Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1384: Jin Chan escaped from the no man's land

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Quincy's gaze fell on Ouyang Long, and when he saw that the latter had no intention of making a move, he gritted his teeth immediately.

Although he felt that Lu Yu was very good, he thought of the importance of his group plan, even if there were no variables at all, otherwise, he would lose all his previous efforts.

"Okay, let me see how powerful Shura is!"

Quincy's face was slightly dark, and he gave a light sip, regardless of his own injury, like a wolf in a beast fight, rushed towards Lu Yu.


Lu Yu looked at Quincy rushing towards him with a little surprise, with a few jokes in the corners of his mouth.

In this case, they still dare to do it. It seems that this secret is not generally important to them!

Soon, Quincy saw the gap between himself and Lu Yu.

After close contact, he felt the horror of the young man in front of him more and more.

The previous posture that worked well in front of Ouyang Long didn't work for Lu Yu at all, and he couldn't even match three moves, so the latter easily broke the defense and squeezed the main artery in his neck.

That sturdy and powerful hand made Quincy no doubt that his mission in this world could be completely ended with just a little effort.

Lu Yu just squeezed him like this, without letting go, and raised his eyebrows as if pinching a little chicken: "How about it?"

"Take it, I take it!"

Quincy blushed and gave up altogether.

Those who know the current affairs are brilliant, and Quincy understands this!

This is also his way of doing things.

If the opponent is just a little better than him, or if the strength between the two parties is similar, there is still room for struggle. If the two are separated by the same distance, they can only accept their fate.

Seeing Quinxi's defeat, Lu Yu didn't embarrass him any more, so he let go.

The feeling that Quincy gave Lu Yu seemed to be very good at calculating, but no matter how he calculated, the gap between strengths could never be filled.

With a single force reduction for ten guilds, in front of a strength that is thousands of times stronger than his own, any tactics appear pale and weak.

What's more, Lu Yu just wanted to keep him quiet, and didn't want to do anything to him, let alone doubt his existence.

After experiencing Lu Yu's horror, Quincy, who was pinched and put down, instantly hid herself in the corner of the room farthest from Lu Yu, with fear in her eyes.

Facing Lu Yu's strong deterrence, Quincy stayed quietly for half an hour. Later, she couldn't restrain her temper. She quietly raised her eyes and looked at Lu Yu, who was leaning against the wall and closed his eyes and meditated, and then looked at the side who was meditating cross-legged. Ouyang Long, who said nothing, sighed helplessly in his heart.

They are all big guys, and I can't afford to provoke them!

After hesitating for a while, Quincy organized the language in his heart. After repeated confirmation, he said carefully: "You don't ask me, how do you get out?"

Ouyang Long, who was sitting cross-legged, was indifferent, as if he hadn't heard him at all. Instead, Lu Yu opened his eyes with interest and looked at this guy curiously.

Logically speaking, a three-legged cat like Quincy's kung fu with body method, plus an Ouyang dragon and himself, is definitely an exceptionally eye-catching existence.

He was very curious, what kind of method their mysterious team would take to get rid of the golden cicada from the uninhabited area with copper walls and iron walls without attracting anyone's attention?

Seeing Lu Yu looking at him, he was obviously interested in what he said, and Quincy couldn't help being excited from the bottom of his heart.

As soon as he came in, the tyrant's attitude towards Shura could tell that the relationship between the two was by no means ordinary.

At the beginning, he worked with the tyrant for three years, and he had a thorough understanding of the latter's temperament. He had never seen the tyrant get along with a stranger so calmly.

From the subtle attitude of the tyrant and the relationship between the two, it is not difficult to derive something. Moreover, the tyrant has never intended to avoid Lu Yu for all the actions in their plan this time. It is estimated that the red fly has a headache. That's it!

But what do you want to worry about?

Still keep my life honestly, thinking about how to escape.

After figuring this out, Quincy no longer struggled, and a bright smile appeared on his face again: "Hey, for the tyrant and Shura, you can leave this ghost place in dignity, but I forgot to sleep and eat, and worked hard, I thought of a top-secret plan. ."

"In the five years before and after, we sent a total of 15 prisoners to the prison, and these people, due to the size of the crime committed or other various reasons, will be placed in different cells. Their task is only One, one after another, caused incidents in these cells, and then while the prison guards entered the cell to deal with the corpses, they secretly touched fingerprints and pupil information from them!"

Speaking of this, Quincy’s eyes flashed with intense excitement: “Of course, the most difficult information to obtain is the warden surnamed Lin. In order to lure him to the bait, we have damaged a dozen people and created a very big It was the confusion that led him. After a series of hardships, he finally got his information and found the code for unlocking this cell."

"Tomorrow, you don't have to do anything. We have already arranged everything. Just change this suit and you can leave the prison no-man's land in an open manner."

In the blink of an eye, the goods took out two prison guard clothes from behind and threw them to Lu Yu and Ouyang Long. He also gave Ouyang Long a pair of scissors and a razor.

Lu Yu sighed secretly, it would be a shame not to do magic!

His gaze fell on the prison guard uniform, and apart from anything else, he walked over and picked it up on his body, looking like he was about to change his clothes.

But Mingren could see that the clothes didn't fit his body.

Lu Yu suddenly appeared here yesterday, completely beyond their plan. The clothes should be prepared by Quincy for him. If he walks out of this place wearing clothes, there is a big problem at first sight.

If you want to successfully escape from no man's land, you can only rely on your own ability!

Thinking of this, Lu Yu slightly narrowed his There was a touch of coldness in it.

Hehe, do you want to test yourself?

After Lu Yu's last thoughtful look came over, Quincy couldn't help but fought a cold war, too scared to say a word.

But from the bottom of my heart, he cursed secretly, **** Red Fly, even if you want to test his ability, can't you wait for you to come after you meet? I have to drag me into the water and threaten me with my treasury. That is the guarantee for the rest of my life!

Ahhh, he must have found out, the boss found out that I was testing him! !

Red fly, you are a bad guy, go to death! I curse you, you will be slapped to death by Shura tomorrow! Ah ah ah ah ah……!

Early the next morning, Quincy was frightened and prepared to endure the anger from Shura.

However, a scene that he didn't expect at all happened.

Shura... disappeared.

At this moment, the person who appeared in front of him and Ouyang Long turned out to be the warden Lin Brigade of the no man's land prison!

what happened? Why does the warden appear here? !

It's over!

Is the plan going to fail?

Quincy's heart fell to the bottom...

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