Yu Dalei turned his head, looked at Lu Yu who had just put down his sniper rifle, and nodded at him.

   "Thanks!" Yu Dalei waved his hand.

   Several scouts threw smoke bombs at the same time. Under the cover of smoke and firepower, they continued to charge forward with everyone, putting extremely strong pressure on their opponents.


   bark bark!

   Lu Yu released the other dog brothers, and under the leadership of the mighty general, traversed through the rain of bullets, picking those who were alone, and screaming with one bite, and they cooperated very tacitly.

   The killers were forced to breathe out, and they kept moving to the back of the position, almost wanting to give up and retreat.

  Even the most dangerous killer organization in the world, it is difficult to exert its full strength here.

   After a series of collisions, the gap between the two sides has become more and more obvious. The first is the disadvantage of weapons. In the first round of charge, it caused a great impact on the psychology of the killer members.

   Once a seed of failure is planted in my heart, then the final collapse is not far away.

   "Mad, the information is wrong, and a bunch of hard stubbles have damaged more than a dozen brothers. This deal is not a good deal, so we should withdraw quickly."

   "Withdraw, withdraw quickly!"

   An angry shout came from within the camp, followed by a sharp whistle, spreading across the mountains and forests.

   They began to fight and retreat in an orderly manner.

   Seeing the opponent retreating like a tide, Yu Dalei didn't dare to chase him rashly, waved his hand to stop the advancing team.

   "Stop chasing!"

   From the beginning to the end of the battle, Lu Yu, who had never made a move, but looked down at the entire battle, raised the apple in his hand, clicked, and threw away the remaining core.

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   "Be optimistic, don't let him run away!"

   These words were obviously addressed to Li Guangyong.


   Li Guangyong straightened his body immediately, saluting with a serious face.

   Lu Yu nodded, his figure flashed, and he hurriedly chased in the direction where the killer was retreating.

  Since I am here, I still want to retreat without any damage. Is there such a good thing?

   You have to leave something behind!

   The handed down skills that had been withdrawn last time almost completely consumed the millions of merits that Lu Yu had accumulated with great difficulty.

   Facing these merit points delivered to the door, how could he let it slip under his nose for nothing?

   Ha ha, save your life!


   More than an hour later, a dark cloud gathered in the sky again, and this rural road was watered by patters of rain.

   The convoy restarted. Lu Yu, who had been chased out halfway, returned to the car like an okay person, and began to close his eyes and rest on his seat.

   Seeing his indifferent appearance, Yu Dalei and Li Guangyong looked at each other. At this moment, besides a lot of rain, the latter also had a faint smell of blood.

   The two remained silent and continued to hold the steel guns tightly on the left and the right, guarding Liu Chuanfeng, who was in handcuffs in the middle.

   Liu Chuanfeng looked through the front rear-view mirror and looked at the young handsome girl in the mirror, with a slightly calm side face, but he couldn't help being surprised.

   From his own point of view, whether it is a scout ten years ago or everything he has experienced since he embarked on the path of crime, there are not more than a hundred people who died in his hands, but there are also dozens.

But in any case, to kill is to wipe a living life from this world. Even if he has been accustomed to licking blood from the knife, he cannot be the young man in the co-pilot after he kills. The wind is light and the clouds are like people, it's like going for a walk.

   This calm and calm mind, like a daily meal, really shocked him.

   Although Lu Yu didn't say anything when he came back, everyone in the car knew where he was just now? What happened?

   Those who retreated, I am afraid, there are no more left at this moment, all turned into cold corpses.

   Liu Chuanfeng frowned gradually without a trace, and the blood in his heart surged through the meridians, and his heart was extremely shocked!

   This is the special forces?

   He saw it in a real sense today.

   Indeed, it is not admirable!

   It's so tough.

   If you could also enter the special forces through selection, I am afraid you will become a real professional soldier, right?

   Maybe, his fate will be changed, and he will not embark on a criminal path like today.

   Unfortunately, there is no if.

   Liu Chuanfeng sighed sadly, smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, but said nothing more.

   After the baptism of the battle just now, these fledgling students have already had a fierce spirit on them. Compared with the tension when they got in the car before, they have long disappeared.

   As for the corpses stranded in the suburbs, several scouts acting as drivers contacted Lu Yuan before they set off, and they secretly sent someone to clean them up.

   This kind of thing must never be exposed, otherwise, it will only cause a greater sensation!

  The next journey was smooth sailing, and there were no uninvited guests to interrupt, the atmosphere was dull, and it made people almost drowsy.

   Li Guangyong looked towards Yu Dalei. After several psychological struggles, he finally said: "Yu Dalei, I admit that I am not as good as you!"

   Yu Dalei was stunned, and turned his head to look at Li Guangyong in surprise.

   At this moment, Li Guangyong had already retracted his gaze and looked forward, as if he hadn't said anything just now.

The corner of Yu Dalei's mouth turned upward with a radian, and he stared at Li Guangyong with profound meaning. He did not expect that this same excellent contemporaneous student had always been a man with a higher heart than the sky, and he would actually have a time to admit it. ?

Of course, this is nothing to be proud of. His own weight is very clear to Da Lei. He is only more experienced than the latter on the battlefield ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And when he first fought, even Li Guangyong Not as good as.

   "To be honest, I regret it a bit!"

   Although Li Guangyong was not looking at him, Yu Dalei knew that this was what he said to him.

   "Oh, what do you regret?" Yu Dalei asked.

   "I didn't write that suicide note, the letter I turned in was blank."

   Yu Da Lei was stunned: "Why?"

   Li Guangyong replied without any hesitation: "Before today, I have always had confidence in myself, and felt that even if it was on the battlefield, bullets would not kill me! But..."

As he said, he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Everything that happened today made me completely aware of myself! I'm just a self-righteous bastard. Before, I always thought I was different, but in fact, I was a coward who flinched. Bullets on the battlefield will not hide from people at all. If there is a task next time, I will definitely write everything I want to say on paper, so as not to leave any regrets in my life."

  The co-pilot position.

   Lu Yu still closed his eyes and fell asleep, ignoring everything around him.

   The mighty general squatted beside him and continued to dismantle the sofa chair persistently and seriously.

   Liu Chuanfeng's gaze circled around the two juniors, nodded with a smile, and closed his eyes with confidence.

   Talented people come out from generation to generation, and new generations are replaced by old ones!

   The era that belonged to him has passed, but a brand new era has arrived.

   The will of a soldier will never be obliterated.

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