Seeing the warden's serious face, Lu Yu curled his lips, saying that he was really an old straight man, without any sentiment.

   "Hehe, just kidding, don't take it seriously!"

The warden naturally knew that Lu Yu was joking, but he couldn't help but said: "This kind of joke is best to be avoided in the future. Since we are wearing military uniforms, don't tarnish it. Besides, from your perspective, those women outside will look at it. Got it?"

   Lu Yu laughed, did not say much, just put his arms around the warden's shoulders, and under the admiring eyes of the guards around, the two slowly walked towards the office.

   "Hey, who would have thought that this kid who looks younger than us can be so powerful!"

  Recommended, really good, it is worth installing, after all, you can cache books and read them offline!

   "Yes, when the boss didn't do it, I thought he was a civilian cadre from a military art school. He looked more handsome than the little fresh meat on TV."

   "Can your little fresh meat beat our Lin team? I have decided. Starting today, the Lu team will be my idol!"

   "I didn't mean that, I just said that he looks too confusing, he doesn't look like someone who has been on the battlefield..."

   "Hehe, that's because your eyesight is not good, and the expert will know if there is any!"


   Staring at Lu Yu's fading back, whispers from the team, both in and out of the words were all admiration for Lu Yu, and the skill that the latter showed today completely convinced them.

   In the army, speak with strength!

  Whoever has strong ability can be respected by others.

   The enthusiastic discussion has not ended, but has intensified, but this is not what Lu Yu can know.

   Back to the office, the warden took out two bottles of iced Coke from the refrigerator and threw a bottle to Lu Yu.


   He opened the cork, and after violent fighting exercises, he ate a can of iced Coke, and the refreshing sensation was cold from head to toe.

   The heart is so cool, the heart is flying!

   "Sit down!"

   The warden drank a drink, greeted Lu Yu to sit down in a random place, and then he did not touch the Coke, and asked in confusion, "Eh, why don't you drink it?"

   Lu Yu shrugged: "This thing has too much sugar. I used to like to drink it, but since I became a soldier, I rarely touch it. I'm getting older!"

   The warden couldn't help but roll his eyes: "As it is said, you are only in your early twenties. If you are also called older, then those of us who have lived for half a lifetime shouldn't enter the coffin?"

   "You young people now like to pretend to be deep, and they are more vicissitudes of life than me."

   He sipped his Coke and sighed.

   Lu Yu didn't explain much, he just smiled disapprovingly, and then said to the point: "Brigade Lin, you left me here, shouldn't you just try my hardship, is there any task?"

   Hearing this, the warden couldn't help looking at Lu Yu in surprise, and after a moment of indulgence, he slowly put down the can in his hand: "As expected of a young and promising, you really are a smart man!"

He sighed slightly, and then he nodded: "Yes! Let you stay here, in fact, I discussed with Lao He. There is indeed a special task for you. As for the content, I can also ask you a little bit. Tell me about it."

As he said, the warden stood up straight and looked at Lu Yu: "Because you are young, it will be very convenient to change the file! There is a tricky guy in our prison. I hope you can get close to him and get out of it. useful information."

   "And who this person is, don't rush to tell you, we don't plan to let you pretend to enter the jail now, and say hello in advance, so that you can be prepared."

   "As for the specific tasks, it won't be too late to discuss the marksmanship when the comparison is finished tomorrow!"


   was talking, suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

   "Team Lin, we will bring you and the Marine Corps dinner!" Outside the door, the voice of the guard rang.

"Come in!"

   Lin Brigade greeted and asked the guards to bring the food in, and smiled and said to Lu Yu: "Come on, eat first. Although my prison is deserted, the chef's craftsmanship is amazing, I promise to let you linger!"

   "Hehe, it's better to be respectful than fate!"

   Lu Yu smiled slightly and sat down with Lin Brigade.


   pushed open the door, and the guard company soldiers waiting outside walked in with the cooked food one by one.

   Plates of delicious and fragrant delicacies were put on the table one after another.

   As the saying goes, it’s great to have friends coming from afar!

   For Lu Yu, a young man who was more than 20 years younger than himself, the Lin team felt it was late to meet each other.

  Especially after a test between the two, I even felt that I didn't know each other. I deliberately took out the good wine I had collected for many years from the cabinet to welcome this year-end acquaintance and have a few drinks.

   When all the dishes were brought up, there was a table full of them. There were a total of eight dishes and one soup, a combination of meat and vegetables, chicken, duck and fish, and the aroma was very rich.

  Drinking, wine is the key, it doesn't matter whether there is a staple food or not!

   "It's so rich, today, I'm in your light!"

   Looking at a table full of dishes, Lu Yu smiled and said something polite.

   "Come on, drink!"

   Lin Brigade smiled slightly, opened the Pear Blossom Spring that he had treasured for many years, and poured two small ceramic wine glasses into each.

   The clear liquor rippled slightly in the ceramic cup, rippling in layers, like the dew of autumn, the office smelled of refreshing wine.

   Lu Yu's eyes suddenly lit up when he smelled the delicate fragrance, and even he, who didn't drink much, felt refreshed.

   "Ewha Chun? Good wine!"

   Listening to Lu Yu uttering the name of the wine, the smile on Team Lin's face was a bit stronger.

   "Oh, the nose is very pointed! Alcohol is forbidden in our do you smell it?"

Lu Yu laughed. He picked up the wine glass and put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it. His face was intoxicated: "The red-sleeved woven silk boasted the persimmon stalks, and the Qingqi wine took advantage of the pear blossoms. When the pear blossoms are ripe, the square name is'Pear blossom Chun', this is what I read from the book!"

   After finishing speaking, he brought the wine glass to his lips, took a small sip, and a faint pink on his face.

  Although the special forces usually have a prohibition on alcohol, soldiers are not allowed to drink alcohol, and smoking is the same, and it is strictly forbidden.

  Alcohol and nicotine will reduce the body's nerve response and paralyze the brain. As a special force in conventional operations, it must be vigilant and on standby at all times to deal with all possible crisis situations.

   Therefore, all micro-toxins such as alcohol and nicotine that are harmful to the human body must be strictly prohibited.

   Although Lu Yu has drunk a lot of wine, he really hasn't touched Lihua Village.

   However, what he said is not a mere confession. Haven't eaten pork, haven't seen a pig run?

   Nowadays, his physique is not comparable to that of ordinary people. If he wants to, the alcohol he drank can be quickly consumed without causing harm to the body at all.

   As for the Lin Brigade, who left the special forces a long time ago, it is also not affected by Prohibition.

   Moreover, in this barren mountain prison, the emperor is far away, even if he drinks alcohol, he will not know.

   But it was also because of Lu Yu's arrival that Lin Brigade was so happy that he would bring out the fine wine from his collection, and he wouldn't drink much normally.

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