Academy. They have no lack of technical skills, but they have never experienced actual combat tests.

   Under the pressure of the war, their original shooting level was immediately brought into full play and finally suppressed the enemy's firepower.

  Between the two sides, the contest between you and me has begun!

   After paying a great price, he finally forced the opponent from the bulletproof car. With such a good opportunity, it is naturally impossible for the gangsters to let go, and the firepower output has become more and more fierce.

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